Days passed in a calm environment.

The morning and night alternated again and again. I don’t know how long it has elapsed, and a little change began to occur in place.

The faint flames started to burn in place, and the flames of purple rose sharply.

In the silence, the original dead valley suddenly became active.

“Finally changed!”

Feeling the movement in the canyon, Mar stepped out of a tent, looking at the turbulent flames in front of her, and couldn’t help showing joy.

Since a few days ago, she had anticipated that the following would begin to change, but she was not sure. Until today, it was finally determined.

Bits of dust kept flashing in place. At the next moment, the entire earth was shaking gently, like a distant ancient giant creature turned over in a deep sleep, and its body shook the earth, causing the earth to tremble constantly.

The roaring flames rushed towards the sky, next moment, the endless brightness began to bloom, the brightness of the entire sky began to dim at this moment, and gradually lost its color.

A silhouette whistled out of the flames, slowly looking up towards the distance.

The indifferent and strong Bloodline majestic spreads from the place, like a sea like a deep sea, it makes people feel panic and fear, even if you just feel this aura, you will continue to tremble, and dare not stand within the envelope of this aura.

At this moment, the huge Strength went straight to the sky. On the blue sky, the bloody light began to flash, gradually turning into the shape of a blood moon.

In the endless flame burning, Adier walked out of the flame quietly, slowly looking up towards the sky.

“Are they still affected?”

He murmured to himself as he watched the bloody moon slowly emerging from the sky.

After the transformation was completed, his body was filled with the breath of the God of the Blood Moon, and was severely affected by the God of the Blood Moon.

The reason for this is not because of others. It is purely because Adier’s Strength is mostly transformed from the blood moon god. Its Strength naturally carries the attributes of the blood moon god, and is naturally seriously affected by the blood moon god.

Fortunately, Adier’s promotion was not based on the blood moon godliness, so although he was severely affected, he was not completely assimilated.

At this level, as long as you handle it properly in the future and slowly spend time, naturally you can slowly minimize the influence of the Blood Moon God.

This thought flashed quietly in the heart, next moment, Adier turned and walked slowly towards Mar.

As he walked around, on the ground around all, a purple flame started to disappear spontaneously, was slowly recovered as Adier entered, and was recovered on Adier.

When Adier approached Marr, the huge flame that had covered the entire canyon had gradually disappeared, exposing the sceneries remaining under the flame.


On the spot, looking at Adier coming in front of him, feeling the huge breath on his body, Mar’s face was excited: “You have succeeded!”

“Well, luck happened.”

Looking at Mar’s appearance, Adier had a relaxed smile on his face, and then gently opened the mouth and said, “Go and get me a suit.”

“Ah, yes.” Mar then responded, quickly lowered her head, turned and walked into the camp, and took out the prepared black robe.

“How long did it take me to get promoted this time?”

Taking the clothes from Mar, Adier asked.

“More than three days a month,” Mar said.

“Not bad.” Adier nodded: “Although it wasn’t completed within a month, it was about the same time.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

“Yes.” Mard was nodded, then moved forward, and walked obediently to Adier.


In the deep interior of the palace, a faint gleam of light constantly lit around.

Sitting quietly in his room, Gruul was holding a heavy book in his hand, flipping there quietly, and it looked like he was reading a book quietly.

But while reading the book, his legs were trembling slightly. At the same time, his face was extremely pale, and there was some fine sweat in front of his forehead.

Bumper …

At this moment, a slight knock outside the door sounded.

“Come in.” Gruul said without hearing his knock on the door.

As the voice fell, the door of the room was opened momentarily, and then a person walked straight in.

It was a very tall silhouette, with a huge figure and a formidable face, which looked like a heroic Knight, and could not help but trust it.

Gently turned over and saw the person in front of him, Gruul could not help secretly, and then said, “It’s Zamr …”

“What’s the matter?” He lowered the scroll in his hand, looked at the other person, and asked calmly.

“His Royal Highness, those surveillance things have gone.”

Standing in front of Gruul, looking at Gruul’s appearance, Zamur sighed deeply, and then spoke.

“hu …..”

Suddenly, Gruhr took a deep breath, and then his face suddenly changed. The original calmness completely disappeared. An anxiety and nervousness were written on one face: “Well, what news came from the Father!”

“I’m sorry.” Zamre’s helplessness appeared on his face. “Your Majesty was closely monitored there, and the maids and guards inside had been silently and silently wrapped, and the news inside could not be heard at all. “

“Where’s the outside?” Gruul seemed to be not at all surprised by Zamr’s words, but just asked.

“There is also no news …..” Zamr’s mouth showed bitterness. “We haven’t returned since the maid we sent to deliver the letter, and it’s probably already …”

“Now there is no movement outside, either the letter was not delivered to Yasuo Baron at all, or Yasuo Baron did not understand your Highness at all.”

“It’s impossible …” Gruul murmured to himself: “The secret phrase was taught to me by his elder sister. As long as Yasuo sees it, he should understand what I mean.

“Whatever the case may be, at least until now, Yasuo Baron has not been caught, and this is the best news.”

In front of him, looking at the appearance of Gruul, Zaml sighed and said, “Perhaps, Yasuo Baron is on his way to Sects for help at this moment.”

“Yes, that must be true!” Gruhr’s eyes lighted up, and new hope appeared on his face.

“I’m afraid your hopes will be lost …” A voice suddenly sounded outside.

Suddenly, the complexion of the two was greatly changed.

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