The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2100: Oncoming

Those guys who had escaped during the last cleaning operation probably knew that Jun Chen Realm had been attacked by extraterritorial invaders again, so they jumped out and made waves again.

  Although their operations are limited in scale, they can't say that they cooperate with the invaders outside the territory, but they have caused a lot of troubles.

   The more the foreign enemy invades, the more internal stability must be maintained, and there must be no large-scale chaos.

   The high level of Junchen Realm naturally knows this truth.

   Without the order of the Heavenly Palace, the sects of the sacred land spontaneously organized their forces to chase down all the monsters, ghosts and snakes, and strive to calm the chaotic situation.

   Although the guy who caused the trouble this time is limited, but the disturbance is not small.

  Especially Guixiu and Moxiu, both are the kind of guys who are good at hiding, but are capable of causing large-scale killing and destruction.

   A demonic cultivator with an ordinary cultivation level, mixing into some remote places, or mortal settlements, can often cause terrifying destruction.

  Some secret magical techniques, a little special toxin, will often kill countless creatures.

   Large-scale blood sacrifices can attract the attention of the demon gods outside the territory, and even let them lower their power.


   The monks of the various sacred sects are limited, but the ruling territory is so vast.

   After mobilizing a lot of power to go to the void battlefield, there was a bit of emptiness in the rear.

   Now the enemies from all walks of life are taking advantage of the vacancy, and it is indeed difficult for people to react for a while.

   There are several high-ranking monks who cannot take care of every place.

   Many times, after the trouble broke out, the sects of the sacred land sent a team of monks to deal with it.

   During this process, there were naturally fierce battles and many casualties occurred.

   Of course, although the enemy's actions caused some chaos at the beginning, the damage to the sects of the sacred land was limited.

   This level of sabotage, not to mention the Holy Land sect, even those large-scale cultivation forces can deal with it.

   It’s just that the enemy’s actions seem to be overwhelming, coupled with the support of the people and the spread of rumors, it seems that the world is in chaos.

   Once the sects of the sacred land began to exert their strength and dealt with these matters carefully, all kinds of incidents began to calm down slowly.

   Those ghost repairs and demo repairs who show up will encounter endless pursuits.

   When the various enemies of the cultivator had just begun to attack, Meng Zhang couldn't bother to watch the excitement.

  Taiyimen and its Hannah Dao League ruled the vast territory, and also faced the risk of enemy attacks.

  Taiyimen high-level organization organized the various monks of the Hanhaidao League to strengthen the defense against the territory and respond to attacks at any time.

   What made the Taiyimen seniors feel a little fortunate is that the enemy's attacks on Taiyimen and Hanhaidao League are limited and small in scale.

   Taiyimen has been rigorous and organized for many years. It has a very strong control over its own territory, and can almost perfectly grasp the various events that occur on the territory.

   During this attack, Taiyimen's territories did not suffer any loss. Although the loss of the Hanhai Dao League was slightly larger, it was still within the acceptable range.

   The pursuit and killing of Demon Xiu and Mo Xiu was regarded as a useful experience by many monks in Taiyi Sect.

   Actually, the key area of ​​this attack from various enemies is the most prosperous Middle-earth Continent in Junchen Realm.

  The main targets they aimed at were basically related to the various sacred sects.

   After all, the main force currently fighting in the void battlefield is the monks of the various sacred sects in addition to the monks of the Tiangong family.

   If there is chaos inside the sects of the sacred places, it will definitely have some impact on the front line.

   It's a pity that in the eyes of real experts, these attacks are a little bit ill-conditioned, and they can't hurt the foundation of the sects of the sacred land.

   Meng Zhang still had expectations for these attacks at the beginning.

   After that, he could see clearly.

   This is an action with thunder and rain.

   Not to mention that it was the Holy Land sect who made the move, even if it was handled by the Taiyi sect, it could calm the situation and restore the situation.

   I don’t know if the enemies of these cultivators are really limited, or are they reserved?

  Although Meng Zhang was worried that Taiyimen would be hit by the fish, it would be a great thing if the power of the Holy Land Zongmen could be greatly restrained.

   It's a pity that the enemy didn't give much strength, which disappointed Meng Zhang.

   Just as Meng Zhang was disappointed, things changed again.

   This time, it was not an attack like a slapstick and a sneaky attack, but a large-scale attack by the Sea Clan and the True Dragon Clan behind it.

   The true dragon clan was shirtless this time. The clan masters personally commanded the sea clan army and launched a large-scale invasion of the human territories.

   After the last war on the West Sea, the Sea Clan suffered heavy losses, and so far has not recovered its vitality.

   The original territory of the Sea Clan above the West Sea is now occupied by many comprehension forces.

   The remaining power of the Xihai Sea Clan is limited, and there is no attack on the Xihai side.

   On the other side of the East China Sea, the Sea Clan army led by the True Dragon clan, after a massive invasion, was resolutely resisted by Zhenhai Palace.

  Donghai Sea Clan has long been flattened by Zhenhai Temple, and the remaining power has long escaped into the depths of the ocean, taking shelter in the true dragon clan.

   This time, after years of rest and recuperation, the Sea Clan had recovered a bit of vitality and dared to commit the crime again.

   Even though the Zhenhai Temple has transferred many high-ranking monks to fight in the void, it still retains enough defensive power.

  In addition, all the great sacred sects are linked together, so it is natural to watch and help each other at such a moment.

   After getting support from the reinforcements Zhenhaidian repelled the invading marine army.

   Of course, the Sea Clan army did not completely retreat, and it was still confronting the cultivator army in Zhenhai Temple.

   As for when the war broke out, no one can tell.

   The situation is the worst on the South China Sea.

   When the Sea Spirit faction unified the South China Sea, its strength was limited, and it was not able to completely kill the sea clan forces.

   The Nanhai Sea Clan had retained a certain amount of power at the beginning, but temporarily retreated to avoid the edge of the Sea Spirit faction.

   At this time, with the direct support of the true dragon clan, the South China Sea sea clan army launched a major counterattack against the South China Sea, vowing to regain the lost ground and eliminate the cultivators.

  The Hailing faction suffered heavy losses during the last raid of the sects of the sacred land, and a large number of high-ranking monks died at the hands of the monks of Zhenhai Temple.

   After so many years, the Hailing faction is far from able to recover its vitality.

   Although Zhenhai Temple was truce afterwards and did not continue to attack the Hailing faction, he still made a lot of actions behind him.

   The strength of the Hailing faction has weakened, and in the South China Sea Alliance led by the Hailing faction, some different voices began to appear.

   Due to the internal and external situation, the Hailing faction was unable to carry out a large-scale cleansing of the South China Sea League.

   Hailing faction's prestige is greatly reduced, and it is no longer difficult to completely control the South China Sea League.

   This time the South China Sea sea tribe army came in a big way, and many problems began to be exposed.

   Many forces within the South China Sea League began to violate the Hailing faction, and the Hailing faction was weak in mobilizing the South China Sea Alliance.

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