In August, when Frost rose over the earth, Adier’s preparations for leaving Tam City were completed.

You just need to handle a few more things and you can leave with you.

“Yasuo, can’t you stay?”

In front of a loft, Gruul’s voice sounded.

He looked at the Adier in front of him and said reluctantly, “If you stay, I can enclose you the entire north of Tamru and leave it to you to build your own country, why not go to wasteland and develop it alone. “

The support of a Legendary powerhouse is crucial.

During this time, due to Adier’s support, Gruul deeply realized this benefit.

In just three months, he ascended the throne of the Tamru Kingdom at a very fast speed, and even issued several orders in a row.

This is the benefit of the support of a Legendary powerhouse.

But when Adier leaves, Gruul faces a much more difficult situation.

Those big aristocrats would be afraid of a Legendary, but they would not be afraid of the King who had just come to power.

So, whether it’s out of feelings or actual benefits, Gruul is a little bit reluctant to leave Adier.

“People can’t stay in one place forever, they always have to leave.”

Adier laughed: “I’ve been here for a long time and it’s time to leave.”

Perhaps for the usual Legendary, Gruul’s proposal is quite attractive.

Being able to split directly from the ready-made territory, why bother to go out into the wild.

But Adier’s situation is different.

He would choose to travel farther north, partly because of Mar’s suggestion, and partly for future plans.

Unlike the ordinary Legendary, Adier has too many secrets. Instead, he stays in the sphere of influence of each Major Sect, but it is better to leave directly and go away from the wasteland of each Major Sect.

“God World….”

Thinking of the change in the current God World, Adier laughed and then opened the mouth and said: “And even if I leave Tamru, we are still friends. If you need it in the future, you can still ask me for help.”

This is to show support.

Suddenly, Gruul’s face was hilarious, and then he was nodded, opened the mouth and said: “You are the same. After you get there, if you have any needs, you can send someone to mention me at any time.”

“Okay.” Adier smiled nodded, not rejecting Gruul’s kindness.

Establishing Early-Stage in a kingdom is the most energy-consuming, and it would be great if you could get the support of the surrounding kingdoms.

On the spot, they continued to talk for a while, and then slowly separated.

Out of the attic, outside the corridor, Mar and Ferry were already waiting there.

“Sir, our striker has set off and is about to reach Winter Winter.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Marr said, “I don’t know when we will leave?”

“Just tomorrow.”

Adier nodded, said, “Things are up to now. We should be ready to complete the preparations. It is enough to leave the rest of the work alone. There is no need to delay the time of the large army.

“I’ll stay.” Firi nodded, opened the mouth and said: “I’m fairly familiar with the Kingdom of Tamru. I can stay here for a while and handle some things for the Lord.”

“Okay.” Adier smiled and agreed with nodded, then turned slightly and looked towards Skyrim.

“Things here are finally on track.”

“Now it’s up to you.”

He looked at the sky, flashed this thought in his heart, and then his mind moved. In in the depth of one’s soul, the purple mark formed by the power flashed quickly, and a message was slowly passed out in silence.

…………………… ..

The Wizarding World, Mason Area.

Late at night, sitting quietly on the throne, Adier was holding a roll of golden book in his hands, watching intently.

Suddenly, a message flowed through within the body, making him suddenly stunned.


Feeling the message from within the body of his avatar, Adier smiled on his face, and immediately stood up.

Unlike the World experienced in the past, perhaps because the levels of the World are comparable, the time lapse of the Wizard World and God World is about the same.

One year has passed since the avatar was at God World, and one year has passed from Adier’s ontology at Wizard World.

In a year, Adier’s avatar has been promoted to the fourth level in God World and is about to start his journey, but Adier’s ontology has been sitting in the Mason region for a year.

This year, the underground dark elf moved from the ground, and Adier just sat here, repelled the offensive of several underground demons, and cut off his tentacles.

Other than that, he doesn’t do all other things.


Standing in place, holding the golden pages in his hand, and thinking about the situation at God World, Adier was lost in thought.

This year, compared to the leaps and bounds of his avatar, his ontology seems to be a lot more conservative.

Honestly, this is not surprising.

