
Looking at the silhouette that suddenly stood in front of him, Adier froze.

It wasn’t anyone else who was standing in front of him at this moment, it was the carrier after the blood moon god’s resurrection, who killed the bloody jazz with his own hands.

Because of being jealous of the deity’s identity and its terrifying combat power, Adier was not at all ready to control her at first.

But he did not expect that he was not going to ignore her, but the other party came to him.

“What do you want to do?”

At that moment, looking at the young girl who was not in front of her eyes, Adier asked calmly.

It’s a pity that the girl in front of him didn’t respond at all to his words, just stood there silently, and stared at Adier’s eyes quietly.

A familiar blood-moon force bloomed, which instantly made Adier startled and then asked, “Would you like to leave with me?”

This time, the girl was not silent, but nodded.

Adier knew it instantly.

Although the Blood Moon God was able to recover from the silence because of the Bloody Jazz, after all, it fell for too long. Even if he recovered at this moment, there was no way to restore all the consciousness. Only a few instincts remained.

Therefore, with instinct, the subconscious follows Adier is completely understandable.

After all, the power of the slaughter has been transformed all the way, and the power of the blood moon has been forcibly accumulated to the present day. The power of the blood moon contained in Adier is probably larger and purer than the girl in front of her. Under the instinct of traction, it will not be attractive odd.

“After all, I have your divinity in me too, so if you want to follow, follow it.”

Shook the head, looking at the girl in front of her, Adier said such a word, and then she wanted to continue to move forward.

“That being the case, would you mind having another follower?” Another voice sounded in the corner ahead.

Adier turned and looked towards the dark corner, and when he saw that, Angola dressed in a delicate black dress, walked towards him with a smile.

“His Royal Highness Angola.” Looking at this person, Adier was somewhat surprised.

“Angola, you dare to come here!” Angry roar passed from one side.

Looking at Angola coming out of the corner, Gruul was full of anger, and an anger appeared in his heart.

He did not forget the identity of Angola in front of him, a betrayer who turned to the night watchman!

“Brother Gruul, let it go.”

Seeing Guru’s face full of anger, Angola laughed indifferently: “I didn’t do anything to you, what did you do to me so angry?”

When the words fell, he turned and looked towards Adier again, and said, “How?”

“Follow me?”

Adier looked at Angola with a surprised look: “Why do you have this idea?”

“To be honest, I have always had this idea, but I have not had the opportunity to say that’s all before.”

Angola waved his hand, his face showing helplessness: “Maybe you are not quite clear, but I would like to say here that the environment of the vigil church is really not good. Everyone in it has a face, like I am What a bad person looks like. “

“I wanted to start a new environment and start over.”

He hehe said with a smile.

The environment and so on, of course, is not the real reason, the real reason is that he does not want to wait for death in the vigil church.

As one of the carriers necessary for the coming of the night watchman’s king, if he did not want to be placed on the altar in the future, he would find a way out of the control of the night watchman’s church.

In the past, because someone was watching him at all times, he had no chance, but this time it was different.

Heaven knows how happy he was when Adier solved the night watchmen.

“I didn’t have a choice in the past. Now I want to be a good person.”

In front of him, it seemed that fearing that Adier would not believe it, Angola hurriedly added a sentence.

“How is this line so familiar?”

Adier’s complexion suddenly became a little weird, and I always felt strange, but it couldn’t be said, so in the end, I could only nodded: “Let’s do it.”

“Thank you!” Angola laughed at Hehe’s complied, and came to Adier behind him, standing side by side with Mar.

Since then, Adier has been two when he came, and four when he left.

And none of the four are simple.

One is the destiny caller of the destiny Goddess, one is the advent body of the god of the blood moon, and one is the advent body of the king of the night watchman.

Add in Adier, the Strange World wizard.

Well, very good and powerful.

On one side, looking at Angola’s actions, and then looking at the silhouette of Adier’s departure, Gruul opened his mouth, but in the end it was just sighed, and he didn’t say anything.

It seemed to be aware of Gruul’s emotions. In front, Adier’s footsteps were paused, and then he said, “I will stay in Tam for a period of time. During this period, if your Highness has any needs, you can send someone to the manor at any time. Find me.”

