Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 17 Chapter 24: All alone

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Just as the dart master in front of the team and the demon wolf were deadlocked, there was a scream from behind.

Some people turned around and found that Ma Yuan rushed toward the three nearest monsters without any fear, almost scared.

"What is this kid doing!"

"What kid, this is Miss Zhang's personal bodyguard."

Others who do not understand the situation, looked at Ma Yuan worriedly, trying to stop it, but at this time Ma Yuan was very close to the wolf beast.

Shi unfolds the three swords of Qinglian, and Ma Yuan is like a possessor of the gods, giving the demon wolf a powerful deterrent.

The vitality agitated, the strength of the soul pill level great perfection was not fully utilized, but the pupils of the three demon wolves had contracted sharply. Obviously, they felt the direct threat of life and dodged.

Ma Yuan is deliberately concealing his true strength. Even so, to deal with them, the mobilization of energy is enough.

Pouting, he made a deep mouth on a certain demon wolf, and wailed with blood.

After the comparison of the remaining two, he kicked a leg on the recovered sword and jumped out of Ma Yuan's attack area. As soon as he landed, he ran quickly into the canyon.

The wounded demon wolf lying on the ground is difficult to move around, it is no longer alive. It looked at Ma Yuan fiercely. It was the eyes of resentment like humans. Ma Yuan shuddered.

"Uh!" The bow and arrow ran through the demon wolf struggling to stand up, and finally fell down, no longer moving.

It turned out that the aid arrived and helped Ma Yuan solve the animal.

Ma Yuan thanked everyone for speaking, but the remaining two rushed into the gorge. He could have given off his sword gas and injured him in the air as he did in the case of Ju Youjing.

But Tyumen said to him last night that it is impossible for the Qiqi method to be issued without the soul-level state. Ma Yuan could not reveal his strength prematurely, so he gave up this approach.

The coming person saw that Ma Yuan seemed to be young, but he was able to retreat the enemy in one move.

"I went to the canyon to talk about it. You are here to protect the people."

After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he continued to raise his sword and walked in the direction of the fleeing of the magical species.

"Let him go."

Some people who came to support felt that Ma Yuan’s trip was too dangerous, and wanted to stop coming, but he was interrupted by the leader.

"He may have this strength."

After that, they slowly withdrew to the front of Miss Zhang's team and continued to do their duty.

"Where did Ma Yuan go?"

Asked Tyumen running from behind.

Tyumen was furious when she learned that Ma Yuan had single-handedly chased down the remaining demons.

"If he accidentally broke into the magical den, wouldn't it be nine deaths."

Tyumen’s speculation is very likely. Smart demon hunters often intentionally miss a few prey, and they are secretly following behind, in order to let them escape back, so that they can find the gathering place and wipe them out.

Ma Yuan has a little common sense of demon hunters. In this way, he understands what it means.

Just when Tyumen ran away and wanted to follow Ma Yuan,

"come back!!"

A man in a grey shirt not far away immediately stopped Tyumen loudly,

"Your task is to protect the employer's horse team, not to hunt the devil to hunt the monster. It is a shame for the dart master to leave the watch and give up the dart! Is there anything you should not eat in your head?"

"I know."

This is a senior who has long respected Tyumen. After hearing his words, Tyumen had to give up his ideas and slowly returned to the back of the team.

"Ma Yuan, you must be safe." Deep inside Tyumen, he kept thinking.

At this time, Ma Yuan entered the canyon for some time, and saw many rotten corpses along the way. Most of the children and the elderly crawled on the ground and curled up desperately, even if they died for a long time.

Ma Yuan was very angry.

The demons are so venomous that they can't believe it!

After a few hundred more steps, a hundred-sized village appeared in front of me, but the village was no longer lifeless and deadly silent. It should have been attacked by the magical species.

The smelly smell of the smoked body could not help Ma Yuan covering his nose, daring to breathe easily, and entered every house to investigate, but found that there were still no surviving living creatures.

When Ma Yuan died of heart and walked out the door of the last family, he found that dozens of demon wolves had gathered outside the door, and he was suddenly surrounded.

"Good to come."

Ma Yuan has no fear, his body is full of vitality, and the strength of the Soul Pill Complete is unreserved. It is only this kind of power that allows the wolves who have just prepared to attack to retreat and look at Ma Yuan cautiously.

The wolf pack here, the highest head wolf is nothing but the blood of the five-point magic species.

"Human, you have violated our territory." The wolf raised his head majesticly majestic and said incomprehensiblely.

"So, you have to die."

Ma Yuan snorted coldly, and the Qinglian sword glowed a brilliant blue-violet light, stepped out in one step, and the sword shadow arrived.

The head wolf howled and the wolves rushed up.

The lotus is blooming.

Under the mysterious footwork, every time the demon wolf's paw came to Ma Yuan's body, he wanted to tear this human, and he always encountered cold metal or sharp sword gas and flew away far away.

This is the three swords of Qinglian. It has been able to make six, sixty-six changes in Ma Yuan. For the wolves, it is already like a formation method.


The surge of sword power is the second form of Qinglian sword, green leaves hanging beads. With a sword, it was like a heavy stone falling from a high cliff, which was difficult to resist.

A magic wolf was split in half by this sword and died on the spot.

Although there are dozens of them, the quantitative suppression is indeed hopeless. The wolf was about to evacuate. At this time, a sword flew, and even if he used all his magic power to block it, he was also injured.

Unknowingly, Ma Yuan approached this demon wolf, and the target had already been replaced by it.

Realizing this, the wolf wanted to escape more.

"Want to escape? There are no doors."

Ma Yuan ignored the demon wolf attacked by her side, struck her with her footwork.

"Okay, this distance."

Seizing the opportunity, Ma Yuan once again mobilized great energy, and displayed the second form.

It couldn't help but look back at Ma Yuan, but it was crushed by a huge light blade.

The blow was so quick that it could not be given enough time to react.


Hundreds of wounds appeared in the wolf's body with the burst of sword gas.

The devil wolves, whose claws were almost caught in Ma Yuan's flesh, flew out under the stamina of such a violent explosion, directly stunned.

Ma Yuan stepped back a few steps, and saw the wolf's blood spewing out continuously, so Rao was still holding a breath.

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