“Fate was originally vanityless. It is a good thing to be able to see the traces of fate.”

Sitting on a wooden chair, Adier got up on foot, and then said with a smile: “But instead of watching the fate happen in front of you, it is better to participate in it step by step and realize the fate you see.”

“From the observer of fate, to the maker of fate, and even … change fate.”

“Change your destiny.” Ferry froze, as if he heard this kind of remarks for the first time. At this moment, the whole person was holding back, thinking subconsciously about the feasibility of this situation.

“But … can such a thing really be done?”

“How do you know if you don’t try?”

Adier laughed, and then said: “From the perspective of Legendary, World is in an eternal change. All living beings, many particles, and even concepts such as time and space are in constant operation. So we have our eyes. This is a living World. “

“Fate is common.”

Looking at Ferry, his face was handsome to the extreme, and his face calmly opened the mouth and said: “The so-called destiny is basically just the path that a group of people have traveled. Together, they form a trajectory that is always present every second Something that changes. “

“Specifically, the destiny of an individual can determine the future of an individual. It has not always been the so-called destiny, but its own will.”

“The road has always been in my heart, only at my feet!”

“What you said … does make sense.” In the place, Ferry stood still for a long time, and then said with a smile: “You succeeded in arousing my interest.”

“Tomorrow, I’ll move here with my luggage, and then I will go with you to the north desert.”

“Even if you don’t mind, you can stay longer in Tam City.”

Looking at Adier, after thinking about it, he said, “I have lived in Tam City for many years, and I have met many talented friends. If you need, I can go up and invite them to invite us to join us.”

“Thank you very much.”

Looking at Ferry who was persuaded by himself, Adier laughed, and then said: “Although do it, if you need anything halfway, just speak to me directly.”

He is not short of money.

Not to mention, just in the past three months, in order to show his gratitude, Gruul occasionally gave away a large number of belongings.

After hearing the news of his promotion to Legendary, many aristocrats in and around Tam City also came to visit one after another, and each gave a generous gift.

It can be said that even if you do nothing, Adier is now one of the very best rich people relying on these gifts.

“Should not be used.”

Ferry laughed, and then said: “Recently, your name is very loud. Those people who heard you invited them, I’m afraid they would just agree without saying a word.”

This is the influence of a Legendary.

The existence of a Legendary, and its own Strength is enough to suppress the world, enough to create a huge empire on its own.

Being able to follow this and the others is also a rare honor and opportunity.

It’s like a person who has just been born again, and as a result sees Yunteng Shuangma yet to start a business.

You don’t need to do much, you can just worship.

At the moment, Ferry said goodbye to Adier, then hurriedly turned and left.

After he left, another group came forward to visit.

“long time no see.”

Hirna, dressed in the sacrificial clothing of the dim church, greeted Adier with a smile on her face.

“Thirteen days in two months, it’s quite a long time.” Adier laughed.

Hilna froze and then said with a smile: “Your Lord remembers it very well.”

The sun shining on the ground, shining on Hirna’s body, clear her fair and tender skin, a long curly hair straight down, a delicate and beautiful face with the purest smile, With the most sincere and beautiful blessings and expectations for people, the moment I saw her, my heart could not help raising goodwill.

“What about the dim church?” Adier continued, looking at Hirna.

“It’s all good.” Hilah laughed: “Thank you, this time the dim church not at all is too much to lose, and most people are still alive.”

“As for the loss of some materials, as long as people are alive, they can come back sooner or later.”

“That’s good.” Adier nodded.

Three months ago, after saving Gruul Prince, Adier did not forget the dark church side.

Strictly speaking, he had no friendship with the dim church not at all, but for the sake of annihilating the night watchman church, he went there to completely destroy the strength of the night watchman church there.

As a result, he won the friendship of the dim church.

“I heard that you are going to explore the northern desert?”

Silent for a moment, Hirna asked suddenly.

“Yes.” The news had flown all over the sky, and Adier had no intention of denying it, and nodded directly to admit it.

