When Lin Jia returned home, the door was open.

Lin Xiaozheng was standing on the balcony, looking at the sun looming outside, his face full of surprise.

As an ordinary person, Lin Xiao didn’t know the deep meaning of the sudden appearance of the sun at midnight, but he regarded it as a rare wonder.

Not only is she, many people around the house have stepped out of the door at this moment, and are enjoying the wonders of this rarely seen.

They clearly didn’t know what it meant, and were still guessing wildly there.

“Qinger, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing Chen Qing running back from the outside, Lin Xiao was surprised, looking at the ugly expression on Chen Qing’s face, and immediately asked: “Who bullied you?”

As simple as it used to be, Chen Qing’s ears were so sweet at the moment, almost sore to her nose, that she almost couldn’t hold back her desire to cry.


She looked at Lin Xiao for a long time, and seemed to want to remember Lin Xiao’s appearance forever.

“Girl, what’s wrong?”

Looking at Chen Qing’s appearance, Lin Xiao asked strangely.

“No … nothing …”

Resisting the urge to cry, Chen Qing barely laughed, without saying the real reason, but instead asked, “What about Yaduo?”

“He’s reading in the living room.”

Lin Xiao laughed: “This child has been working a lot recently.”

“Are you still reading …”

Chen Qingqiang resisted the urge to cry, and spoke with a feeling of “I do n’t know what to read, at least not to worry about his studies in the future …”


Lin Jia nodded said, “Don’t stand below, come to the balcony.”

“I’ll make some supper for you and make your favorite red bean soup.”

Chen Qing was silent nodded and finally went upstairs alone.

In the living room, he saw Adier holding a book and read it carefully. He watched him there for a long time, and finally opened the mouth and said: “Ado …”


Adier looked up, looked at Chen Qing with a doubt, with a doubt on his face, and seemed to ask, “What’s wrong?”

“Suddenly think that this year, it seems that elder sister has not been with you very much.”

Looking at Adier, Chen Qing barely laughed: “How about elder sister to accompany you to see the stars on this occasion?”


Adier nodded laughed, then put down the book he was holding and got up, and came to the balcony with Chen Qing.

The outer sky is still black at this moment, just because the golden sun looming out of it is so dazzling that it strips away all the surrounding light.

Can’t see the stars at all.

However, despite the lack of stars, neither Adier nor Chen Qing said anything, just watching the sky quietly, watching this dark night, so quietly enjoying this hard-won peace.

I have to say that sometimes, only when lost can we understand the value of things.

In the past, Chen Qing slaughtered with various evildoers on the front line, and had all kinds of magnificent experiences, but never experienced the tranquility before him.

A simple red bean soup, accompanied by mother and younger brother, is actually a very happy thing.

Perhaps because it was about to die, at this moment, Chen Qing thought a lot.

She suddenly regretted it.

In the past, he was busy fighting with evildoers and competing among nations, but ignored the feelings of his family.

She missed the growing up of the younger brother, and she also missed many time with her family. In the course of her life, she missed a big part.

If she does it again, she hopes to make up for it.

But no matter what the mind is, at this moment, everything is too late.

The sun in the sky is gradually spreading, and in a few minutes at most, the sun god will fully wake up, and then Strength will cover the whole city at the fastest speed.

Under the mighty power of what is called a natural disaster, no matter who it is, it will end up being burned into coke.

At this moment, there was a slight footstep outside.

Chen Qing turned around and saw behind him that the silhouettes of Yang Lin and Tu Xiusi emerged and went straight upstairs.


Looking at Chen Qing, Tu Xiusi said, “At this time, you should be disappointed.”

“We can’t stop all this, we can only leave.”

“Can … take my younger brother and mother away?”

Looking at Tu Xiu, Chen Qing was silent for a moment and then said.


Shook the head: “Holy Sect’s gems can only be used by those with holy power. In the presence, only you and me can use the gems to teleport away.”

Chen Qing was silent, her face suddenly darkened.

There was a moment of silence in place, and no sound came out.

In the sky, the blazing sun quickly expanded, and the golden glow spread from the sky, gradually falling on the ground.

In the beginning, some people cheered for this natural phenomenon, but then someone found it wrong.

Because with the emergence of the sun in the sky, the temperature on the earth is rising rapidly.

Obviously it is a cool autumn, but it feels like it has suddenly entered the hot summer.

And over time, not only has this situation not been contained, but it has become more serious.

Finally, the people on the ground realized that something was wrong, and scenes began to happen.

“This is not a rare astronomical phenomenon, it is a precursor to the end of the world!”

“Oh! Help!”

“If we keep going like this, we will all be burned to ashes !!”

A cry came from everywhere, with deep fear.

Everyone expected their next ending.

Listening to these voices, Chen Qing closed her eyes in pain, not knowing what to do.

“This is the scene of the revival of the sun god …”

In her ear, Tu Xiusi’s voice came and explained to her: “This is not a scene created by the Sun God’s initiative, but just the escape of the Sun God Strength instinct.”

“If things continue to develop and the sun god really recovers, the sun will …”

“The sun will set.” Without waiting for Tuxiu to finish, Yang Lin said lightly.

“Do you know?”

Tu Xiu stunned, but he was somewhat surprised by Yang Lin’s performance.

“Forget it, it doesn’t make sense to delve into this now.”

She shook the head and did not choose to delve deeper into the question. Instead, she turned and asked, “Boy, now things have reached this point. Where is your hope?”

“Here it is.” Yang Lin said calmly, not at all concerned about the coming threat, so he said lightly.

“right here?”

Tu Xiusi frowned slightly, but then attracted attention by the natural phenomenon in the sky.

I saw a golden sun swell suddenly in the deep night, and quickly grew in place.

The golden flames burned, dyeing the boundless sky into a golden.

And in today’s sky, a golden Divine Bird opened his eyes and displayed his figure in the air.

Helios, officially reviving! !!

The majestic Strength explodes, and the boundless golden splendor of power explodes. Even a little prestige leaked out from it is enough to make people discolored and make the king a heavy hit.

In the void, the majestic golden storm is gradually taking shape, and the horrible Strength is eruption, just like a real sun is about to explode, blooming a horrible and horrible Strength.

In an instant, several people in Chen Qing discolored, even if they had the essence of a king, but still couldn’t keep calm in front of such Strength, and the whole body and mind were turbulent.

The sky began to roll up with a golden storm, and the bursting breath escaped, accompanied by a long roar of Divine Bird.

At this moment, everyone in Odoria saw a spectacle.

In the air, a golden Divine Bird was holding a golden sun, wrapped in a terrifying storm, and crashed.


Looking quietly at the scene in front of him, Tu Xiusi closed his eyes in pain, the gem in his hand was shining, and he was ready to start at any time.

However, at this time, an inexplicable change suddenly occurred.

I don’t know what is affected by Strength. The place suddenly quieted down, the golden radiance that was raging was expelled, and the majestic heat disappeared, as if everything had returned to normal.


A deep sigh sounded in place, like a child’s sigh, but also a long chant of a shrine, with a mysterious and eternal Strength.

Listening to this voice, Tu Xiusi and the others opened their eyes and quickly looked towards the front.

Suddenly, she immediately held her back: “That’s …”

I saw at the end of the line of sight, a young man wearing white clothed, looking ordinary, was standing there, his body looked very ordinary, without any exception.

On the boy’s body, a complex emerald mark slowly emerged.

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