“Li Wang’s character is really the same as before …”

Standing quietly beside Chen Qing, listening to what King Li said, Xu Sen corner of mouth twitching, somehow had a sense of shame: “But this line, will it be a second?”

He talked like this, but considering that he was in a serious situation right now, he finally closed his mouth obediently and didn’t say much.

It was opposite, listening to King Li’s words, Gan Lai was also stunned, and for a moment did not know what to say.

“Forget it.”

In the end, he shook the head and looked at the three Chen Qing below. At this moment, his expression was helpless: “I knew it would be the result.”

“The saintess of all the Sacred Hearts of all ages has this character. His temper is stink and hard, like a stinky stone in a pit.”

“But in other words, if you are not this character, you may not be able to become saintess of the Sacred Heart, and I may not see you.”

He shook the head, his face was very complicated at this moment, and he didn’t know what to say.

As an old monster who has gone through several epochs, it is clear that Ganlai is not facing Chen Qing for the first time.

Therefore, he just said a word, and then stopped persuading, just shook the head and turned and walked down.


Chen Qing said coldly, “Where do you want to go?”

“Go where I should go.”

In the footsteps of Ganlai, facing Chen Qing’s questioning, his face did not change at all, but he slightly opened the mouth and said: “Can it be done, you still have to keep me, Old Codger, a guest here?”

“I don’t want to be burned into coke by the god’s fire.”

“You still don’t have to work hard.”

He turned around and looked towards Chen Qing, and said, “The seal of the sun god has long been untied. The reason why it has not yet recovered is that the sun god’s consciousness has not yet fully recovered.”

“At this point, what else can you do?”

He opened the mouth and said, and did not mean to stop Chen Qing.

“At least, I can consider bombing you to the slag.”

Li Wang said coldly.

The majestic fighting intent erupted, and the boundless majesty’s vigorous exertion was frightening and frightening.

On the King of Power, the terrifying and mighty power emerged eruption, condensing into an unstoppable terror in the blink of an eye, sweeping around in an instant, condensing the surrounding space into a small area.

At this moment, Chen Qing couldn’t help but feel a sense of crisis, even if she was not specifically targeted by Li Wang, as if a sharp blade was about to strike, causing her to involuntarily raise a fatal danger sense.

“too horrible….”

Standing next to Chen Qing, feeling the outbreak of the King of Power, Xu Sen opened his eyes, and was surprised at this moment.

In the field, it can be said that his Strength essence is the weakest one.

Put aside the Ganlai who has lived countless years in front of him, both Chen Qing and Li Wang are well-deserved king-level existence. Although Strength has not yet reached Peak at this moment, the essence is undoubtedly a king-level level. To him.

At this moment, Strength ’s Strength burst out suddenly, making his heart peng peng jump in the blink of an eye, and a fatal suffocation felt in his heart, as if the next moment was about to die.

This is Strength’s Strength. Even among the many kings of previous lives, it is also a well-deserved top. It is a top powerhouse that fights for a living and is warlike.

The majestic Strength dissipates. In front of him, Strength expands with the strength of the king. Finally, he throws a punch forward.

boom! !

Great fearless! Fearless! !!

The horrific fighting will erupted, and a Supreme fighting intent erupted from the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea.

At this moment, the King of Power seemed to be incarnation into the War God of Supreme, and he went straight forward.

In the face of this peerless punch, Gan Lai could not help moving, and his original calm face changed.

boom! !

A violent collision sounded in place.

At the next moment, a dark misty Strength rises from its place, directly covering the entire body of Li Wang.

An unparalleled iron fist moved forward, breaking through the darkness, and also breaking the strength protection of Ganlai, killing Ganlai with a punch.

Papa … Papa …

A burst of applause rang from one side.

At the next moment, the silhouette of Ganlai reappeared. Every corner of the clothes and every inch of the body did not change at all, and it did not look much different from before.

He stood still, looking at Li Wang in front of him, clapping at him, with some admiration on his face: “Okay, good.”

“Just after awakening, you can have this horrible Strength. If you grow to Peak in the future, it will be the Peak of the king, and the ordinary king is not your opponent at all.”

“Unfortunately, it’s too early.”

He looked at King Li, with a clear regret on his face: “Now that the awakening era has just arrived, your Strength has not reached Peak at all, it is too early.”

“If you can wait for decades and wait for you to grow to Peak, even me, it will not be easy to deal with you.”

He looked at King Li and said with a smile.

The implication of this statement is that even if Li Wang really grows to Peak, he will still not be his opponent.

King Li complexion grave and stern, dismissive of Gan Lai’s words, wanted to raise his fist and continue to fight again.

However, a roar came suddenly from behind.

Under the distant altar, heavy flames were burning. Among the hot lava, a large and boundless golden Divine Bird phantom slowly appeared, showing the silhouette in place.

In front of the golden Divine Bird is brilliant, at this moment a pair of golden eyes are slowly opening, it looks like they will soon recover.

“So fast!”

In the blink of an eye, Chen Qing complexion greatly changed, looking at the scene in front of him a little incredible.

“I said a long time ago that everything was a worthless struggle.”

In front of him, Gan Lai shook the head with a calm expression on his face.

He glanced at the scene in front of him, and finally opened the mouth and said: “While there is still half an hour for the Sun God to recover, go home early to see it.”

“If it’s fast enough, maybe you can see your family.”

He said lightly, and then left without saying anything further.

“how come…..”

In situ, looking at the sun god who slowly opened his eyes in the distance, Chen Qing was a bit lost, and stood there just like a dead body.


Looking at Chen Qing’s appearance, Xu Sen said, “We must leave as soon as possible now, or we can’t really go!”

Seeing that Chen Qing did not respond, he gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand to pull Chen Qing, and then went straight out.

“… father, mother, Ado …”

Leaving the huge underground altar, Chen Qing muttered, and then freed Xu Sen, walking towards his home like crazy.

PS: Jie Nan’s new book is already available ~~~ Everyone has the conditions to help support the first order ~~~

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