Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 25: Legend of the Great

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The wolf beasts with five points of the blood of the magic species are not very common in the Shu land. They are also the key hunting objects of the demon hunters. They are generally cunning and will not be easily captured by people.

Occasionally conflicts with the division of human territory, harassment of villages, and they are also accepted as soon as possible. It is not common for blood to wash human gathering places.

Last month, when I heard that there were demon wolves inhabiting here, a team of demon hunters rushed to the encirclement and suppression, and used the young and old wolves as a hostage to obtain no small results. I did not want to eventually overturn the ship and flee.

The surviving demon hunters lived in the village to recuperate and wound. Unexpectedly, within half a day, the demon wolf was chasing and killing, and finally caused this miserable phenomenon.

It was just these causes and effects that Ma Yuan could not know.

"Humanity, you...must...will suffer retribution!!"

The magic wolf dragged his ruined body to stand up reluctantly, and was already penetrated by Qinglian sword gas, so the liquid of the blood vessel would spew out every time it said a word.

He raised his head again, despised the too powerful human child in front of him, and issued a final declaration of death.

"Even in... hell, I will... curse you, you... human beings, will inevitably... fall into fate."

A long time ago, when he was still a young wolf with blood of the magic species, he was chased by the demon hunters countless times. Today, he has taken risks on the edge of life and death many times, and has already put death aside.

The end of such desperate days is due to a legend he heard from his elders.

Five hundred years ago, when the demons were enslaved by humans and hunted to death, a saint in the demons was born.

One rod, smashed the Nantianmen imprisoned by the magic species, two rods, wiped out the million army of demons hunting the demons, and three rods penetrated the heavens and earth.

Later, the saint's most trusted friend betrayed him, causing him to be sealed.

"I will return the robe."

The last sentence echoed throughout the continent, making all human strong men shudder.

Today, although the demons have lost their organization, many of the ways to restrain the demons in the melee have been lost, so they can barely hide in the darkness and survive.

"Master, you are coming back soon..."

A pool of blood, the demon wolf finally fell, but its heart was very calm.

In Ma Yuan's eyes, tears flashed in the eyes of the demon wolf, too real, like human beings, full of emotion.

Seeing the wolf dies, the remaining wolves no longer fled, and together they hunted down to Ma Yuan decisively.

Qinglian sword! !

Ma Yuan's sword was so angry that the beasts crashed on the blade like crazy and immediately died.

Regardless of the scarlet blood spilled out and stained Bai Jing's clothes, Ma Yuan continued the killing.

Losing the will to fight, Ma Yuan’s pressure suddenly diminished, and the changes of Qinglian’s three swords became more and more proficient, and a sword was easily swayed, and the completed lore gradually became perfect as the number of times increased.


Ma Yuan put his sword into his sheath and looked back. He no longer had any enemies alive, and all died under his sword.

While secretly rejoicing in his own secret, a rush of energy gushed from his lungs and reached the veins around his body. A strong sense of nausea and dizziness reached his head.

This is-anti-bite! !

The three swords of Qinglian exhausted their killing intentions and changed, and there was no room for turning in the sword intentions. Purely for killing intentions, it was naturally a great loss to the body.

Ma Yuan was immersed in the three swords of Qinglian just now, and she didn't feel the sword's intention to bite back. Now she stopped to relax, and the repressed back bite suddenly exploded, making Ma Yuan caught off guard by a spit of blood.

"This is really embarrassing."

Ma Yuan smiled bitterly, so he slowly moved to the outside of the canyon without knowing that the Zhang family was still there.

Let's say Miss Zhang's family, Zhang Mo, and Xiao Cui suddenly rushed into the car with a panicked face and hugged themselves.

"These things outside are probably the culprits that attacked the village. They smelled the smell and chased them over. You'll protect the horse carriage."

Xiaocui said this immediately, and then heard Ma Yuan jump off the carriage.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, Zhang Mo gave first priority to appease Xiaocui. After inquiring, he learned that a monster had attacked the village.

"Where did that kid go!"

Zhang Mo asked the guard next to him.

Zhang Mo was a little puzzled to hear that Ma Yuan was walking through the gorge in the direction where the two injured magic wolves disappeared.

"What? He chased the demon wolf! Wasn't he sent by my father to protect me? Whatever I do, why kill those wolves?"

After listening, the answerers looked at each other, not knowing what to explain.

"Sister Miss is angry. Brother Ma Yuan did this to eliminate threats for the lady. I and my brothers are here to protect the lady from fools, just wait for the good news."

The coming Qiu Ming found Zhang Mo faintly angry and hurried over to explain.

Listen, Zhang Mo felt better, so he went back to the car and continued to appease Xiaocui.

Tyumen continued to wait for Ma Yuan to return here.

As time passed, the shadow of the person elongated, the sky was near dusk, and Ma Yuan still did not return.

There was a lot of discussion among the team.

"Is this young man really chasing the monster?"

"I saw it with my own eyes. Is it fake?"

"If you don't come back for such a long time, will you admonish yourself and run around the road."

"He killed three heads with one sword, where would he counsel?"

"But it's been a long time."


"A possibility is not ruled out. There are demonic lairs in the canyon."



Everyone was silent for a time. In this case, the soul-level master may also be killed by mistake, not to mention the vitality level, not to mention the 13-year-old child of Ma Yuan.

Over time, someone became impatient and urged to go first. The man who had wanted to come forward to stop Ma Yuan but was quietly signaled by the leader was regretful. He did not stop him at the time.

"Miss, it's not too late, let's find a place to station around."

A group of people in charge of the guide stepped forward like Zhang Mo in the carriage asking for meaning.

Zhang Mo drilled a head from the curtain, looked around, and found that there was no Ma Yuan,

"Ma Yuan?"

"Not yet back?"

"My bodyguard hasn't returned yet. Did we find him after we left?"

"Miss, it's too late, safety matters."

"Careless, people haven't come back, you have to go, lost, you find me one?"

Zhang Mo was furious.

The man had to retreat.

At this time, everyone's eyes were anxiously watching the canyon mouth, looking forward to the figure of the teenager.

"It's him."

Tyumen took the lead to stand up and said, everyone quickly looked at it, and it was Ma Yuan.

It's just that the white clothes I've worn these days have been dyed red by blood, and I'm afraid it's hard to wash them off.

Everyone did not know that the clothes were almost blood of the demon wolf. They mistakenly thought that Ma Yuan should not enter the devil's lair to escape, and quickly warned whether there was a demon following behind him.

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