“I’m afraid your hopes will be lost …”

A voice sounded in the room, next moment, the complexion of Gruul and Zamur greatly changed.


Gruul turned abruptly, looking in the direction from the silhouette.

I saw there, standing alone.

It was a young man with a tall figure, handsome in appearance, and dazzling blond hair. Standing at the door so quietly now, he looked at Gruul with a smile.

“It’s you!!”

Seeing this person in front of me, Gruul complexion ashen: “Angola, what do you want !!”

“What do I want?” Angola’s face was surprised when he heard what Guru said, and he didn’t seem to want Guru to ask the question: “Isn’t the answer obvious? As I said just now.”

Walking slowly from the outside, he closed the door of the room smoothly, then looked at the two of them and said, “Brother, thank you for your letter, Knight you depend on, and it has disappeared for two months now. And I do n’t know where I went. “

“Did you know?” Gruul was suddenly tense before hearing Angola’s words.

“Of course I know.” Angola shrugged: “I not only know that you sent the letter, but even the content of that letter is clear.”

“Even, I sent the letter for you personally.”

“What do you want to do?” Hearing here, Gruul was a little puzzled. The experience of the long aristocratic struggle made him instinctively feel something wrong: “Which side are you on?”

“Which side is it on?” Angola glanced at Gruul, and then shook the head: “Who knows? Anyway, it’s not right for you.”

“Be prepared, in a few days, your time is coming, if there are any last words, leave as soon as possible.”

“After all, it may be too late after a while.”

He said with a smile, and then the silhouette slowly walked outward.

In the hazy darkness, Gruul seemed to see a unique mark flash on his Angola. ,

The imprint was complicated, with a strong and profound Strength, in which the atmosphere that belonged to the night watchman church suddenly flashed, which made Gruul stunned.

“That Knight named Yasuo did not show up in the end.”

Stepping out of the room and looking at the two Gruuls standing in the room behind them, Angola faintly opened the mouth and said: “Are you sure, this is the person we are looking for?”

“The church has already investigated it. The altar that was in the wild outside of Tam City was destroyed by the Knight alone.”

In the shadow, a deep black shadow emerged. At this moment, watching Angola said, “According to the traces left at the time, the strength of Yasuo Knight at this moment is at least the level of Golden Knight.”

“In this period, at this age, you can have such strength. Do you know what this means?”

“This means that this is also likely to be a protoss? Like that of the dim church of Sylla?” Angola said indifferently.

“Yes,” the silhouette said in the darkness. “This is a rare opportunity!”

“Your authority is born to plunder the power of the roots from other powerful beings. As long as you kill this Knight named Yasuo and absorb the power of the roots hidden in its Bloodline, you can advance one step ahead, and with other Lead in the competition of divine existence. “

“Afterwards, we will wipe out the dim church, absorb the divine power contained in the dim god son, and inherit everything from the Kingdom of Tamru, so that your Strength can reach Peak and occupy a huge first-hand advantage in this era.”

“It sounds good, but what does all this have to do with me?” Angola coldly smiled: “Don’t think I’m not sure. After all this is done, it will be when the vigil king recovers. Will I still be there? “

“This is your destiny of glory.” In the darkness, the man persuaded: “The great deity does not have the concept of the subject of will, and you are the advent of the vigil king. Any existence cannot affect your will.”

“Perhaps.” Angola coldly smiled, with an indifferent expression, and then said, “How’s the arrangement over Bloody Jazz?”

“It’s almost ready. In two days, we can hold the blood moon ceremony and blood sacrifice the whole palace together.”

“It looks like my brothers are running out of time.”

Angola turned around, thinking about Gruul, who had just been seen in the room, and shook the head. Then he asked, “Where is the Luc Luciu altar?”

“As in the past, there is still no reaction.” The silhouette said in the darkness.

“It’s all reached this point, haven’t responded at all?” Angola said puzzled.

Luciu, the founding king of the Tamuru Kingdom, and the most powerful house in the entire Tamuru Kingdom, once joined the Dark Priest’s Legendary with the Dark Church High Priest.

