Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 140 Detailed List

As the night passed, the restlessness in the basement also subsided.

The werewolf's body fell unconsciously, the black hair receding back under the skin like a tide, and the figure continued to shrink until it returned to its human form.

Clayton lay down for a while before waking up. He covered his forehead, endured the pain from inside and out of his body and got up from the ground. He groped for his own clothes in the darkness and put them on.

He added four iron locks to the entrance trap door of the basement to ensure that he would not escape to the surface and hurt anyone when he lost consciousness. However, it also prolonged the unlocking process more than four times. Clayton's still trembling hands took half a day. It took several hours to unlock the four keys and the iron lock one by one.

As light floods in, the basement scene is illuminated.

The numerous raw meats hanging from the hooks of the iron chains swayed slightly, but their number was significantly reduced compared to yesterday's daytime. There were many traces of werewolves feasting on the ground, and meat scraps and blood were everywhere.

Clayton looked back and noticed that his food intake had increased unknowingly.

At least eighty pounds of meat had gone into his belly last night.

This terrible figure could hardly be concealed any longer, but fortunately he was about to move out and did not have to explain anything to the landlady and maid.

It makes sense to clean out ingredients before moving.

After holding onto the ladder, his expression changed again, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, which splashed into the dust.

The other darkin curse that Athena had placed upon him had not yet faded, it had simply stopped spreading rather than given up its place.

The alien flesh and blood that grows wildly within the original normal body structure will naturally shrink during movement, and the effect is as terrifying as pouring gravel into the blood vessels. Every deformation is torture for Clayton.

To solve this phenomenon, the best way he could think of was to stop taking the inhibitors issued by the Elders Council and let the naturally strong werewolf curse crowd out this unknown curse.

So far, he has felt some effects, but not much. He may have to wait several years to expel the curse in this way.

We must find a way to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Breakfast was ready for Clayton and Donna.

Some cheese bread, sausage and milk, a simple breakfast but rich in nutrients.

Clayton absentmindedly put the food into his mouth. He had eaten enough last night, and he had sprayed too much mouth deodorant just now, which caused serious persecution to his taste buds. Everything he eats now is A spicy-sweet scent.

He was more concerned about Donna than himself.

Wu Lun's daughter is now tall and graceful. She is fifteen years old. Cuitis was almost the same age when she and Wu Lun got married. She was only one year older than Donna. Of course, Wu Lun was only twenty years old at that time.

But in the eyes of urban people, it is too young to get married at such an age. They have enough time to receive education and cultivate them into better people.

Creighton believes that such a view is progressive.

"Uncle Clayton, are you a pharmacist?" Donna suddenly looked over at him.

Clayton put down his knife and fork, puzzled by the question.

"No, why do you ask that?"

"I saw a lot of potions in the mirrored closet in that bathroom." The girl spent a lot of effort repeating this new term. This word has no equivalent in the countryside, and it is the closest to its meaning. The "toilets" are located at least a hundred yards away from the house where they live to prevent the stench from being blown into the house.

Clay was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

"That's not a potion, that's the perfume, aftershave, hair oil and facial massage oil I use."

Donna was in awe of her uncle, with envy in her eyes.

In fact, at this moment, Clayton is still using cosmetics on his face - rouge gauze. This thing is actually more favored by women, but due to the werewolf curse, his skin evolved into the opposite dead person in order to cover up the black hair underneath. He seemed pale, so he had to use rouge gauze to add some color to his face to prevent others from asking questions.

As for the eye abnormalities, they are not obvious during the day, except that the pupils are much larger than the average person.

There are eye washes on the market that contain belladonna ingredients, which can dilate people's pupils and make the user appear more pure and kind. As long as he lies and claims that he has used this product, no one will say anything.

"Did you do this all by yourself?" Donna asked.

She remembered that most of the containers had no labels and she couldn't tell the difference between them.

"Both." Clayton said frankly. His job made him familiar with the application of spices and chemicals. It was much more cost-effective to prepare these ointments by himself than to go to the department store.

