The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2099: Incident

Regarding the underworld, Meng Zhang didn't pay much attention to it.

  Since Tai Miao has determined to unify the many forces in the underworld, and he also has enough strength to do it, Meng Zhang does not need to interfere, as long as he waits for the result.

   Of course, if too wonderful needs any assistance, Meng Zhang will go all out.

   Meng Zhang's attention continued to turn to Yang Shi's side.

   The sects of the great sacred places have been pressing on the upper level of the heavenly palace, trying to recruit Meng Zhang to enter the void battlefield.

   There is a deputy director of the ancient capital Taoist who has deliberately delayed this matter at the top of the Tiangong Palace.

   Of course, this matter cannot be delayed forever. Sooner or later there must be a solution.

   During this period of time, the Junchen Realm was not at peace, and there were vicious incidents happening one after another.

   First, several strongholds of Guantian Pavilion in Junchen Realm were raided by the gods.

   The stronghold was destroyed, and the garrison monks were almost completely destroyed.

   Thousands of years ago, when several true immortals conquered Junchen Realm, the native gods of Junchen Realm were almost wiped out, and most of the gods were killed.

   The few surviving goddesses, for thousands of years afterwards, are like mice crossing the street, facing the chase of the entire cultivation world.

   After so many years, there are only a handful of gods remaining in the entire Junchen Realm.

  Those survivors are hiding in Tibet under the chase of the practitioners, and they are in panic all day long. They have no courage and ability to attack the practitioners, let alone provoke the sacred sect of Guantian Pavilion.

   The gods took the initiative to provoke Guantian Pavilion. Not to mention it was the first time, at least it was extremely rare.

   The goddess who caused the trouble this time is too powerful, not only dared to raid the stronghold of Guantian Pavilion, but also in turn ambushed the chasing monks sent by Guantian Pavilion.

   As for the cause of such a big disturbance this time, the gods also slowly spread in the realm of comprehension.

   It turned out that Guantian Pavilion secretly raised a group of gods among these secret strongholds.

   When these gods mature, the monks of Guantian Pavilion will use secret methods to draw their blood.

   Throughout the process, the monk Guantian Pavilion's methods were very cruel, and they were almost like magic methods.

   Although the sects of the great sacred land claim to be the righteous leader of Junchen Realm, the dark side behind it is not unknown.

   Guan Tian Pavilion made such a thing logically, no one would be surprised.

   However, this kind of thing was publicly exposed, and some forces were making trouble behind their backs, and Guantian Pavilion was disgraced this time.

  The senior officials of Guantian Pavilion were furious and sent a large number of masters to chase and kill the troubled goddess.

   The goddess who caused the trouble this time is not the same as the goddesses who have been targeted by practitioners in the past, only knowing to hide blindly.

   When the troubled goddess ran away, he still knew to look for opportunities to fight back.

   She played a guerrilla war with Guantian Pavilion, and led the hunting team's nose to dangle in Junchen Realm.

   When the time is right, she will even kill a carbine, and in turn ambush the hunting team, and even continue to attack the stronghold of Guantian Pavilion.

   After some chasing, chasing and counter-killing, Guantian Pavilion suffered a lot of losses.

   So far, the troubled goddess has not been arrested, and continues to deal with Guantian Pavilion.

   The current huge power of the ether gate has long established an intelligence network covering almost the entire Junchen Realm.

  Although due to limited time and lack of strength, Taiyimen's intelligence network is still inadequate in the Middle-earth Continent, especially on the site of the Holy Land Zongmen.

   But collecting some ordinary intelligence, investigating some not very difficult incidents, there is still no big problem.

   After the outbreak of this incident, the high-level Taiyimen quickly received the news, and Meng Zhang naturally knew about it.

   Judging from some descriptions, among the goddesses who participated in this matter this time, there seems to be a goddess who worships the moon.

   Before leaving the Taiyi Gate, Meng Zhang also used a secret method to hide her identity, allowing her to appear as a cultivator.

   I don't know why, the goddess of the moon not only recovered her original appearance, but also caused such a big incident.

   Meng Zhang was still a little worried at first, but then I thought, the goddess of worshipping the moon is just a goddess of the rebirth level, but the moon **** hidden deep in her body is an extremely ancient god.

  The actions of worshipping the Moon Goddess should all be inspired by the Moon God.

   Moon God has its own reasons for doing things, and once an ancient **** like Moon God returns to Junchen Realm, he will surely have enough power to protect himself.

  Meng Zhang doesn't need to worry too much about it, but he is a little curious in his heart, what kind of thing is it, so that the goddess of the moon will not hesitate to reveal her identity, and she will not hesitate to provoke the holy land sect like Guantian Pavilion.

   It is a good thing for Meng Zhang that they are enemies of Guantian Pavilion.

   Guantian Pavilion is the great enemy of Taiyimen, so the more enemies the better.

   If the goddess of worshipping the moon is forced by the Guantian Pavilion to have nowhere to hide, I am afraid I have to continue to take shelter at the Taiyimen.

   You must know that the Moon God has a lot of secrets about Jun Chen Realm, which is exactly what Meng Zhang wants to know.

   After this incident, the Taiyi Sect was among the forces that pushed behind the scenes, spread various rumors, and arbitrarily attacked the Guantian Pavilion.

   Taiyi Gate is now maintaining surface peace with the major sacred sects, but both sides regard each other as enemies.

   It's a rare opportunity to see a sacred sect like Guantian Pavilion make a fool of yourself, and the high-level Taiyimen will naturally not let go of the opportunity.

   Although spreading some rumors can not cause substantial harm to Guantian Pavilion, it is still very meaningful to destroy its image, affect its prestige, and add blockage to it

   Guan Tian Pavilion among several holy land sects is considered to be more domineering.

   Guantian Pavilion, which regards "the way of observing the sky, the journey of holding the sky" as the sect concept, regards itself as the spokesperson of the way of heaven, and looks down on almost all the powers of cultivation in the cultivation world.

   Actually, there are quite a few comprehension forces in the cultivation world who are dissatisfied with Guantian Pavilion.

   Even some sacred sects are happy to see Guantian Pavilion appear ugly.

   This time the storm is getting worse and worse. It is said that Guantian Pavilion has already lost a person with the Void-Returning Ability level.

   It seems that the turmoil this time continues, and Guantian Pavilion can’t calm it down quickly.

  The turmoil on the Guantian Pavilion hasn't subsided yet, and something else has happened.

  In various places in Junchen Realm, including the most prosperous Middle-earth Continent, incidents have occurred one after another in recent times.

   There are ghost repairs who brought about the massacre of killing the door, and wiped out some cultivation forces.

   The monks of the sect of the Holy Land were ambushed by the magic repair, and there were some casualties.


   In a word, all of a sudden, it seems that all the ghosts and monsters have jumped out.

  The last time Tiangong organized a large-scale cleaning operation, it was to wipe out the hostile forces in Junchen Realm.

   Unfortunately, due to the large-scale invasion of extraterritorial invaders, the action was not fully accomplished, leaving many hidden dangers.

   Now, these hidden dangers are beginning to show up.

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