Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 141 Treasure buried in dust

Clayton did smell a strange smell when he entered the door, but he never thought that the owner of the smell would be in such a short position.

This is not a dwarf, just an old man squatting in the middle of the display cabinet.

He has a shaved head, a pale beard on his chin, and saggy cheek muscles. His obesity fills every wrinkle, making him look about ten years younger than his actual age, but Clayton is sure He must be almost seventy years old, and the decaying smell of the old man cannot be concealed from him.

On the ground in front of the old man, a long white cloth was spread, with various bits and pieces of ornaments placed on it, all of which seemed to have an outdated atmosphere similar to his own.

The lieutenant stopped because of the hand grabbing his pants, but he had no intention of buying anything.

"Dude, you can't set up a stall in my store."

Miss Charlotte behind the counter spoke awkwardly: "Boss, he said he came here to sell antiques after seeing our advertisement in the newspaper."

Then they are not peers, but a complementary business relationship. Clayton is in awe of this fat old man.

"Then let's talk about this."

After hearing what he said, the old man finally retracted his hand and slowly stood up with his hands on his knees - then he staggered and hit the glass counter with his elbow. With a crisp cracking sound, spiderweb-like cracks began to form on him. The intersection of the elbow and the glass spread outward, and after a few seconds, it shattered into numerous glass shards and fell onto the counter. A built-in electric light was disturbed by this, and it flashed and then went out completely.

It's expensive, and Clayton doesn't know how to repair electrical machinery.

His eyes turned cold and his tone was no longer friendly: "Let's talk about how much of your goods will be left after you pay for the repair costs of my equipment."

"What?!" The fat old man took a few steps back and cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, is he like this again!"

"What is this?"

The old man did not answer, but raised his hands and tried his best to make a sincere expression towards Clayton:

"I will pay compensation and use these things to pay off the debt."

He bent down, picked out a few old jewelry inlaid with gold and silver from his goods, and handed them to Clayton's hands with a look of pain on his face.

Clayton weighed them, took out his handkerchief and gently wiped off the dirt on them, looked at the lines on them against the electric lamp in another display cabinet, and then put it to the tip of his nose to sniff under their surprised eyes. , and finally draw a conclusion.

"You are such a shameless scoundrel! How dare you show up here!"

He slapped all the gadgets back into the old man's hand, and his attitude went to the next level. He said coldly: "I won't do business with tomb robbers. Please pay for the repair cost of this counter, and then get out!"

The smell of death on these ornaments could not be concealed from the werewolf at all, and he knew as soon as he smelled them that they had only recently been dug out of the earth.

Creighton could calmly kill an opponent wailing for mercy, but he would never desecrate a grave. He thought that any hatred should disappear in front of the high wall of death, and no one had the right to disturb the peace of the deceased.

Miss Charlotte stood up in surprise after hearing this conclusion. She saw the old man's face turned pale in an instant, and immediately knew that Clayton's judgment hit the truth directly.

Her first reaction was the opposite of Clayton's.

"I'll call the sheriff."

She left from behind the counter, but her route choice failed miserably. The fat old man rushed over and grabbed her leg. This sudden change made her scream.

But the fat old man didn't hurt her, he just cried loudly and tried his best to wipe his tears and snot onto her cotton printed skirt.

"Forgive me! I will never do it again. I have no choice but to do it! I used to work for Mr. Stepan and collect antiques for him, but he disappeared and the balance was not paid. I still made the decision on my own and borrowed the money. The interest on the antiques I bought for him is driving me to death, and it’s not enough to sell them again. I really have to do this, otherwise what kind of profitable business can an old man like me do?”

He sobbed and rubbed his face between Charlotte's skirt again. Clayton could even see the reflection of liquid on it.

As a real peace officer, he had no psychological fluctuations at this moment, and even maliciously speculated whether he had gone out in a hurry, so he had to use Charlotte's skirt to make up for the washing process.

But this was not going to work, Clayton walked over and planned to pull him away.

"I won't say anything anymore. If I don't say anything, please let me go!"

Charlotte pushed the old man in panic, and he fell backwards, and the back of his head hit the counter directly, motionless. Just when the poor girl thought he was dead, he got up again. , wiped his face clean with his hands with a smile.

"The Lord will bless you, good Samaritans!"

Clayton stopped and reminded him: "You haven't paid for my counter yet, old guy."

The fat old man's face fell again. His trembling hands reached into his pocket and took out a pendant necklace with a silver chain.

Clayton stopped him in disgust: "I told you, no burial objects will be accepted here."

"No, no, no, this is not a funerary object, I picked it up from the river beach." The old man defended while holding the necklace, his face turned red: "This is really a find. If I lie, I will be unable to do anything for the rest of my life." drink wine!"

He swore, and his words were true. Clayton doubtfully took the necklace and waved it at the tip of his nose. The smell on it was indeed different from that of a tomb, with a faint scent of water plants.

The fat old man looked at him and smelled it again. He became excited, rubbed his hands and smiled flatteringly at him.

"Look, is that so?"

