The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1557: People Who Chase the Sun (25)


Schiller was stunned for a few seconds before he realized it. He looked at Adam, and found a not-so-impressive image from the depths of the memory archive, that is Adam, the warlock of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

This character is not particularly unpopular in Marvel, and even the Guardians of the Galaxy series has mentioned him. Although he is not as well-known as Thanos, he is occasionally mentioned.

His background story is also very simple. He is an artificial human made by the Enclave Company. His abilities don’t have many characteristics. If he hadn’t become Adam’s Life Tribunal during the annihilation incident, it would have raised a wave of force for the Life Tribunal. Not even as high as New York's second-tier heroes.

The reason why Schiller thought for a long time before he remembered that he was Adam the warlock was mainly because the image of Adam in front of him was a bit far from that in comics or movies.

At this time, half of Adam's cloak was rotten, and the remaining half was hanging crookedly behind his back. There were two big cuts on the chest of the clothes, and the intact parts were covered with dust. His face was covered with scorched black marks. The corner of the mouth seemed to have been punched by someone, and it was bruised and swollen.

More importantly, his expression was mixed with self-defeating decadence, unwilling anger, inexplicable confusion, and even a little grievance.

Schiller doesn't quite know whether there is any connection between Adam in this universe and the Adam Life Tribunal, but he thinks that even Adam, a warlock, shouldn't be in such a bad situation, right?

Hello, Mr. Adam, we'll talk about the Pope later, what's wrong with you?

Schiller is really a little curious. Judging from Adam being able to break in here and completely ignoring the behavior of the annihilation messenger, he may really have some connection with the Tribunal of Life. In this case, his image is even more strange. Who can Made the cosmonauts so miserable?

The embarrassed Adam stared at Schiller in a daze, and remained silent, with a general expression on his face, Are you still ashamed to ask?.

Schiller coughed lightly, looked at Adam and said very sincerely: I've been staying here for a while and doing nothing, don't you think that all the troubles in this universe are related to me?

Adam's eyes widened, and the eye muscles were slightly wrinkled, and the corners of his mouth were turned down, with a condemning expression, as if to say, How can your thirty-seven-degree mouth say such cold words? !”.

Schiller slightly raised his head and looked away, then said: Tell me, there is a slight possibility that your misfortune has something to do with a certain branch of a certain branch of my plan. Fatal, indirect, coincidental connection.

Adam opened his mouth for a while, as if he had thousands of thoughts that he couldn't speak. In fact, he really didn't know how to explain his series of encounters.

If you want to blame Schiller, apart from the cause, Schiller did not exert his subjective initiative to interfere with him, but if you want to blame him, Adam is going to push the process backwards with the answer, which can make a mess. Doesn't it look like he is mentally handicapped?

The problem is that Adam didn’t feel that he had made any mistakes in his operation. He would review the timeline before each operation to ensure that there was nothing missing. The operation was quite smooth when he did it, and there was no forced error, even if something went wrong. , he also made up for it as calmly as possible, how did it become like this?

Are you really mentally handicapped?

No one in this world would be willing to admit that he is mentally handicapped, and at this time Adam especially needed approval, so he came to Schiller on a whim.

Schiller has made so many big plans, and every time they are perfectly successful, how come he can't do it?

The more Adam thought about it, the more aggrieved he became. He simply didn't intend to explain. He teleported directly to the door of Schiller's Thinking Tower, knocking on the door and shouting: Schiller! I now officially appoint you as my pope Hurry up and let me in, don’t think I don’t know, Kongsu and Yemengarde are in your mind, open the door quickly! Let me in!!!”

Schiller was stunned, how could there be a sliding shovel?

But Schiller still opened the door of the tower of thinking for him, and Strange and the whirlpool also entered into Schiller's tower of thinking, and a group of people came straight to the theater.

Adam took the lead and walked quickly to the first row, and sat down on his buttocks. He didn't treat himself as an outsider at all. He turned his head and glanced at Schiller who was walking down slowly. He was still a little gloating, thinking that Schiller would see In the current chaotic situation of the universe, there must be no way to be so leisurely.

But he thought about it, if Schiller was really impatient, the unlucky ones would still be himself and the universe, so he still said a little nervously: Let's talk about it first, no matter what you see later, you must be careful. You can’t blow up this universe, or use this universe to blow up something else.”

Schiller said to Adam in a rather unbelievable tone: Mr. Adam, you must have misunderstood me...

Adam snorted coldly and said, I better really have misunderstood.

Schiller sat in the seat on Adam's left, and Strange sat on Schiller's left. As soon as he sat down, he sighed and said: It seems that during the time we are at the end of time, what happened outside A lot of interesting things.

It's more than interesting. Vortex's muffled voice came from the back row.

