The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2098: Target

The most important thing is that once Meng Zhang starts this prohibition, he will surely alarm Xianyun Zhenxian.

   Although Xianyun Zhenxian is unwilling to break into Junchen Realm directly, but because of his ability, I don't know how he will react.

   Even if Meng Zhang wants to completely lift the restraint in his body, he must wait for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to be free from the interference of Xianyun Zhenxian.

   Knowing that this is not a good opportunity to lift the ban, Meng Zhang did not continue.

   He put this matter aside for the time being, and his main energy is still focusing on the arrangement of the Tiangong side for his next step.

   Not to mention the good relationship between Meng Zhang and the high level of Tiangong, his cultivation level today is enough to win the respect of Tiangong.

   This time, the sects of the sacred land wanted him to go to the void to participate in the battle. It seemed reasonable, but everyone knew the reason.

   Meng Zhang made it clear that the horses and carts did not cooperate, and Tiangong had to take his attitude into consideration.

  The ancient capital Taoist, the deputy general manager of the Tiangong, was very enthusiastic about Mengzhang's affairs, and actively ran through the Tiangong, striving for a good result for Mengzhang.

   is too wonderful in the underworld. Not long ago, by absorbing the pure vitality accumulated in the innate dragon veins, it broke through to the realm of the middle stage of returning to Void.

   Not long after he entered the Void Return level, he broke through again so quickly.

   Although for him, who has the characteristics of natural ghosts and gods, there is no bottleneck in cultivation, it is a natural thing to break through the realm of cultivation.

   But he still spent a lot of time in retreat to consolidate the realm of cultivation, to ensure that this unexpected breakthrough did not leave any troubles.

   Soon after Meng Zhang went to the ghost domain of Shangjing City to take away the imperial palace of Dali Dynasty, Tai Miao also temporarily ended the retreat.

   Although Tai Miao is far away from his own territory and has been wandering outside, the connection with the territory has not been interrupted.

   The cronies stationed in the territory sent a message to him that there are changes around the territory, and he had better go back to preside over the overall situation.

   Tai Miao has a great perseverance in expanding his territory in the underworld and expanding the scope of his rule.

   In these years, Tai Miao has been conquering, conquering the forces of the underworld, and constantly invading new territories.

   Even when he is not in the territory, his subordinates are continuing this work.

   Of course, without such a superb powerhouse like Tai Miao, the expansion speed of his subordinates has been greatly slowed down.

   The changes around Taimiao's territory this time have something to do with Taimiao.

  The sects of the major sacred sites used all means to conquer the Yindu City last time, conscripting many combat forces from many forces in the underworld to participate in the war.

   In addition to the forces cultivated and nurtured in the underworld by the sacred sects of the major sacred sites, they also used coercive methods to attract many other forces.

   The sects of the great sacred land were defeated in the first attack on Yindu City, and the losses were already very heavy.

   In order to cover those returning to the virtual force, the sects of the holy land once again assembled an army of ghosts to attack Yindu City.

   Although Yindu City was finally breached, the ghost army suffered heavy losses.

   Especially afterwards, Tai Miao urged the power of heaven and earth to fall, so that the acquired ghosts and ghosts who fled from Yindu City were frightened.

   Underworld, all the forces that participated in these two operations have suffered heavy losses and severely injured their vitality.

   The underworld is a world where the weak and the strong eat the strong. The fighting and annexation of Chi Guoguo is far more cruel than the Yang world.

   Those forces that suffered too much loss and became weak, naturally became the big fat meat in the eyes of other forces.

   Those forces that were not involved in this matter began to fall into trouble one after another, and launched an external conquest.

   Seeing, within a large area of ​​the underworld, there will be a big reshuffle.

   Tai Miao, as the overlord of the underworld, naturally can't miss this excitement.

   When he had the power of the Yangshen Stage, Tai Miao grasped the power in his hand, conquered the underworld, and was invincible.

After    had the strength of the Void Return Period, he even possessed the power to sweep the underworld.

   It’s just that Tai Miao focused his main thoughts on the Devil May Cry Mountain Range at the time, and did not participate in the conquest of the surrounding forces, allowing these forces to escape unknowingly.

   now possesses the strength in the mid-stage of returning to Void, Tai Miao is no longer invincible among the many forces in the underworld. At least in the areas known to human cultivators, there is no force that can resist him.

   Of course, the special existence of Devil May Cry Mountains is an exception.

   Too wonderful After some thought, I decided to let the Devil May Cry Mountains go first.

   Anyway, the Devil May Cry Mountains have been standing in the underworld for so many years, and it is impossible for them to disappear like this.

  He will return to his homeland, gather an army of ghosts, and sweep all the forces in the underworld.

   Regardless of whether it is implicated in Yang Shi, and what kind of implication there is, all the forces in the underworld must surrender to him.

   Otherwise, the fate of destruction will inevitably come.

   The wonderful goal is to unify the area of ​​the underworld that has been discovered so far and establish supreme hegemony.

   After completing this goal, Tai Miao will concentrate all the power on hand to attack the Devil May Cry Mountains and obtain all the treasures inside.

   After Meng Zhang felt the great determination, he agreed to his plan.

   Anyway, in the current underworld, it seems that there is no enemy of the Void Returning level, which can block the wonderful steps.

   After the destruction of the Yindu City, Meng Zhang also learned about the various sacred sects through the news channels of the Heavenly Palace, and what kind of means was used to gather such a few Void Returning Forces to enter the underworld.

   The Snow Mountain faction and the Kou Family appeared completely as The clay figurines also have three-point soil characteristics, and then beaten, and then suppressed, there should be a certain limit.

   If the sects of the major holy land want to come back like this again, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

   From this incident, the interested people, including Meng Zhang, saw some problems within the sects of the sacred land.

   As for whether there is any useable place in this, it is necessary to slowly observe and test.

   As long as the various sacred sects cannot send enough power to return to the underworld, no one can do it too well.

  Even if the Sect Family of the Holy Land has a great cause, there are not so many Yangshen True Monarchs and rebirth power sacrifices.

   As far as Meng Zhang knows, the various sacred sects in the underworld should have no irresistible interests.

   Tai Miao dominates the underworld and establishes hegemony. Not only will it help his practice, but it will also become a powerful backing for Taiyimen.

   The rise of the Great Dali Dynasty was largely due to the establishment of the Yindu City in the underworld.

   Tai Miao's achievements in the underworld will far exceed those of the Great Li Dynasty at that time, and it will be more beneficial to Taiyi Sect.

   Apart from anything else, simply monopolizing the production of the resources of the underworld can allow both Taimiao and Taiyimen to gain countless benefits, and even influence the entire Junchen realm's cultivation resource market.

  Meng Zhang also knew that Tai Miao's next actions would definitely meet a lot of resistance.

   But Tai Miao's current strength, there is no power to stop him completely.

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