On a deserted mountainous area, a howling wind raged everywhere.

This is an uninhabited deserted area all year round, in which large areas of land are made of sand and stone, and only a few stubborn plants can grow here.

Today, two silhouettes ushered in this rare area.

“Is this here?” A soft voice sounded in place.

Standing on a mountain peak, looking out at the barren land in front of him, Adier said.

“Yes.” Aside, a female voice lightly sounded, with some magnetism in her voice.

“About five or six thousand years ago, two Legendary magic beasts slaughtered in this area, and its Strength shrouded the wild, which permanently changed the terrain of this area into a deserted desert area like today.”

“Thousands of years, people who knew that year kept coming from afar, trying to find the treasure of the two Legendary creatures, but in the end they found nothing.”

Standing next to Adier, Marr said with a confident smile on his face and said with a smile: “But through the fate of Strength, I can find the bodies of these two Legendary creatures.”

“It couldn’t be better.” Adier’s voice came from one side.

Standing in place, he looked at the barren land and then said, “Let’s go on.”

“it is good.”

They continued on, and soon reached a deep canyon.

This canyon looks very hidden, located in this deserted central area, and ordinary people want to get here, even if the direction is right, I am afraid it will take several months.

Adier and Mar are different.

With the power of Mars’s fate, and the powerful strength of Adier, in a few days, they took a long journey and arrived here directly.

When he came here, a keen sense of Strength covered the place, and then a deep revelation came to mind.

“This aura… ..”

Feeling the breath from the canyon in front of him, Adier was a little surprised, then he got up straight and took Mar to go down.

Following the revelation in the deep, he quickly reached the center of the canyon, the direction in which the breath came.

A touch of majestic Bloodline came from the front.

At one moment, Chen Ming raised his head, his eyes looking forward.

I saw two extremely huge bones lying on the ground in front of me. At this moment, the flesh and blood on the bones had completely weathered and disappeared, and only pieces of white bones remained. With.

On top of these two bones, a majestic Bloodline flowed slowly and majesticly, making Chen Ming nodded: “It’s very powerful, and it’s very good.”

“With the corpses of these two Legendarys, it would be almost enough to add the ones in front.”

Looking at the two old and tall corpses, he quietly opened the mouth and said.

Aside, listening to his words, Mar could not help but smile.

During this time, they have been searching for the bones of various ancient creatures near the Kingdom of Tamru. To this end, they have spent a lot of power in a short time, so as to quickly shuttle around.

Such a lot of trouble is naturally to advance to the fourth order.

It is very difficult for Adier at this moment to want to transform with the proper roots. Therefore, he directly chose his old bank and was ready to take the Bloodline Secret Scripture as the root and embark on the Bloodline road again.

For this road, Chen Ming is definitely a light road. As long as there is enough Power of Bloodline in front of him, he can quickly complete the transformation of Bloodline and thus be promoted to the fourth stage.

In general, the hardest part of this path is not the other, but the search for a variety of powerful Bloodlines that meet the requirements.

But the most difficult point was easily resolved in front of Mar, the fate-caller born of Goddess Strength.

For the destiny callers, except for the gods of aloof and remote, the rest of the existing information can be easily obtained as long as they are willing to pay the price.

“How much time is left?”

Looking at the two huge bones in front of him, Adier calmed himself and finally asked.

“There are about three months left. Excluding the time for halfway, we have only two and a half months.”

Turning around slightly, looking at Adier in front of him, Mar thought for a while, and then said, “But in the fate glimpsed by the clues of fate, the fate message revealed in it is always changing. In order to prevent it, our speed It must be accelerated. “

“If you can, it’s best to resolve this matter within a month.” Looking at Adier, she finally said.

“A month?” Listening to the number, Adier groaned for a moment, then nodded: “I try.”

As the words fell, he turned around and slowly walked forward.

As he walked in, in front of them, two tall skeletons stood quietly, and there seemed to be a faint bloodline power rippling against the arrival of Adier.

Feeling this rejection, Adier’s complexion remained unchanged, but his breath suddenly changed.