Soon, images began to appear on the projection screen in the theater, apparently Adam began to show Schiller what was happening in the universe.

He didn't start playing from the cause of the incident, so as soon as the screen appeared, what was displayed was the big portal star area of ​​the Shi'ar Empire with all his brains punched out.

Schiller was taken aback when he saw this scene, and then looked at the endless insect nests on the screen with some doubts and said, Is this our universe? Where did these insects come from?

Wait! Schiller's eyes widened slightly, he compared the pictures in his memory, comparing the differences in details between the two, and then said: This looks a bit like the annihilating Zerg, who put them in?

Strange immediately turned his head to stare at Schiller's face, and Schiller also turned his head to look at him, and said in a daze, What are you looking at me for? I haven't put my plan into practice yet.

You better not.

I really didn't!

Strange narrowed his eyes, with an expression that only a ghost would believe you, Schiller lowered his head and said in a low voice, I don't have I have it?

Schiller! Strange raised his voice, Did you let your other personality escape again?

Don't make trouble, they're not that interested in this kind of thing. Schiller replied absent-mindedly while thinking, he glanced at the notebook in his hand again, and said with some self-doubt: I probably haven't made the plan yet. Put it into practice? Could it be sleepwalking?

Are you trying to take me as your alibi again? Strange said very vigilantly.

Suddenly he froze for a moment, looked at his disappearing hand, and shouted at Schiller with some horror: Couldn't this be arranged by you too?!! Schiller Rodriguez!!!!

I... Schiller choked for a moment, and then argued: Can I still ask you to voluntarily cut off your hand?

Why are you acting like you didn't do it? Who wasn't voluntary in your plan?

Schiller pursed his lips, turned his eyes the other way, and said, Believe it or not, I didn't do it this time.

Then you admit that you did it before?

You don't think you're smarter than Tony Stark's mentally handicapped one in finding out my plan and coming to question me, do you? Stephen Strange!

Adam coughed twice on purpose, as if to say, Is there anyone who can talk to me?.

Schiller turned to look at him first and said, Aren't you going to explain what's going on, Mr. Adam?

This is indeed our universe, and what you see is indeed annihilating the Zerg, but why this group of bugs appear here, we have to start from the beginning.

The pictures on the theater screen began to change along with Adam’s voice, and the light and shadow reversed rapidly. First, it was fixed on Reed’s face, followed by Bruce Banner, Betty, Gwen, Peter, Shadow Spider-Man, Nick, and finally Schiller himself.

This is a complete framing! Schiller slapped the arm of the chair and said, What does this have to do with me?

But the next screen played made Schiller silent. After he chased Strange away, Nick said with a serious face to the Schiller's revised planning draft brought by Eddie: I'm afraid That's the hint Schiller left me...

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!

Immediately afterwards, Nick summoned Shadow Spider-Man and other murderous Spider-Man as assassins to carry out the purge operation he learned from Schiller's event planning case.

Seeing that Strange looked at him more and more unkindly, Schiller widened his eyes and spread his hands and said, Nick is obviously thinking too much, well, even if he agrees with mine, it's not me. Instigated by...

Immediately afterwards, the picture was fixed on George's face. Because of the appearance of Shadow Spider-Man, Gwen's father George tracked down Schiller's stronghold in Hell's Kitchen because of Hu Ji's death.

At this moment Strange looked at Schiller and his expression became You still say it's not you?!.

Schiller also frowned, even if they coincided with each other, it's a bit too coincidental, did they really follow his plan?

But the series of events that happened next left Schiller and Strange stunned.

George discovered the clues left by Schiller, but his focus was completely wrong. He discovered that Gwen might have had a relationship with Spider-Man, but he misunderstood that her former lover was the dead first-generation Spider-Man.

Coupled with the fact that James, the black powder leader, and the ghost of Spider-Man he talked about, the window effect made George quickly accept the fact that Peter Parker is the third generation of Spider-Man and is in love with his daughter.

That's okay? Schiller said in surprise.

Strange looked at him and snorted coldly, then turned his head back again, his demeanor and movements clearly said Go ahead and pretend!.

What happened next was even more ridiculous. Gwen couldn't stand her father's nagging state, so she ran to Los Angeles to join Peter.

But Stark, who was originally on vacation with Pepper in Los Angeles, was tricked by Rocky because he was from another universe, and Thor came to him. The Iron Demon God, who transformed into the God King of Light, fought in the universe.

And in this universe, because the powerful fighters in the nine major kingdoms have enough energy, they always use special effects when they fight, regardless of how much damage they actually cause, the light and shadow effects look like they want to destroy the universe. The heroes were terrified.

Very good. Strange turned his head to look at Schiller and said, Your multiverse-level goal has also been achieved. Now, the prestige of the two of them will spread throughout the multiverse.

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