After all, compared to the ups and downs of God World, the situation on Wizard World is like a pool of standing water, which makes people active even if they want to do not raise.

In this case, Adier has been happy before.

After all, sometimes the more stagnant water, the safer it is.

Instead, it is as volatile as in God World, and it is extremely easy to run into danger.

But now, this situation needs to change a bit.

The trend over God World is about to start. If Adier is not ready, I am afraid that this rare opportunity will be missed.

“God World’s plan, if you want to implement it, you must first master the Emerald Tower, and at least you must control the World Gate.”

Standing in place, Adier muttered to himself, then frowned: “Yara, Lord Lamuta.”

To take control of the World, Adier needed high-level support from the Emerald Tower.

The top masters of the Emerald Tower are two Elders and one tower owner.

The two Elders are Hermuk and Simal.

For these two Elders, Adier is not worried.

Of these two Elders, Simal is a teacher of Adier, and he must support Adier both emotionally and in identity.

As for Hermuk, he also admires Adier very much. As long as he shows enough strength and potential, it is not difficult to win his support.

The real problem lies in Yala and Yala’s father Lamu.

As the Sun King Bloodline, even though Yara’s performance over the years has disappointed countless people, as elf Supreme Bloodline, he still has high hopes from a large number of people, thinking he is the only hope for the future of the elf family.

And his father is a fifth-order Peak, a great wizard who is impacting on the sixth-order.

This is the biggest roadblock for Adier.

“In the final analysis, it finally fell to the strength.”

Standing in place, Adier lowered his head for a moment and thought, and finally his face was playful.

It is easy to solve this problem, he only needs to have enough strength.

As a pure-blood elf Royal Family, if Adier has the fifth-tier Peak or even the sixth-tier strength at this moment, he can immediately overcome all difficulties and dangers and hold the Emerald Tower firmly in his hands.

It is not difficult for Adier to solve this problem.

After engulfing the corpse of the Sun Emperor, his Bloodline has been transformed, from the original Moon Elf Bloodline to the son of the Emerald.

This is the powerful Bloodline of Real Level 6 Peak. It is theoretically sufficient to inherit all the legacy of the Mother of Emerald, and there is no hindrance before being promoted to Level 6 Peak.

Of course, this requires enough time to grow.

The more powerful and terrifying the Bloodline is, the longer it takes to grow up, no matter whether Moon Elf, the Sun Emperor, or the Son of the Emerald, this rule cannot be escaped.

Calculating according to normal time, Adier estimates that if it takes time to get his Bloodline to reach Peak, I am afraid it will take at least 5,000 to 6,000 years.

Five or six thousand years!

When this time passes, I am afraid that the trend over God World has come to an end. Where is Adier?

For others, no matter how helpless they are in the end, there is only helplessness to let go.

But for Adier, there are other ways.

You just need to use the power to put the ontology together into another World with a time flow rate that is very different from that of the Wizarding World, and then wait for the World to mature on its own Bloodline.

Thinking of this, Adier shook the head and waved away, leaving a little message around, stating that he had something to leave.

Then, the brightness of a little purple flickered in place, wrapping Adier’s entire body directly in the next moment.

A faintly discernable flicker of ripples flickered in place, and then next moment, Adier’s entire body disappeared in place.

In the endless long river, his body was directly transformed into a little glimmer of purple, and he was instantly put into a grand purple world.

A weird change began to occur. With the origin of Adier being invested into that World, there seemed to be some kind of change slowly in that World, like the butterfly effect, starting from one point, and gradually affecting the entire World.

early morning.

When Adier woke up again, he found himself in a lecture hall.

The lecture hall in front of me looks very modern. The tables and chairs around it are all brand-new products. They all look similar, with a uniform model and Peugeot.

On the podium in front, the old lecturer was quietly giving a lecture, and at this time he was talking about a language class that Adier had never heard of.

A huge memory is contained in my mind. The memory of the body over the past ten years has flowed instantly, making Adier’s face instantly visible.

This time he shuttled, although he carried the body together, but in order to prevent the occurrence of World exclusion, Adier still put a layer of skin, and chose to attach to the body of this world together with the origin of the body. So as to avoid any accident.

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