Hearing his answer, the girl's admiration was beyond words.

"I can't learn this," she muttered.

Clayton comforted her: "I can teach you, just take your time, no one is born with this."

The girl happily tapped the table with her fork.

Seeing the smile on her face, her uncle felt that the time he had to put in was worth it.

"However, study is the most important thing. I went out this morning to help you inquire about school. I will be back soon and take you to the store to buy clothes in the afternoon. The activity of making perfume should be done after school."

Donna's joy came to an abrupt end, and she pointed at herself in surprise: "Go to school?"

Seeing his niece's attitude, Clayton had a very bad premonition. He nodded: "Your mother said she wanted me to send you to high school."

"high school?"

The girl repeated the word again, and the confusion and panic on her face made Clayton think for a moment that he was talking to Clara.

Donna put down her fork and looked very uneasy: "Okay, I will go to high school. High school is not bad. Maybe I can adapt."

That didn't sound good, and Clayton raised a hand to interrupt her mumbling.

"Donna, have you been to grammar school?"

This question was like a tranquilizer, calming down Donna and she finally found some confidence.

"Of course, I can read."

"So have you finished seventh grade?"

Donna's beautiful yellow eyes moved around, but she didn't dare to look directly into Clayton's eyes.

"You should have finished reading."

Clayton's face darkened, and his attitude changed suddenly. He said solemnly: "There are only two answers: 'I have read it' and 'I haven't finished it'. The option 'should have read it' does not exist."

"Maybe... in second grade." Donna's pronunciation of the last word completely rose, and the volume became almost inaudible.

This is not possible——

Clayton just stared at Donna until the latter's eyes finally tired of moving and stopped at one place. He pushed his copy of "Sasha Morning News" over, pointed to a paragraph next to the picture and gave instructions.

"Read this newspaper, read the little paragraph I'm pointing to."

Donna finally felt more mental pressure from her uncle than her mother. She took the newspaper and read this paragraph with trepidation.

Hearing her reading, the smile gradually returned to Clayton's face.

"No typo, very good. Have you ever been to a women's college?"

"No," Donna whispered.

"That doesn't matter. They only teach sewing skills. If we have money, we can hire tailors to do it for us. I think you can definitely go to high school."

At this moment, Donna showed an embarrassment that she had not had before. Clayton's assessment had hit her self-confidence.

"I can go to school, but can I go to junior high school first? Or low school or something? I'm afraid I won't be able to adapt to high school."

Clay was stunned for a moment, and then understood what she was worried about. He opened his eyes wide, and the lips under his beard grinned involuntarily, almost exposing the sharp back teeth that had been alienated by the werewolf curse. He grunted in his throat, and finally let out A joyful laughter that hadn’t appeared in a long time.

His booming voice filled the entire restaurant.

"My dear silly girl, "high school" is not the abbreviation of "senior high school". Your grammar knowledge should tell you that in our language, 'high' also means 'on', so the full name of 'high school' It’s actually an ‘upper-class preparation, middle-class school’!”

Amidst the laughter, Donna blushed. She raised her right hand to cover her cheek, and turned the other half of her face to the side to prevent Clayton from looking at it.

"Don't worry, girl, you can do it. I'm going out right away. I hope I can get this done in one go."

Clayton suppressed his laughter and confessed some things in a pretense of seriousness. Then he grabbed his hat, shrugged his shoulders and moved to the door, then went out, and then two streets away, he finally couldn't help laughing.

A famous poet once said, "A smile makes people live longer." This is true. Clayton hadn't been so energetic for a long time. Until he walked into the door of 'Rusted Silver Coin', he still felt light all over, as if even the curse was automatic. It faded a lot.

After deciding to resume business, he sent a letter to employees announcing the matter.

Of course, Miss Charlotte, who loves her work, was already waiting here. Just as Clayton was about to walk up to say hello, a hand stretched out from the middle of the display cabinet grabbed his pants.

"Sir, take a look at my goods."

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