The rich purple light flickered. At this moment, the source of purple power in Adier began to burn, and the pure Strength contained in it began to entangle, wrapping his entire body directly.

From outside, he seemed to be incarnation into a large flame, to burn the entire World.

Fire of the World! !!

This is the secret method of the burning source to smelt the Bloodline, which was used by Chen Ming at this moment and swept directly in place.

A little flame started to spread, spreading outward from Adier, and gradually condensed on the two tall corpses. The two tall corpses were directly ignited and turned into one of the nourishment for the flame, so that the purple flame burned More vigorous.

Huge flames spread in place, and in the blink of an eye, the entire canyon seemed to turn into a huge furnace, in which endless purple flames were burning, just like the mythical kingdom of Vulcan, which ignited the entire earth.

The howling wind blew, and a silhouette slowly passed by in the boundless flame.

Adier was walking in the valley on foot. At this moment, as the flame continued to burn, all the clothing on his body was ignited, revealing the body inside the clothing.

A long black hair fluffed freely, and fell like a waterfall. Under the sun’s rays, fair skin appeared in it, a handsome face looked far away, and a pair of black eyes were pure. At this moment, there was no panic at all, only a depth and calmness.

Against the background of the flame, his face was handsome and exquisite, a gentle and calm, deep and calm temperament appeared on the body, like a distant deity stepping out of the epic, walking quietly on this earth.

The breeze blew from a distance, the next moment, the flames of the sky began to rise, directly covering him, covering his entire body, no trace was visible.

“Be successful.”

At the edge of the canyon, watching Adier engulfed in purple flames, Marr’s arms rested on his chest, and a lot of worries appeared on his face.

No matter what the world, the promotion to the fourth stage, the process of birth origin is extremely dangerous.

Regardless of future or emotional considerations, Mar never wanted his destiny callers to fall on this level.

“Let me see.”

Raising her hand gently, looking at the flaming flames in the distance, she closed her eyes slowly, then opened again.

A little bit of the afterglow flickered in front of the eyes, and then the roar of horror roared in the distance.

Taking the present as the starting point, the lines of destiny continue to spread, one scene after another begins to emerge.

On a barren ground, the sky’s purple flames were burning in a raging flame, and on one day they suddenly whistled and rushed away. One of them immediately horrified giant beast, roared to the sky, and finally turned into a handsome boy.

On the broken ground, the earth is constantly shaking, and in a dark night, a teenager returns on a flame.

…………… ..

The scenes of every scene flashed continuously. In the line of fate, each and everyone’s scenes about the future one after another flashed, but without exception, all were the images of Adier being promoted to the fourth order.

“How can this be!!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mar suddenly opened his eyes, and an incredible expression appeared on his face.

“It turns out that there is no chance of failure …”

Looking at the burning flames in the distance, she was shocked.

In the pictures she saw, she could not see even the slightest possibility of promotion failure, and the only deviation was only the time required for promotion, which was different from the scene when she was promoted.

This is an incredible thing.

This shows that Chen Ming’s promotion is inevitable, and there is no possibility of failure at all.

And this kind of thing is obviously not in line with common sense.

“Either, it is because the care of the Lord King is extraordinarily strong. With the care of World, everything flows to the good side, which fundamentally eliminates the possibility of failure.”

Looking at the flaming flames in the distance, Mare took a deep breath: “Or, there is a great existence to take the shot, unify the line of destiny on the lord, and wipe out all the destiny that is not conducive to the lord. “

As the destiny’s caller of Goddess, Mar’s understanding of destiny is far clearer and deeper than ordinary people.

The so-called fate can also be changed.

As long as it is strong enough, don’t talk about things that haven’t happened at the time, even if things have happened, it means to change and change.

Goddess, the destiny of ancient times, is this kind of existence. By constantly weaving destiny, the entire World is shrouded under him, even if it is a powerful deity, it will be overshadowed by the flood of fate.

“Anyway, at least in front of me, this is a good thing.”

Standing in place, Martu thought for a long time, but in the end, he still could not judge, but he sighed gently, and then continued to pay attention to the eyes.

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