Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 26: Chivalry Village

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"How good is Xiongtai?" Tyumen asked with concern.

Thanks to Tyumen's concern, Ma Yuan dismounted and said to the crowd, "Fortunately."

His popularity is stable and powerful, not as if he was injured. Everyone was relieved.

"Blood stains on clothes..."

Tyumen then asked.

"Oh, those demons left."

Ma Yuan said at random, it seemed to be an understatement, but everyone was moved.

This young man with a sword, no matter how he looks, is a 13- to 14-year-old child, but he has such a superb skill, and he must have an extraordinary life experience.

Just when Ma Yuan was cast with enviable eyes, Xiao Xiaocui came out of the carriage and asked Ma Yuan with her face shy.

"Do you need clean clothes?"

Ma Yuan has been wearing this dress for a long time, and has long wanted to change it.

Xiaocui, the maid, went back again.

In this way, while it was not too late, the group found a suitable station not far away and temporarily paused to take a break.

During that time, someone came to ask Ma Yuan about the magic species, and was surprised when he heard that Ma Yuan had actually encountered the magic species' lair.

Fortunately, Ma Yuan concealed the number of magical species, only to say that there were more than ten, and the other party did not show a big accident.

Rao is so, Ma Yuan has been considered as a first-class master among the group, and he is courageous.

In the middle of the night, Wan Lai was silent, and a group of people went to sleep after a long day of travel, leaving a few people on the alert.

At this time Zhang Mo and Xiao Cui were sleeping in the same tent.

"Xiao Cui, haven't you slept yet?"

Miss Zhang's family, Zhang Mo, although arrogant, was particularly caring for her own people. When she saw that Xiao Cui had not fallen asleep, she asked aloud.

"Miss, I..."

Xiaocui's eyes were sad, and she couldn't help but bury her head in Zhang Mo's arms.

Zhang Mo patted Xiao Cui's back and appeased softly.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, many outsiders like my bodyguard who have strong martial arts protect us and won't hurt us."

Zhang Mo understood that Xiaocui was a lot of shock during the day because Xiaocui was originally born in Caotou Village.

That year, Caotou Village somehow suffered from demons and killed many people.

Fortunately, when the Zhang family went home on vacation, they passed Caotou Village and rescued them, saving the lives of many people in Caotou Village.

However, when Zhang's family arrived, it had been a while since the attack of the magical species. Xiaocui's parents were killed in order to protect their children from the magical species, leaving only Xiaocui alone.

Xiaocui burst into tears outside the house alone, and Miss Zhang's family felt sorry for her and disregarded her opponent's objection and took her in.

At that time, Zhang Mo was still six or seven years old, but Xiao Cui became her best playmate, and naturally became her personal maid, so far the two have a deep friendship.

Although called Miss Zhang Mo, in fact, Xiao Cui is slightly a year older than the other party.

Recalling the happy times spent with Xiaocui these years, and being about to marry Wu Di far away, Xiaocui worked hard to accompany her through this journey, and Zhang Mo was reluctant to marry.

"Alas..." Zhang Mo sighed in the long night.

Touching Xiao Cui's head, he found that the other party had fallen asleep, and he couldn't help smiling.

In the next few days, the Zhang family passed through several villages. Fortunately, there was no attack of the demons. When they heard such a tragic incident in other villages, they all looked shocked.

The Zhang family is very prestigious in this area, and the people in these villages entertained them with rich food.

In the past few days, Ma Yuan continued to discuss the practice of swordsmanship with Tyumen. The two often paired up, so naturally someone could not see it anymore, and then transferred Tyumen from the back of the team to the front.

So during the day, Ma Yuan and Tyumen used their respective swordsmanship as the basis to explain each other's superiority in swordsmanship, and Xiao Cui looked at them in a boring manner, and it was not a taste.

Suddenly, Xiao Cui shouted,

"Miss, here you are."

"What's here."

"Caotou Village."

Zhang Mo leaned over and looked at it immediately, but felt that the scenery was a bit strange.

"Yeah, the man in front said that." Xiao Cui added.

On the way home at noon, the old man pointed out that Matou Village was in front, and was told that it was the Zhang family's carriage, showing respect.

Originally, the village of Caotou was blood-washed by the magical demon wolf. It was Zhang Family's shot. Although it has been almost ten years now, the surviving people regard Zhang Family as a life-saving benefactor. The gratitude has not been too cold.

The old man enthusiastically led the way for the pedestrians.

Along the way, I heard that Xiaocui was from Caotou Village and was even more friendly. And what happened to Xiaocui's family was also heard by the old man, so he looked at Xiaocui's eyes full of love.

Thinking of this, the old man thought of a thing, not knowing what to say or not.

Hesitant to say it again, the old man still opened his mouth,

"Xiao Cui, you know you still have an older brother."

Xiaocui was startled. At this moment, Zhang Mo leaned out of his head curiously when he heard it.

"It is true, but before that year my brother went out to study art with a teacher, and I haven't heard from him for a long time. Is he..."

"Yes, he is back."

Xiaocui was shocked and happy, not knowing what to say. Just pinching the corner of the clothes, not wanting to have her loved ones in the world, Zhang Mo secretly thanked her by the side.

Soon, the Zhang family and his party entered the village of Caotou, and unexpectedly, they received a warm welcome not enjoyed by the previous villages.

Ma Yuan found a quiet bamboo forest to practice swordsmanship alone, and Xiao Cui followed the old man to find her brother.

By the pond, it was Xiaocui's previous house, but that year was torn by the magic wolf, and it was already in ruins. But beside the ruins, someone built a new house.

Xiaocui pushed the door in regardless of everything, and a young man was lying on the bed. He was drinking and paralyzed.

"Brother..." Xiaocui couldn't help crying when she saw the haggard face of the young man.

Unexpectedly, the young man jumped up and shouted irritably at the old man hiding outside.

"I told you not to tell her!"

"How can you be so untrustworthy!"

"I knew I would never save you dog brains!"

A bunch of abuses greeted us, and the man pushed Xiaocui out of the door and locked the door to prevent her from coming in.

what happened?

"Brother, it's me, Jiayu..." Xiaocui beat the door hard outside the door, begging her brother to see her, tears could not help but shed, sobbing.

The man leaning against the door had already awakened most of his drinking, and his heart hurt like a knife.

"Who lives in that little hut?"

Seeing that the house was crooked, Tyumen asked the people in the village.

"Well, it's a famous knight, I heard that it's a real powerhouse."

The villagers said slowly.

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