Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 59: Awake memory

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Ma Yuan remembered it. When he looked at Adolf K. Weitzman in front of him, he suddenly remembered it, the memory of the day he fell.

As I said with Izana, he fell with Izana.

Before falling, Ma Yuan didn't know why he came to this place. He didn't have the memory of reaching the airship, but there was still a slate in the memory.

Immediately the next second, Ma Yuan arrived on the spaceship. He happened to see Adolf K. Witzman pushing Izuna out of the airship, and Izona caught the edge of the airship in a hurry.

But this didn't work.

Although Izona grabbed the edge of the airship, so that he did not fall off the airship, but he was already in a delicate place at this time, Adolf K. Weizman just kicked his leg gently and kicked Izona. Go down.

For the scene in front of him, Ma Yuan, who had not yet reacted to what happened, immediately ushered in the face of Adolf K. Weizmann.

"Oh, there seems to be another person on the spaceship."

Wiseman said with a smile.

He seemed a little surprised by Ma Yuan's appearance, but he was not so surprised.

Wiseman grabbed Ma Yuan's collar. Ma Yuan had not yet reacted to what had happened. Accurately speaking, Ma Yuan could still remember that his entire brain was groggy, and it was impossible to react.

He felt like a bystander, watching everything happening without any thinking of his own, as if it were isolated from the world.

However, Ma Yuan was not really isolated from the world.

He was caught by Wizman, and then directly dropped the airship.

Ma Yuan couldn't remember what happened afterwards. He should have dropped the airship with Izana, but there was a time difference with him. This is something that Ma Yuan has always failed to understand.

In the later memories, Ma Yuan can only remember Alice, and Alice picked him back.


What if you haven't lost your memory?

When Ma Yuan suddenly thought of the pheasant Izumo, his ability seemed to be able to control the space, but time and space were bound together from the beginning, that is to say, Ma Yuan did not lose his memory, but passed through The possibility of time is greater.

It's not that you have lost your memory, but that this time does not exist.

Ma Yuan thought so, so all the connections were connected, but the only thing that Ma Yuan could not understand was why he appeared on that airship.

At the beginning... Ma Yuan only remembered that he was beside a slate...

No... There was another person before, a man who seemed to be quite old.

Ma Yuan couldn't remember it. It seemed that the brain was doing the same thing with himself. It might be the same as the memory now remembered. Ma Yuan had to see the man who appeared in his memory before he could remember what happened afterwards.

"My young king!"

The black cat's voice reached Ma Yuan's ears, and then Alice shouted "Brother Ma Yuan" again and again. In her words, she revealed some feelings of fear.

and many more? ! I'm still landing!

Ma Yuan reacted suddenly, now it's not when I recall the past! He is still falling fast, and he has not done anything else.

No wonder Alice’s words are a bit crying. It seems that Alice hasn’t been to the playground outside to play anything like flying in the clouds. People are instinctively afraid of landing quickly.

"My young king, you finally reacted."

The black cat said with a smile, she pointed down and then said.

"My young king, you better do something now, otherwise we will fall to the ground."

Hearing the black cat's words, Ma Yuan reacted. They were extremely close to the ground, and the parachute alone did not do much.

As for the Izana club, it is better than yourself with parachuting equipment.

But this is not difficult for Ma Yuan, he immediately used his ability to create a huge cyan air cushion behind him.

At the time of production, Ma Yuan was obviously a little flustered. After all, just after recovering his memory, he almost used the ability to exceed the value of a certain Wizman deviation value, so that the blue sword appeared.

However, Ma Yuan still controlled, and the moment the blue sword appeared, the ability value was reduced.

This also allowed Ma Yuan to understand a little bit, knowing to what extent his ability was used before the sword of Damocles appeared.

However, even though the sword of Damocles did not show up, Ma Yuan used enough abilities. He can be sure that if the statue prince is here, he will definitely be aware of his ability fluctuations.

After all, as a king, the priestly princes are not so weak.

Fortunately, although he came here with Scepter4's fleet, Zongxiang Lisi was not in this fleet, and seemed to have done other tasks, which allowed Ma Yuan to avoid the possibility of his discovery.

After getting off the cyan air cushion, Alice still didn't respond to the stimulus that Ai had just seen. She just looked at Ma Yuan and her face was blue.

Ma Yuan spit out his tongue. This is indeed to blame what he just suddenly remembered, which caused the nerves to concentrate on that part.

Immediately after Ma Yuan looked into the sky, I saw that the explosion did not simply blow up Ma Yuan's aircraft, even the airship was also attacked.

The huge airship immediately hit the ground.

It's just that the kinetic energy of the airship is still working, and it seems to be reluctant to break the airship back to the correct position, so that the speed of the airship's behemoth descends even slower than Ma Yuan.

"Why did Wizman do it."

The black cat looked at the collapsed airship and asked Ma Yuan.

These things make the little cat, a little black cat, hard to think about.

However, Ma Yuan did not know much about the situation, but what he knew was that the person on the airship could not start the self-destruction operation for no reason, and he must find another part of his memory.

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