Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 142 A sudden turn of events

By noon, when Clayton hired a carriage to pick up Charlotte on the way, he was already a little more anxious than in the morning.

A few minor commotions brought his work to a standstill.

While transcribing a transaction statement, the old pen that he used most easily broke in his hand. The ink contaminated a large area of ​​data, and it took him a lot of time to clean up the desktop. He had to write another letter to the remote assistant who provided the bill after changing the pen, hoping that the other party would send a backup file.

This will not be delivered until next week at the earliest.

Fortunately, the meeting between Charlotte and Donna went surprisingly smoothly, and they became familiar with each other almost as soon as they met.

Because Donna is such a beautiful little girl.

She had been waiting in the living room early. Out of etiquette, Charlotte had to get out of the car and meet her before returning to the car. As soon as she saw Donna, Charlotte was fascinated by her.

"Donna, my brother's daughter. This is Miss Charlotte, my assistant, and an expert on ladies' dressing." Clayton introduced them to each other.

"I like the title of expert." The female assistant studied Donna's face carefully and couldn't help but praise her. "Little lady, your mother must be a beauty. I dare say you are better than 99% of city girls without having to learn how to dress up. Look at this ebony black hair and this skin that is as beautiful as snow. I love it. Damn the shape of this nose!”

Donna didn't say anything, but the corners of her mouth were slightly curved and her head was raised higher and higher.

Clayton walked between them:

"I have to clarify, these qualities you mentioned were given to her by her father."

He felt the need to explain this, lest Tritis receive praise that did not belong to her.

Patting Donna on the shoulder, he greeted again: "Okay, if you have any questions, we can talk in the car. Let's go to the department store first to pick out some clothes for Donna to make her look more ladylike. She always wears this A red cloak is outrageous."

"But it's rainproof," Donna pouted.

"It's made of cotton. It won't be of much use before a heavy rain. If you want to go out on a rainy day, I'll buy you a small silk umbrella to make sure no rainwater splashes on you." Clayton held Donna in his arms and walked out. , gently pushed her into the carriage, and Charlotte quickly came up.

The two women together were barely as wide as Clayton, but still looked thin and slender.

The coachman flicked the reins lightly, and the horses moved their hooves obediently, dragging the carriage forward through the streets dotted with leafless plane trees.

Because Donna was sitting in the car, the road that Clayton had walked thousands of times now seemed full of interest. What's more, he was not going out to work this time, nor to kill people. The focus was on consumption, which was very different from him. It was as relaxing and joyful as going to the city fair for the first time when I was young and accompanied by my family.

When he thought of this, Clayton unconsciously raised his middle finger and tapped his kneecap to play a tune.

"Mr. Bello, have you grown taller?" Charlotte asked, huddled in the corner next to him.

Her eyes looked at the top of Clayton's head, which almost reached the top of the carriage. It seemed that the debt wasn't this high when Clayton took her to find someone to collect the debt before.

Clayton's tapping rhythm stopped and he said vaguely: "I didn't pay attention, maybe."

The last time he measured his size was three months ago. 1.88 meters was the measurement result at that time. Now his height should have exceeded this data.

This kind of growth is not a good thing in his eyes. The werewolf's weight means a greater appetite.

And he has spent money like water.

The two remunerations he received from the Presbyterian Church and his original savings totaled eleven thousand pounds, but after he paid off the debts caused by the failure of his business and overseas investments, he only had about eight thousand pounds.

After deducting the money to buy the house from the eight thousand pounds, there is still four thousand pounds left.

But since the house has been changed, all living conditions must be improved accordingly.

The independent house no longer has a new landlady and her hired maid to help. He needs to hire two servants and a cook to clean and cook. In order to manage them, he may also hire a housekeeper, and Donna's personal maid is also essential. .

The food and uniforms for the above people while working must also be provided by him, and the consumption efficiency of soap bars will be greatly improved.

Clayton just made a rough calculation and found that the expenditure was at least eleven times as high as before.

Fortunately, the Presbyterian Church was willing to hire him to work as a constable. Although he would get less pay than Groene promised if he chose to work on alternate days, it would still be 4 pounds per week.

The tuition fee for high school is about 80 pounds a year, but if you want to practice some subjects outside the school, you need to buy your own equipment, including expensive paints and high-end musical instruments, so he needs to invest in it in the first year. At least a thousand pounds.

In order to reduce the tuition fee for musical instruments, Clayton did not apply for a performance course, but chose music theory and appreciation - he was responsible for standing in the back row of the performance class to watch the students who were learning to practice their instruments, and criticizing them from time to time. kind.

Donna obviously couldn't share his sloppiness.

"Little lady." Clayton couldn't help but use Charlotte's name, which sounded friendly and not offensive. "If you were asked to choose an instrument to learn, would you choose the piano or the violin? Or do you already have your heart set on it?"

His idea was good, but Donna's expression seemed to have fundamental contradictions with music theory that were difficult to reconcile.