The store manager ignored him and continued to hold the necklace close to the electric light. The cold white light reflected the elegant color on the silver necklace.

The front pendant of the necklace is a small vertical oval photo frame, but it is not a photo, but a layer of chipped ivory. The craftsman used ingenuity to carve a relief of a girl's head on the white ivory. The outside was covered with a thin layer of glass.

The relief is not colored, and the pure white girl has a demure temperament, her eyes are downcast, and she is wearing a seaweed headband, as if she is waiting and missing someone.

Although the material is not valuable, Clayton likes the idea.

He turned the pendant over and saw a line of words engraved on the back of the photo frame, but it was blurred and showed signs of water erosion.

"The workmanship is good. After deducting the cost of repair, I will give you four shillings." Clayton's tone was slightly relaxed, but still unquestionable.

This was almost an unexpected surprise. The fat old man took the money and exited the "Rusted Silver Coin" with great gratitude. Miss Charlotte finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw his fat figure twisting away.

Clayton stuffed the necklace into his pocket and motioned for her to go back behind the counter.

"When you meet this kind of guy in the future, don't say stupid things like going to the Sheriff. It will ruin our reputation."

"Is it because we are also selling the relics of dead people? I understand." Charlotte sat down on the chair dejectedly, looking down at her contaminated skirt.

"This is just one of the reasons. Another reason is that they will form a team to disrupt our business. When you see a tomb robber, you are not sure whether he has any accomplices. This kind of tomb robber organization is very united." Clayton glanced at the door, leaned his upper body on the counter, and lowered his voice: "The old man like just now must have an accomplice."

Miss Charlotte opened her eyes wide in surprise: "Mr. Bello, how did you see it?"

Clayton shrugged. “The answer to that is simple—he wouldn’t be so fat if he was digging graves alone.”

The female assistant covered her mouth and laughed, quickly putting aside her displeasure.

After laughing, she suddenly realized that her boss seemed different from before.

"You are in a good mood today. Did something good happen to you while I was away?"

"The great revenge was avenged, my relatives were reunited, I built a good tombstone for my friend, and the money I earned was enough to cover the debt I borrowed in the early days of opening the store. I feel that life is full of passion now, and I can no longer imagine what I was thinking in the past. "Clayton breathed out and said the above words in a joking tone.

Charlotte did not take them seriously and said with a smile: "Your experience sounds like a novel."

"That's it." Clayton touched his beard and straightened up again, no longer leaning on the counter: "Miss Charlotte, I want to arrange for my niece to go to high school. How was the high school you went to?"

"Xinjiani College? Generally speaking, it's pretty good. Several good teachers I know should still be working there."

"I need a letter of recommendation, if you would help me."

This request made Charlotte a little embarrassed. She had certain moral insistence on this aspect.

"Sorry, Mr. Bello, but I will not write a letter of recommendation to someone I have never met. You must at least let me meet her before I can tell you my decision."

"What I want is your words." Clayton put his hand on the counter and raised his voice confidently: "Great, I will let you two meet at noon. My niece is smart and beautiful, and you will like her. of."

He changed the subject: "But this girl has been living in the country before. Please take her with you for a while and help her choose some ladylike clothes in the department store. I will pay the bill."

"Although I vaguely remember that the position I applied for is not a maid, but who makes you the boss?" Charlotte sighed and slapped her hands on the accumulated envelopes and account books on the table. It was obvious that these tasks could not be completed today.

"I beg you to let me go home before that. I can't see anyone with my dress like this."

"Of course, it's not urgent."

Clayton settled the matter and went upstairs to his studio.

The bishop's seal that Joe Mani had given him before was still on the table.

He picked up the ring, looked at it for a few times, stuffed it into the box, and unconsciously put a smile on his lips.

He was completely relieved that Donna still maintained her human identity.

Just this morning, he had been to Donna's room to check, and there were no traces there at all, something he couldn't do even with the Presbyterian suppressants.

The inhibitor can only keep him sane, not his human form.

There was also no sign of Donna turning into a werewolf on a full moon night.

But Clayton still dared not take it completely lightly. He had read enough documents and understood the nature of the Sealed One.

The mixed-blood children of sealers and humans will inevitably inherit the curse of the previous generation, but more or less, even if the curse content in their bodies is not enough to make them true dark descendants, it will accumulate over time, gradually making their The body transforms.

There are some examples in history where mutations did not occur until later in life, but those transformed darkin did not extend their lifespan, and they died soon after.

Moonspawn account for a large proportion of these cases, and Changyue's Inspiration provides them with additional darkin curses.

Compared with the regular moon, the dark moon is undoubtedly a stronger attractor.

What worries Clayton is that in fact, the dark moon has not really arrived yet. When that celestial body really comes to this world, there may be a risk that Donna will transform into a werewolf. At that time, he could only pray that the blood of Tritis' former priesthood could exert its divine expulsion power in her body.

The detailed outline is not suitable for me, so the daily update function is limited to this month. The update speed next month will most likely be brought back to its original state.

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