In the distance, the howling wind came slowly.

I don’t know when, a horrible breath rises slowly, a horrible breath rises up, and in the blink of an eye envelopes the area of ​​several dozen li.

“Are you still here?”

Angola muttered to himself, with some jokes in his eyes.

As long as he prepared this ceremony, he anticipated the various situations that might happen today and made corresponding preparations.

The worst of these situations was undoubtedly the resurrection of Kaluuu, the founder king of the Tamuru Kingdom, from the silence, or the churches of the nations sent people to siege.

But no matter which one, they have the absolute certainty to deal with it, and if they are not good enough, they can put the bloody jazz on top and ensure that they have no worry.

After all, the blood ceremony this time is mainly for the bloody jazz himself, not for them. He would not stay here to watch the bloody jazz for blood sacrifice unless the two parties have reached a cooperation intention.

After all, he is also the Prince of the Kingdom of Tamulu. Even if he does n’t have a sense of identity with this country, it does n’t feel very good to see his own brother each and everyone being taken out of the blood sacrifice.

“Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do.”

He secretly sighed in his heart, then looked up to the outside, quietly waiting for the arrival of outsiders.

At this moment, the outer canopy has darkened, and the pieces of dust undulate and then fall down. The little element particles continue to oscillate and gradually spread out, starting to affect from the micro world, and gradually changing the positive canopy.

The momentum was very magnificent.

A unique breath spread out, and the inherent strength of that made Angola stunned.

“This Strength, how … is so similar to the power of the Blood Moon God?”

He frowned, feeling the Strength from the outside, and could not help but think: “Is it the descendant of the Blood Moon God, or the caller of the Blood Moon God?”

He also knew what the Bloody Jazz was doing at the moment.

The Divine Spark carrier that imprisoned the Blood Moon God not only blasphemed the gods, but also attempted to invade the god’s body and power. Even this kind of thing was done. Once the Blood Moon God has believers or descendants, he will be desperate. Come over to trouble him.

Therefore, Angola is not surprised at all when it comes to followers or descendants of the God of the Blood Moon.

The only thing that puzzled him was that the God of the Blood Moon had fallen for many years, and all inheritance in the world had been wiped out by other churches. Why would anyone who inherited the strength of the Blood Moon God appeared?

Holding this doubt, he stared seriously outside, trying to see what was sacred at the moment.

Under his gaze, an unexpected silhouette appeared before him.

At the end of the field of vision, a handsome looking young man in a white robe, holding a Knight long sword in his hand, emerged so quietly from a distance and slowly walked into the sight of Angola.

Next to Knight, a full-bodied but ugly woman walked there wearing a purple robe, followed quietly after Knight, just like Knight’s most loyal follower, quietly followed Knight.

“It’s you.”

Looking at this person, Angola was surprised: “Yasso Knight.”

“His Highness Angola.”

Looking at Angola in front of him, Adier nodded, right hand placed on his chest, and performed a standard noble etiquette: “His Highness Angola, long time no see.”

“Yeah, it’s been a long time since I counted it.”

Angola was nodded and then said: “What are you doing here this time?”

“I have no intention to be against the Highness, nor to participate in this kingdom.”

Adier raised his head slightly and said, “I’m here for one thing.”

“Gruel Prince is very nice to me. Before leaving, I hope to do some last things for him in return for his care in these months.”

“Just for Brother Grul?”

Angola’s face was playful: “What about the ceremony of the Blood Moon God? No matter?”

“If you can, by the way, it’s good.”

Adier laughed: “After all, the God of the Blood Moon also helped me a lot. If I can, I naturally hope to give something back.”

“Go then.” Angola pointed in the direction aside, and his face looked a little playful: “The bloody jazz is there, as long as you can knock him down, everything you want to do will be achieved naturally.”

“But let me remind you.”

He looked at Adier and Marr behind him, and continued to say, “As a person, I appreciate your knowledge and return, your loyal and heroic behavior, and I don’t like those people either, so I personally Won’t stop you. “

“But others are not necessarily there. There is a regional bishop of the night watchman church, and three black robe night watchers are here, and they will not treat you kindly.”

“Many thanks reminder.” Adier nodded, said nothing, his expression was calm, and he just went forward silently.