"Can I choose to whistle?" she tried hesitantly, her body swaying amidst the violent vibrations in the carriage.

Clayton shook his head sincerely: "This won't work. I have chosen this."

Charlotte faced the car window, her shoulders hunched, wondering if it was related to the potholes on the road.

Even after several revisions, the roads in Sasha City are still far from smooth, but people who have lived here for a long time will get used to this road condition and regard it as an indispensable feature of the local area. But the length of the journey this time was not a casual one. When the carriage stopped in front of the department store, Donna was the first to jump off.

Her face was pale, her eyes were blank, her legs were shaking as she stood on the ground, and she almost fainted, until Charlotte supported her.

This state obviously made it impossible to enjoy shopping, so Clayton had to go into the nearby tavern and buy half a bottle of white wine to treat her dizziness. This was a secret recipe taught to him by his commander when he first boarded the ship.

The secret recipe was surprisingly effective, and with just one sip, Donna regained her energy.

"gooliry-yehavinus." she slurred.

"What did you say?" Clayton took his leather bottle away from her lips with a puzzled look on his face.

He could clearly hear the words coming out of his niece's mouth, but he couldn't tell which language they belonged to. It might be a foreign language, or it might be some kind of local slang. The tone sounded like a complaint.

Donna was stunned. She didn't seem to expect that Clayton would hear this sentence, so she was stunned and didn't know how to explain it.

Clayton had no intention of exploring anything, so he just made a brief mention.

"Ladies are not allowed to say dirty words."

Donna's face immediately turned red, she pursed her lips and nodded imperceptibly.

Compared with the dilapidated streets, the commercial streets in Sasha City are quite gorgeous. The buildings on both sides are painted white and look very clean. Black railway lamps cast in the shape of buds are arranged at intervals outside the buildings, with split "stems" at the lower end. It is curled in a rather fancy arc, leaving only one piece inserted into the wall as a fixation.

Although they are not lit during the day, their shapes add a bit of artistic flair to the environment.

There are not many people on the road. People are neatly dressed in different colors. They stop and talk to the sellers when they encounter something of interest.

It was this view that attracted Creighton to settle, and now it's not easy to find a city where most residents are willing to wear colorful clothing.

Industrial development comes at a cost. Increasingly serious pollution not only fills the air with yellow-black haze, but also makes people's clothing preferences gradually shift towards dark colors that are less likely to show dirt. Even if they are covered with dust, they will not look rude. .

In those developed cities, people are dirty but walk on the streets pretending to be clean, and they understand each other tacitly.

Precisely because Sasha City showed a similar atmosphere to Butnu, Donna did not suffer from stage fright. She did not stay too far away from Clayton and Charlotte, but trotted along the street quite adaptably. Her eyes were drawn to those on the glass. She was attracted by the silvery enamel and gilt statuettes in the display cabinet, and the carved chandeliers and ritual vessels inlaid with blue fluorite sparkled in her eyes.

Clayton regretted for a while. If he had known that Donna would like it so much, he would have taken her to his store to see it first.

There is no shortage of beautiful craftsmanship among the rusted silver coins.

"Donna, come on, let's go to the millinery shop first." He greeted.

It may seem strange for a man to go to a millinery shop, but it is considered a sign of thoughtfulness if he is accompanied by a female family member.

Just as he strode towards the front of the millinery shop, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew over and almost blew his hat off.

Clayton stretched out his hand to hold down his hat, and on the second floor that he couldn't see, after a strong wind blew, a potted plant placed on the stone decorative railing suddenly tilted over and fell straight down, hitting him right in the air. of the head.

The werewolf's senses finally caught the dull sound of wind when the flowerpot was less than a foot above his head.

He subconsciously raised his arm and whipped it, smashing the cream-colored flower pot into pieces along with the soil balls and plants inside. The cracked soil, pottery shards and broken leaves were all over his arm.

The sound attracted the attention of people on the street, and Charlotte and Donna ran over nervously after discovering the incident.

Clayton waved his arm and made a statement before they could express concern:

"There's nothing wrong with me. It's just that my clothes are dirty. Just go back and clean them with a brush."

Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief: "This is really dangerous, if it was me and the little lady who were standing under that flower pot just now." She couldn't help but shudder when she imagined that scene.

"But some injuries are invisible. People with broken bones may not be able to discover their condition quickly. I think you'd better let me check it out."

The female assistant reached out to roll up the sleeve of Clayton's hand that resisted the falling weight. The latter did not refuse - it would be weird for a normal person to refuse to check the injury. But his arms were too thick and his sleeves could only be rolled up a little, so nothing could be seen at all.

"I'd better take it off." Clayton sighed and took his right hand out of the sleeve of the woolen coat.

At this time, a carriage with two horses passed by on his left. The long sleeves of the coat hanging to the ground were naturally rolled into the rotating axle, and then tightened like the steering wheel of a ship.

In front of the two girls, their boss and uncle, Clayton Bello, was dragged away by the carriage.

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