“If you need any help, you can directly tell us that we have some advantages here.”

Hirana nodded and said: “In addition, when you take root there, we can also send you some needed supplies.”

“Then many thanks.”

Adier laughed, didn’t refuse, just looked at Hirna, and said, “What do you need to do to me?”

“Sure enough I can’t hide from you.”

Hirna put her hands on her chest and smiled bitterly on her face: “You just helped us once, and as I intended, I didn’t want to bother you anymore.”

“But this time, because things are too important, I have to trouble you.”

“Please.” Adier calmly opened his mouth and said quietly.

“My Lord is coming.”

Adier stalled and looked at Hirna, seeming surprised.

Although I have known for a long time, now is the era when the gods are about to return from one after another, the quiet gods are about to return from one after another, and even here is a person who is the advent of the Blood Moon God. But when he heard that a real deity was coming, he was still shocked.

After all, the dim master is not the god of the blood moon who has completely annihilated his own existence, but a god who has retained his will and glory completely from ancient inheritance.

Once these oracles recover, the impact will be unimaginable.

“Because of some inconvenience, the coming of our Lord is not the coming of the true body, it is just a ray of will.”

Looking at Adier in front of her, Hilna continued to say, “But even then, the coming of the true God has a great impact, and it is likely that someone will premeditate on things that are not good for us.”

“So, we want to ask you to come over and help us once.”

“Who dares to disrespect a true god?” Adier asked, frowning.

“Too much.”

Hirna smiled bitterly: “The ambitionist trying to take Divine Spark is like the bloody jazz everywhere, and even those churches may not be good to us.”

“The relationship between the true gods is not necessarily friendly, and the churches are full of competition. In the past years, there were not a few churches that suppressed the dim churches, or that were suppressed by us.

“I see.” Adier groaned for a moment, then went on: “What can I get for you?”

“A promise.”

Hirna raised her hand, and on her arm, a bit of dim power began to emerge, and then under Adier’s sight, the huge and complex rule Profound Truth began to breed out of thin air, with a little pure to the ultimate power of pure spirit, There is also a magnificent atmosphere, like the divine will of aloof and remote.

“In the name of the Lord of Darkness, I promise that today you stand in our camp, and when you hold the throne high, we will stand by your side to defend you from persecution.

“What is it …..” Adier was silent for a while, then moved in his heart, and felt some kind of thought message, then nodded: “OK.”

Seeing Adier nodded, Hilna was suddenly relaxed.

A Legendary exists, and this Peak powerhouse is always the most important.

Of course, with the dark background of the church for many years, if it is really willing to give blood, it can certainly impress some Legendary existence.

But Legendary is easy to find, and trusted Legendary is hard to find.

No one can guarantee that when the weak Lord of Darkness descends, the Legendary they find will help them defend against the enemy, or will they take the opportunity to attack the Lord of Darkness in order to capture Divine Spark.

It is because of this hidden risk that it makes it harder to find candidates.

Adier can be found by them, also because his past deeds are there, which has proved his reliability to some extent.

Even if other factors are excluded, if he wants to capture Divine Spark, he can start with the advent of the blood moon god around him, without having to seek other deities.

After promising Hirna to send Hirna away in person, Adier turned to the hall.

“Are you sure?”

He walked into the sounding hall and looked at Mar in front of him, he asked casually.

“I’m not sure.”

In front of Adier, Marsh shook the head: “However, although the Lord of Darkness is not a good God, the things he promises rarely return, and his promises can be trusted.”

“It’s enough for you, Lord, to confirm this.”

She watched Adier earnestly opened the mouth and said: “The road to raise the throne is long and difficult. On this road, without the support of the pioneers, it is bound to be extremely difficult.”

“The promise of the dim Lord is also a good condition for us.”

“As for the coming of the dim Lord, if it can succeed, it is naturally the best, but if it cannot succeed, we can withdraw in advance without much loss.”

Adier nodded, didn’t ask any more.

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