Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 58: Self-exploding airship

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Hearing the words of Izana and Black Cat, Ma Yuan felt relieved.

It seems that although he was attacked on this side, the situation is not bad.

But it was this attack that let Ma Yuan know a period, that is, the king on the airship, definitely not the unchanging king, that is, the silver king Adolf K. Weitzman of the first king.

That is completely different from "unchanging", the power of "change".

To be precise, it is a kind of power similar to the power of change, but the user is always sure of changing himself, but Ma Yuan does not know who the user is.

Then Ma Yuan was more certain that the users of this force were absolutely kings.

And just now, the king used the ability. He controlled the people on the plane that just attacked Ma Yuan, so they would attack Ma Yuan.

That king has the ability to control others!

Ma Yuan thought so.

At least it is similar to the ability to control others.

"Hey, hello, the plane over there, don't shoot at your companion!"

At this time, Fushimi's shouting made Ma Yuan absolutely funny, after all, the object of his shouting was a person who was being controlled.

But Fushimi couldn't feel this, but Ma Yuan was not surprised at all.

It's just that in this case, shouldn't Fushimi notice something wrong with the other party's plane, at least feel that there is something wrong with Ma Yuan's plane and the plane that shot it.

In any case, according to the rules of Scepter4, this kind of thing cannot happen.


Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan realized that something was wrong.

The opponent didn't shoot at Ma Yuan, but shot because he knew that Ma Yuan was here.

If only the person on the airship wants to create chaos, it doesn't have to be that way, and it chose to attack Ma Yuan, which means that he knows that there are vital people on the plane.

Ma Yuan and Izona.

That is, in the memory of Izana, two people who were dropped by the man on the airship.

"Night knife **** dog Lang! Ready to jump!"

Ma Yuan shouted.

"Little voice, the communication is on!"

Ye Dao Shen Gou Lang has not yet responded to what Ma Yuan said, but complained about the fact that the communication is on. After all, according to Ma Yuan's voice, as long as the Scepter4 members who open the channel can hear it.

Immediately after the night knife Goddog Lang reacted, what Ma Yuan said.


Before waiting for Night Sword God Dog Lang to know what he said, Ma Yuan hugged Alice and left the cockpit directly.

It is a very dangerous thing for the pilot to leave the cockpit on the plane, not to mention that the plane is semi-automatic and must be operated manually.

"Have you serious?"

Night knife God Dog Lang asked back.

"It must be done. Although I don't know how he did it, the people on the airship know that we are here!"

As Ma Yuan spoke, he looked at the Izana Society. He knew that if the Night Sword God Doglang could not believe in himself, he could only let the Izana Society believe in himself.

"After jumping, I will open a blue border in the air to catch us all, are you okay?"

Ma Yuan asked Izana.

"Probably no problem, after all, this is not the first time."

Izana said with a smile.

Izana refers to what happened when he went to College Island. At that time, he really fell directly from the air, but did not die.

Although it was said that he fell on the mat of the basketball court, at such a high distance, it is a miracle in itself that there is no injury. Izona knows that he must also have any special abilities.

"So why did you abandon the machine."

Night knife **** dog Lang also came to the body, although he still did not understand the reason for the abandonment, but since Ma Yuan persuaded Izona, then there is no way.

Ma Yuan didn't say the reason for the abandonment, because he didn't need to say it. The man on the airship gave them the best answer.

Ma Yuan's plane immediately started flying towards the airship.

It's not that the aircraft itself is flying, because the entire fleet of aircraft is outside the airship, waiting for the opportunity to enter the airship.

But the plane where Ma Yuan was, as if caught by something, directly smashed towards the airship.

It was like a pair of big hands reaching out from the airship, grabbing Ma Yuan's plane and pulling it back.


Ma Yuan's intuition told Ma Yuan that this was not a good sign, so he shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan jumped off the plane holding Alice, and then the black cat followed.

Izana and Neko, who had put on the parachute, also jumped together. In the end, the night knife **** dog Lang, he quickly put the parachute on his body, and then jumped off the plane.

As soon as Ma Yuan could see, the aircraft quickly leaned towards the airship behind him, and at the moment of contact, it exploded.

Everything seemed to be the plane blowing up the airship.

But Ma Yuan could see that before the plane hit the airship, the airship exploded, just as the person in the airship wanted to do so.

By the window on the airship, Ma Yuan saw a man.

It was a man who appeared in the memory of Izana.

The man has a good-looking face and slender silver hair, and undoubtedly the king of silver, Adolf K. Weitzman.

Adolf K. Weitzman was standing at the window looking at Ma Yuan at this time, as if he could see Ma Yuan, and a strange smile hung on his face.

This smile is that Ma Yuan will also feel a little sick.

Similarly, the fall of Ma Yuan made Ma Yuan seem to have returned to the time when he first dropped the airship.

It was the same scene in Izana's memory, but the protagonist changed from Izana to Mahara.

It was during this long descent that Ma Yuan looked at the airship in front of him and Adolf K. Weizman on the airship. Suddenly his memory began to emerge and slowly occupied Ma Yuan's brain.

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