“it is good!”

Gruul was overjoyed and quickly nodded.

The support of a Legendary presence is the most rare thing.

With Adier’s support, even if it is only for a period of time, it means that during this time, Gruul can let go.

Three months later.

“Sirimu, are you ready to move?”

Sitting quietly on a wooden chair, holding a seemingly old spell book in his hand, Adier said lightly.

“It’s almost ready.”

Standing on the side, wearing red leather armor, Sirim’s long hair dangled, and the whole person looked extraordinarily charming: “All Early Stage preparations, including supplies and the like, are ready. As soon as you speak, you can immediately leave.”

At this point, there was a hesitant expression on her face: “However, although most clansman are willing to follow, there are a few clansman hesitant and unwilling to leave Tam.”

“If you don’t want to leave, send a severance payment and let them leave.”

Adier said lightly, “You don’t need to worry about them, they can do whatever they want.”

He is not a nanny, and sees that he owns this body, and he takes care of the clansman of that body, that’s all, but since others don’t appreciate it, he will not waste much time on these people.

“Yes.” At the moment, Sirimou was nodded and quickly went out.

“Lord Yasuo, where do you plan to go next?” A voice sounded before me.

Adier looked up and saw in front of him that a middle-aged man wearing a light blue mage robe and balding was watching him smiling.

“On the back of the Kingdom of Tamru is a barren continent, which is said to have a lost kingdom and a large number of barbarous nations.”

He groaned and then said, “I’m going to take someone there.”

“Are you ready to explore from an unknown territory? It’s a good idea.”

Ferry smiled nodded: “I have heard of the desolate area in the northern part of the country. It is said that there are many savages and many indigenous people taking root there. It is a good place to explore.”

“You take people there, and believe that after decades, you can build a brand new and huge country.”

He looked at the boy in front of him, everything was like Adier in the past, and said with a sincere sigh.

The last time Ferry met Adier, Adier was just a silver Knight.

But after only a few months of disappearance, the original Silver Knight became a Legendary and a Legendary character that transcended the King of Mage.

During these three months, with the support of the dim church, Adier’s deeds were spreading widely in the Kingdom of Tamru. Even the bards in his country adapted Adier’s deeds into poetry. Preaching.

In a few decades, the lively Knight of today will also become the great Legendary in the epic, a Spirit symbol for future generations to admire from generation to generation.

With Legendary’s stubborn vitality and long lifespan, as long as there is no accident, Adier will definitely see that day.

Whenever I thought about it, Fili was so impressed that he raised his glass: “After learning that you want to go to the north desert, I seem to see the future.”

“I seem to see that in a few decades, a great new country will be established in today’s desert, and everything that has fallen, barbaric, and backward will be burned, and a country with a new will will be born from it. “

“In a few hundred years, the desert empire you built will stand on top of the World and become one of the few empires of that time.”

“Desert Country.”

Looking at Ferry, Adier was a little surprised: “What you say is somewhat similar to one of my followers.”

“Is that the lady named Mar?” Ferry laughed, a big bald head standing out in the sun.


Adier nodded: “After I decided to go to the desert that day, she said something to me, which probably means something like you.”

“Haha, that’s really good.” Ferry laughed: “If there is a chance, I must meet this lady.”

He raised his glass, drank the fruit wine from the glass, and felt the savory taste coming from his throat, and opened the mouth and said: “I accidentally got an old page of the book of destiny when I was young And ate it directly, so I gained some unique abilities from it. “

“These abilities have allowed me to avoid the dangers again and again. They have allowed me to go further and further on Scholar’s road, and allowed me to see some unique people.”

He groaned for a while, then continued to say, “Sir Yasuo, you are unique.”

“Strength of destiny covers you layer after layer. I can only see that your future is doomed to glory, but I cannot see specific things.”

Adier laughed, raised the jug, filled his glass himself, and then said, “Would you like to go with me?”

“Will you go north with you?” Ferry asked back.

Adier nodded, then said: “Yes, I personally feel that it is a good place, and I believe we will all have a fresh start there.”

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