The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2101: Wrangling

The Hailing faction can rise in the South China Sea and has the ability to compete with Zhenhai Temple. In addition to the many supporters behind it, its own strength and foundation are also very strong.

   However, during the last cleaning operation jointly launched by the various sacred sects, Zhenhai Temple organized a large number of Void-Returning Power to raid the Hailing faction.

  The side of Zhenhaidian launched a beheading operation, giving priority to the high-level monks of the Hailing School.

   After a great battle, the high-ranking monks of the Hailing faction suffered heavy casualties.

   If it were not for a series of changes later, the Hailing School might have been destroyed.

   Although the Hailing faction escaped this disaster by chance, the high-ranking monks suffered heavy losses, resulting in a lack of top combat power in the gate.

   It is well known that high-ranking monks are the true pillars and confidence of a family sect.

  The Hailing faction, which is supported by several high-ranking monks, is all about talking about it. For the South China Sea League, its control over the entire South China Sea is declining.

   To make matters worse, because the various sacred sects joined forces to clean up dissidents, the Dengxianhui and other organizations that supported the Hailing faction were also greatly injured and on the verge of extinction.

   These supporters are too busy to take care of themselves, and they are naturally unable to continue to provide support to the Hailing faction behind their backs.

  Before, the Hailing faction was able to use the contradictions between the various sacred sects to survive in the cracks.

   But now, the major sacred sects have temporarily abandoned all kinds of contradictions and disputes, and have joined forces to the outside world.

   If it weren't for the powerful suppression of the Heavenly Palace, sects such as Zhenhai Temple would be able to destroy the Sea Spirit faction with a little effort.

   The Sea Spirit faction was licking the wounds, and at the critical moment of rejuvenation, the South China Sea encountered a massive invasion by the sea tribe led by the true dragon clan.

   Hailing faction, as the strongest force in the South China Sea of ​​Human Race, has the responsibility to defend the land.

   If the South China Sea is lost, the Hailing School will lose its roots and become a lonely ghost.

   In the face of the massive invasion of the Sea Clan army, the Sea Spirit faction must actively organize resistance no matter whether it is willing or not.

   When the Hailing School emerged in the South China Sea, it used the slogan of expelling the Sea Clan and expanding the living space of the Human Race, contacting and uniting many forces of Human Race cultivation.

   Hailing faction has rich experience in fighting against the sea clan.

   Even if there are some problems in the South China Sea League, the Hailing faction can still organize an army of monks to resist the army of sea people.

   The biggest problem the Hailing faction faces now is the lack of high-level monks and lack of top-level combat power.

   There is no shortage of low-level monks Hailing faction, but it is the high-level monks who really decide the outcome of the war.

   Among the invading sea clan army, in addition to the sea clan of the return to the virtual level, there are also strong people of the true dragon clan.

   Even if the few Void Returning Powers of the Sea Spirit faction are all sent to the battlefield, they are far from being compared with the enemy.

  The massive invasion of the Sea Clan is a major event related to the entire human race. Since the Sea Ling faction cannot resist independently, it did not act aggressively, but asked for help from the Heavenly Palace that rules Junchen Realm.

   Tiangong, as the nominal ruler of Junchen Realm, has the obligation to help the Hailing faction resist the invasion of the sea clan.

   The main power of the Heavenly Palace is also in the void battlefield at this time.

   Relying on the power of the Heavenly Palace alone, it is difficult to provide timely assistance to the Hailing faction.

   Tiangong asked all the sacred sects to provide assistance to the Hailing faction.

  The Sea Clan is the public enemy of the Human Race, and fighting against the Sea Clan is not a matter of one family.

   But this time, the major sacred sects did not actively organize forces to assist the Hailing faction as before.

   The sects of the sacred land did not directly reject the orders from the heavenly palace, but played the drag-word tactics, looking for various excuses to delay time.

   As the East China Sea is also being invaded by the sea tribe army, the sects such as Zhenhai Temple are organizing resistance, and the armies of the two sides are facing each other.

   In the battle to pacify the ghost domain of the upper capital, the sects of the sacred land suffered heavy losses, and it took time to recover their vitality.


   In short, the sects of the sacred land are willing to send troops to fight against the marine army, but they need time to prepare.

   As for when we can make all the preparations, that's not good.

  Perhaps, when the Hailing faction is wiped out by the sea clan army and the entire South China Sea falls, their preparations will be almost done.

   If the sects of the great sacred land do not actively send forces to cooperate with the battle, the strength of the monks of the Tiangong family will be far from enough to fight against the sea army.

   The sects of the great sacred land have adopted such an attitude this time. In addition to targeting the Hailing Sect and hoping to kill people with the sword, they also mean to bargain with the Tiangong.

   If Tiangong wants them to send forces to fight, Tiangong must make huge concessions in other areas.

   Although the Celestial Palace urgently wants to quell the problems caused by the invading army of the sea clan, it will not easily give in to the sects of the sacred land.

   There are one and two. If the Tiangong side easily bowed its head this time and was softened, then the sects of the sacred land would only get an inch and put forward more excessive conditions next time.

   Backing down again and again will only greatly damage the interests of the monks of the Tiangong family, and make the arrogance of the sects of the holy land even more arrogant.

  Of course, the Hailing faction cannot fail to save, and the sea invading army cannot ignore it.

   This requires the Tiangong to negotiate slowly with the sects of the holy land, and slowly bargain.

  Before the two sides negotiated, let alone the sects of the sacred land, even the Tiangong side would not easily send forces to assist the Hailing faction.

   For thousands of years, the Tiangong and the various sacred sects have been fighting in this way without breaking, fighting with each other, and discussing with each other.

   Anyway, at the end, both parties will reach a compromise and negotiate terms acceptable to both parties.

  The only unlucky one is the Sea Spirit who needs to deal with the invading sea army alone temporarily.

   Fortunately, when the Hailing faction asked for help from Tiangong, it did not forget to ask for help from its ally Taiyimen.

   Now Taiyimen and Hailing faction are the closest allies.

   The two sides need to hold a group for warmth, and work together against the Holy Land sect.

   In addition, the two sides have close exchanges, have many cooperations, and have many interests.

   No matter from which aspect, the Taiyi Sect could not watch the Hailing faction suffer an extinction disaster.

  In the beginning, Meng Zhang also hoped that the Heavenly Palace Lantern could provide timely support to the Hailing School.

   But Meng Zhang soon discovered that he still overestimated the overall situation of the sacred sects.

   After seeing the Tiangong side and the various sacred sects getting involved in a wrangling, he knew that he couldn't come forward.

  Since Taiyimen and Hailing faction are allies, then the two naturally have to watch and help each other.

   After contacting the Hailing School, Meng Zhang learned in detail about his urgent needs and the greatest difficulty he faced.

   Soon, the Hanhai Dao League led by Taiyimen began to mobilize in an all-round way and prepare for war.

   During the rise of Taiyimen, it has gone through many wars, and the upper and lower members of the door can be said to be familiar with this kind of thing.

   The preparations were very smooth, and the army of cultivators was gathering quickly and was able to set off soon.

   Meng Zhang himself went directly to the Tiangong, transited through the Tiangong, and prepared to rush to the South China Sea as quickly as possible.

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