Beside him, Marr followed him quietly, with a slight smile on his face, and a calm temperament, as if to follow Adier, regardless of the endless abyss in front, and the heavy fire sea. Fear.

Watching their emotions quietly, wondering why, Angola suddenly felt envious.

Not envious of others, but purely envious of Gruul, his men can have such loyal and powerful Knight.

“His Royal Highness, don’t we need to stop?” On one side, watching the Adier two quietly forward, one side of the leather-clad servant couldn’t help but say.

“Stop, stop with your head?”

Coldly snorted, Angola: “Don’t say we can’t beat him, even if we can, it’s good for us to stop him?”

“Neither the vigil church nor the bloody jazz is a good thing. Someone bothers them, and I’m too happy to be happy.”

He said with a sneer, it seems that he does not have a good opinion of both, and even expects Adier to succeed.

As one of the carriers required for the advent of the night watchman, he knew very well that as long as he stayed in the night watchman’s church, sooner or later, there was nothing to end, and the future was destined to be reduced to the advent of the night watchman.

If Adier can really succeed, then he happens to be out of the control of the night watchman’s church, and he is too late to be happy, how can he stop it?

“Unfortunately, he is doomed to fail …”

Standing in place, he shook the head and sighed deeply.

Going straight through the gate is a long walkway.

It seems to be aware of the arrival of Adier. In the aisle, there are not many soldiers left at this moment. The only guards seem to have received orders. After seeing Adier, not only did not have swords facing each other, but he respectfully invited him in.

Soon, he walked to a spacious square.

For a while, bloody air smelled assaults the senses. On the square, a large blood pool attracted Adier’s attention.

The naked bodies were everywhere, including men and women, old and young, but at this moment most of their faces were embarrassed. They were lying on the edge of the blood pool forever, with eyes in their eyes. Resentment and longing, and a deep attachment to life.

What makes Adier relaxed is that Gruul’s breath still exists, even in good condition, but it looks a little shivering.

His clothes were all stripped, his body was so scared, the skin on his body turned red, and underneath the skin, he could see the blood vessels that were very obvious.

Seeing this, if Adier takes one step later, he may not escape the fate of being spotted by blood sacrifice.

But now that Adier is here, his fate has naturally changed.

Seeing Adier’s arrival, Gruul’s face flashed with joy, and at this moment his eyes flashed wildly, as if he was suggesting something to Adier.

“You’re here.” A very cliché, the words that can be seen in countless movie novels ring in place.

In front, looking at Adier coming out of the aisle, an old man in a black robe with a vigil on his face turned around and looked at Adier in front of him, with a deep surprise on his face: “I I had thought that Luciu would suddenly come out, and I also thought that the sacrifices of churches in various countries would come to besiege, but I did not expect that you would dare to come alone. “


Adier indifferently said: “I’m a born person who is bolder, or else I won’t be a Knight, not a mage.”

“It makes sense to say so.”

What Adier did not expect was that, listening to his words, the night watchman old man turned out to agree with nodded: “The same is a big country, the people of the Kingdom of Knight in the Kingdom of Tamlu are obviously more honest and reliable, unlike the Southern Master The mages of the kingdom ….. “

He has some gnashing teeth, and seems to have suffered a lot from the mage ’s head: “The group of mages, who do n’t do good things all day, think of various ways to make you pay, and go there to buy a set of micro arrays. The maintenance cost Just a few times more expensive than array! “

Looking at his appearance, Adier corner of mouth twitching, suddenly a little speechless: “Do not do good things as a whole, this seems to describe your night watchman.”

“You pit people up, and you may not be better than the mages.”

“That’s not the same.”

The night watchman, old man shook the head, disagrees with Adier’s words: “Our night watchman’s purpose is to be only bad people. Is it wrong for bad people to do bad things?”

Adier was silent for a while, not knowing why, and suddenly felt that the other party seemed to make some sense.

“Two months ago, did you destroy the altar outside the city of Tam, and several of our sacrifices?”

Opposite the old man, the wind turned and suddenly opened the mouth and said again.

Adier looked down and thought for a while, and finally nodded: “It’s me.”

That was more than two months ago. At that time, a Chamber of Commerce asked him to rescue their president’s daughter, and Adier took a trip, only to find the night watchman’s Bloody Sacrifice, so he resolved the sacrifices together.

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