“I didn’t expect to have reached this point.”

Standing still, looking at the clearly visible sun in the distance, and the golden Divine Bird, Adier said softly, muttering to himself.

Standing still, after making a decision, he walked forward slowly.

With the eyes of Chen Qing and the others behind him, his appearance began to change.

A faint silver brilliance emerged from him, and with the suppression of the World unraveled, the strength of his body began to bloom in full, and began to release a new luster.

Along with this process, his body began to be influenced by the strength of the ontology.

The black hair on his head began to change, slowly becoming silver, his eyes began to change color, and he continued to transform between golden and silver, and finally became silver.

The power of the boiling emerald began to change, gradually transforming to the side of Moon Elf.

After engulfing the Sun Emperor’s Corpse and becoming a son of the Emerald, Adier can use the strength of supreme strength of yang and Moon Elf at the same time.

But compared to the Supreme Strength of yang of the Sun King, for Adier who is already familiar with Moon Elf’s form, Moon Elf’s lunar power is more familiar and easier to use.

Unconsciously, Adier had changed his appearance.

The original ordinary appearance became extremely handsome, and a faint gentle light continued to spread, and the majestic Strength bloomed silently.

On his body, a faint gentle breath spread out silently, like the moonlight bathing the world, spreading the world’s finest peace to the world.

But in this extreme tranquility and peace, a transcendent, vulgar-like nature was revealed.

“That is…..”

Looking at the changes in Adier, Chen Qing and the others froze, some couldn’t believe their eyes.

Even if it was Yang Lin who had been prepared, when I saw this scene, my heart was a little shocked, marveled at that extraordinary essence.

“Is this what you mean by hope?”

Looking at Adier in the distance, Tu Xiuxi couldn’t help but open his mouth. At this moment, countless emotions were rolling in his heart. For a moment, there was an urge to cry: “Three Gods …”

“It is really … enough to match the essence of the Three Gods, and there is hope.”

“That’s hope.”

Yang Lin nodded, trying to calm his expression: “You once told us that there can be no miracle in this world.”

“But today, someone will tell you that miracles really exist.”

“This is indeed a miracle.”

Tu Xiusi sighed softly, a pair of eyes stared at Adier in front of her, and the eyes couldn’t say the hotness: “But since you already knew, you shouldn’t let him stay here.”

“He just awakened and hit the three gods. It’s too early!”

She looked at Yang Linzhi and asked, “If he died here directly, the hope that was hard to come by would be shattered!”

Looking at Yang Lin, she was a little angry.

The awakening era has just arrived, and all awakenings are theoretically at the weakest moment at this moment.

If Tu Xiusi knew this scene today, he would definitely start early and move Adier to an absolutely safe place, instead of letting him just face the three gods of recovery.

“I didn’t dare to confirm.”

Facing Tuxiu’s question, Yang Lin sighed softly: “Although I knew it was him, I didn’t dare to confirm. Without the persecution of the god of the sun, without this scene of today, would he still he.”

“As for what you fear, I can guarantee that it will never happen.”

Yang Lin laughed and said, “I firmly believe that if he is, he can do it if he succeeds in awakening.”

He said confidently that he was more confident in this matter than anyone else.

The end of the matter has already been revealed.

In the last life, the Moon King successfully blocked the Sun God, and this result has already demonstrated a fact.

Even if just awakened, the Moon King is also stronger than the Sun God!

“Let’s watch it quietly.”

He said, “Next, it’s his show time.”

With his opening, a soft light flickered ahead.


Chen Qing looked up at the sky and saw that in the sky, I don’t know when a silver moon emerged.

The silver moon was pure, yet beautiful, now floating on the sky, and falling soft and pure radiance toward all around.

The faint luna power is spreading.

The next moment, two different Strength crashed.


The supreme strength of yang of golden collided with the power of silver’s luna, but the end result was extremely amazing.

The vast light spreads all around, and the space begins to rise and fall.

Just as the slow speed was clicked in the video, the World in front of it suddenly became slow, the sun and moon on the horizon, the pedestrians and scenery on the ground, including every action of Chen Qing and the others, everything became extremely extreme. slow.

The whole World’s pictures began to fade, from the original colorfulness to only two black colors, and then all the pictures were lost with a bang.

Feeling all this happened, someone opened his mouth and wanted to cry out in surprise, but found that even his own voice had faded, and everything started to be stripped.

The confrontation of the source affects everything.

Under the entanglement of two very different Power of Origins, the world’s appearance began to be deprived of cleanliness, and the five senses of people gradually lost their effect, leaving only the last point to exist.

Until the next moment, a round of silver moon hangs down, covering everyone in the city, and the talents in the city return to normal and return to the previous look.

In mid-air, a long-sounding voice that shocked the soul and shocked the origin spread out far beyond the distant space.

It seemed that I felt the obstacle in front of me. A golden Divine Bird screamed angrily, and a pair of golden god-like eyes burning with the flame that never extinguished, straight down toward the body of the silver moon.

Before the silhouette arrived, that prestige had penetrated, as if burning people in the hottest lava, suppressing the human soul in the boundless abyss, and burning it from the body to the source. .

The burning meaning rushed straight down.

Feeling all this, Adier laughed and then stretched out with one hand.

The magnificent silver blooms, and under the bathing of the boundless moonlight, a silver giant beast covered with scale armor rushes out of it, and a silver raises its claws to grab Divine Bird.

The surrounding space-time seems to be frozen.

The majestic Strength spread across the field, gradually covering the entire city.

Standing in place, through his Strength projection, Chen Qing clearly saw that in the air, a huge wound emerged on the golden Divine Bird, and on the wound, a bit of golden Divine Bird blood dripped. Out.

Sun god, hurt!

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