As the King of Legendary who founded a huge kingdom, the King of Knights is extremely powerful, and it should have been the biggest obstacle in the planned plan of Angola and the others.

But it wasn’t until after the operation that it was discovered that Car Luciu did not react at all to their movements. For their imprisonment of the king, the blockade of the kingdom seemed to be invisible.

This is also the biggest reason for their operations to proceed so smoothly. Otherwise, even if they can finally reach it, they will not be able to do this step silently, which will inevitably cause uproar.

“Who knows?” The silhouette said in the darkness; “Legendary exists, and any accidents are possible. Maybe Luciu has already died, and now only one body is left.”

“Everything is possible, but the only thing we know so far is that he didn’t show up to stop us, which is great news.”

Angola shook the head, then glanced behind him and left straight away.

While waiting, a few days passed quickly.

In the early morning, when the sun on the sky shone on the earth, a faint light shrouded the World, shining the World brightly.

The faint bloody air was floating up and down on the empty palace square in the past. At this moment, a sacrifice is slowly starting.

A fiery flame was rising. In the middle of the square, a pool of blood stood silently there, including a blood-colored crystal.

In the blood-colored crystal, a little girl could not cover her body, so she was lying quietly in the crystal with her hands on her knees, her face calm and peaceful, and she seemed to be sleeping.

A faint of majesty continued to spread outward from the crystal, bit by bit of majestic majesty spread far and wide. Even ordinary people could not help but want to kneel, even if they just felt it. .

In front of the crystal, an old man was wearing a blood-colored robe, standing at this moment so quietly, staring closely at the crystal in front of him.

Unlike ordinary people’s eyes, he looked at the crystals in front of him with a blur, which contained all kinds of madness, infatuation, distortion and other emotions, making everyone who was able to feel afraid.

At this moment, a strong bloody smell is blooming in place. In the place, a corpse is posing all around, and there is generally a deep wound in the heart.

The corpses were placed there in such a way that they were scattered piece by piece, blocking the surrounding blood pool, and they looked like a garbage dump dedicated to corpses.

Gruul looked ugly at the sight.

At this moment, he was being squeezed in the middle of a group of people, his clothes were stripped off, and his whole body was placed there with a very humiliating gesture.

A fiery sensation came to his mind, an unprecedented sense of humiliation appeared, making his strong self-esteem twitch in his heart.

Excluding this personal insult, what chills him even more is the piles of corpses and the textures that have been etched in front of him.

Beside him, a maid-like servant was holding crayons in his hand, drawing continuously on his body, engraving one after another on his body.

This look is not a good omen, and when the imprint of the mark, the end of those people in front of him also made Gruul extremely chilling.

With a sharp knife stabbing in, one after another alive heart was continuously dug out and placed in each and everyone’s plate by category. As for the remaining bodies, they were still randomly in the pile of garbage dumps specializing in corpses.

“Will I die like this?”

This method of death is so dignified that even if Gruul thinks he will die with such a look, he can’t help feeling a chill in his body and mind.

As a warrior and commander in battle, he was not afraid of dying on the battlefield, nor did he avoid his body being chopped into several pieces.

But now this method of death is challenging his imagination and giving him the urge to commit suicide on the spot.

Unfortunately, even if he wanted to commit suicide on the spot, the people here didn’t give him the opportunity.

Before entering here, he was spelled on his body. At this moment, his body was full of a sense of powerlessness, he couldn’t even do anything with his hands and feet, let alone take a sword to commit suicide.

Feeling this, in the end he closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to look at it anymore, but he could only wait for his death.

This picture of him was seen by Angola on the side, so he couldn’t help laughing: “Brother, this picture of you now is really big compared to your past look.”

The words fell, and Gruul’s eyes moved, but in the end there were no eyes opened, and Quandang didn’t hear.

Seeing his response, Angola was also shrugged and felt a little boring about it.

In the distance, a howling wind is coming.

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