Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 5 Chapter 57: Runaway plane

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Under the guidance of the radio station, Ma Yuan and Yedao Shengou Lang were ready to drive.

As he said with Ma Yuan, his learning ability has always been very good. Ye Dao God Dog Lang just gave a little pointer, and he knew how to fly the plane.

As for Izana, naturally, the work before the plane started.

As for the Izana Society, all preparations have been made, and Ma Yuan and Ye Dao God Dog Lang easily took the plane to the sky.

After all, it was just a helicopter, plus some complicated facilities inside, a few people were already crowded.

A little later, Alice, who was a little petite, ran to the driving room and sat in the middle of the driving and co-pilot positions.

"Let's fly a little lower."

Night knife **** dog Lang said, while talking about the plane flying under the plane team, where they can hide their position naturally, at least not let people find that the people inside the plane are wrong.

Ma Yuan also thinks this is good.

After all, I want to mix into a team.

In Scepter4, almost everyone knows each other, so if other people see their faces, it may ruin the plan.

On this plane, only Ma Yuan is the king.

Through the memory of Izana and the statement of Izana, Ma Yuan no longer believes that Izana is one of the kings. After all, he has no ability.

Even if there is, the power of the king can not disappear because of "do not remember", and it will not be revealed.

Ma Yuan himself is a living example.

"Meow~ Xiaobai, just let me touch it, just poke it."

Before waiting for the flight, Neko started to press around randomly.

In the rear fuselage, there is Izana.

It was the only person in Neko who was willing to obey his words. Under the supervision of Izana, the black cat really didn't touch other important parts, so he ran to the driving room.

In the driving room, Neko glanced at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan looked back at Neko and smiled.

It was a terrible smile, at least for Neko.

Neko, who was being watched by Ma Yuan, had already felt the anger on Ma Yuan. He seemed to be saying, "You have a try". He just hit Neko back with his eyes.

At this time, the voice of Fushimi was heard from Scepter4's aircraft team.

That was Fushimi's shouting to the first king, silver king Adolf K. Weizman.

According to the rules of Scepter4, they cannot directly arrest a king, they must shout a bunch of declarations or something.

This horse has been seen before.

In the track and field field, when Arishima Ari was about to arrest Izana, he shouted a long list of words. It seemed that the shouting was like a declaration of sovereignty.

"The king of silver, Adolf K. Weizmann, here is Scepter4, we have taken charge of this area, I hope you can cooperate, open the hatch, I will send several people into your airship."

Fushimi shouted words, but Ma Yuan felt that something was wrong on the airship.

There is a king in the airship, which is beyond doubt.

But the king did not feel like the first king who was "unchanged" as described by Yedaolang Goulang, but had another kind of breath.

In him, at least the ability to use is not the color of silver.

Ma Yuan can feel this.

Fushimi was still shouting, and at this time, Neko focused his attention on Night Sword God Dog Lang.

Compared to Ma Yuan, Night Sword God Dog Lang is much more fun than him.

Of course it's much easier to handle.

"Hahaha, there are so many keys here, Xiaobai, what is this key for?"

Neko became curious about the keys on the console.

"Don't touch Neko."

Izana shouted to Neko inside the fuselage.

Neko calmed down for a while, then reached out and planned to secretly press two keys.

In this sophisticated instrument, the kitten has shown its curiosity, which is not a good situation.

"Neko obedient!"

Alice also began to accuse Neko seriously.

Even a girl as small as Alice knows, don't touch things everywhere on the plane, but Neko doesn't feel it at all.

Ma gasped out loud.

"If you dare to press a button, I will drop you from the plane."

Hearing Ma Yuan's words, Neko immediately retreated into the body. She was afraid of Ma Yuan, especially Ma Yuan's expression was completely different from Izana and Yedao.

Give Neko a feeling that Ma Yuan can really drop it off the plane.

Seeing Neko's fear of himself, Ma Yuan suddenly felt relieved, so that at least Neko wouldn't press around randomly, causing something wrong.

However, at this time, it seemed that there was an aircraft next door that began to fire inexplicably towards Ma Yuan.

This made Ma Yuan thoroughly feel the danger of air combat.

This firepower made Ma Yuan somewhat unexpected. Ma Yuan was always staring at the airship, but did not expect that he would be attacked by his companions.

However, the strength of this attack let Ma Yuan know that air combat is not as simple as he thought.

Ma Yuan immediately opened his own protective wall and used the power of the blue king to offset these attacks.

After all, there is Alice on the plane, Ma Yuan is not afraid of being discovered, and besides, the statue ritual is not there, but with this level of power, Ma Yuan cannot be discovered.

"Are you all right? Black cat?"

After the first round of shooting, Ma Yuan asked the black cat about it.

The black cat glanced around and replied.

"It's okay, only the machinery is broken."

"It doesn't matter, the machinery is broken, this degree will only affect the outside, not the delicate places inside."

Izana followed the black cat and continued to talk to Ma Yuan.

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