The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1556: People Who Chase the Sun (24)

The mutants participating in this war are mainly Alpha-level and Omega-level individuals, with almost no flaws in abilities, only the difference in destructive power.

Of course, mutants are not perpetual motion machines. Even mutants with almost no weaknesses like Iceman will be tired, so it is too wasteful to use them to mow the grass. In the original tactics, mutants are responsible for attacking the tough ones.

To put it simply, Mystique's thinking is the same as that of the Zerg. Although the Skrull Empire and the Shia Empire belong to the cluster route, if mutants are mixed in, then they can also use the overall route.

That is, use a huge number of soldiers that can be replenished quickly to withstand the frontal battlefield, and then use powerful individuals to break through.

Unexpectedly, the Zerg used this trick first, so the powerful mutants became countermeasures, and now they have to be responsible for stopping the super individuals sent by the Zerg to attack.

When Magneto descended on the battlefield, the stars dimmed and the universe became silent. Within a few light-years around him, everything seemed to have been decelerated.

Slime slowly dripped from the worm's sharp teeth, and the muzzle of the Skrull soldiers slowly shimmered. When the magnetic field was frozen, the fragments of limbs that had no beauty in the fierce firefight became like It is a sudden burst of fireworks, with a fleeting but condensed into eternal beauty.

Just like every night of disaster that nature brings to the species on the planet, when the magnetic field trembles slightly, the storm stirs everything into fine dust, which rises under the blazing light of the stars, as if there is no A drizzle began to fall in the gravitational universe.

When Magneto's cloak falls, a magnetic storm is born and everything dies.

In this endless vanishing wind, only a few fine pieces of ice flitted across countless pairs of terrified eyes on the edge of the formation, and a blue figure soared into the sky, stretching its arms.

Just as he lightly clenched his fist, the solar storm suddenly condensed, and the surface of each particle was covered with a thin layer of frost. In an instant, this bright fireball hanging in the universe was frozen into the ice.

The melting warm light that originally illuminated every soldier was covered with a layer of cold filter, and the stars were still bright, but they were frozen into ice sculptures from the inside out.

After the phenomenon that completely violated the laws of cosmic physics appeared, all the civilization leaders who were watching the battle situation were all stunned in front of the screen, but after the brief calm before the storm, the sun under the transparent ice gradually became brighter and brighter.

Dorek almost screamed.

Supernova explosion!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!

But soon, all the civilization leaders who followed the battle situation understood why Poppy the Iceman had to freeze the star before Magneto ignited it. terrible weapon.

In other words, the stellar explosion is just the engine of the frost storm. The huge thrust of the supernova explosion makes the thin layer of ice sway across the entire galaxy at a speed infinitely close to the speed of light.

After the explosion, the entire galaxy was cold and silent.

But one star system is only a small part of the front line of the entire war. There are more than 500 star systems in the entire large portal star area, and there are more than a dozen star systems in the densest firepower point. After the fault, the main force of the Zerg finally showed its fangs.

In front of the screen, Mystique and Professor X looked at the Zerg soldiers filling the galaxy in shock. It was the same bug sea as the previous attacks, but the difference was that all the bugs that made up this wave of bugs were super individuals.

We made a mistake again! Mystique looked at the screen and said slowly: They have completely combined the two routes. What they just attacked was just cannon fodder for exploring the way. They have evolved all the main members of civilization into Super individual!

Doric VII seemed to be strangled, and could only utter short syllables with unknown meanings.

The morale boosted by the clearance of the mutants just now no longer exists, and the morale of the civilized coalition forces has dropped to freezing point. If every member of a race with hundreds of billions of people is a super individual who has completed the final evolution, then this How to fight the battle?

Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar sound of the horn reached everyone's ears, and the older civilized leader of the coalition army trembled instinctively.

When the bright thunder came from the end of the sky, all the creatures in this universe were calling his name - Odin, the father of the gods!.

The moment the Asgardian fleet jumped into the arena, the morale of the civilized coalition forces was ignited in a strange moment. Without him, only when you have been beaten, you will know how painful it is.

Seeing Odin standing on the mast of the battleship as usual, the leaders of several major civilizations burst into tears. Finally, one day, the Asa protoss who descended on their heads with their feet on the colorful clouds did not come to beat them.

The number of Asgard's fleet is far less than that of the Zerg, and the number of Asgard's individuals is also far from that of the Zerg's super individuals, but Asgard has never been strong in combat capabilities on the frontal battlefield.

Odin's fleet has traversed the universe for so many years, relying on its invincible ability to stand out. No matter what defensive formation or frontal line of defense you have, the Rainbow Bridge is the most powerful, and all take off. If it lands on the main artery, it will be a shot. Look, I will stab you! If you don't tie it, you're done.

Odin didn't even look at the Zerg super-units that were gathering towards the firepower point. He directly relied on his face-riding intuition for many years, and the Rainbow Bridge burst into light. .

Immediately after that is the traditional performing arts followed by the sideboard and the jumping gang. All the Asgardians who jumped off were a set of mindless slashing, charging, whirlwind slashing, divine power burst, jumping and chopping, Long live the father of the gods!.

Before the Hive Ultrain could react, a small half of its nodes were chopped off. Immediately, bugs on the frontal battlefield also faltered. Chain reaction, total collapse.

Dorek VII, who has been fighting against the Cree Empire for many years, is certainly no stranger to this kind of scene. He was overjoyed and slapped the table and shouted: Prepare to fight back, hurry up, everyone is ready to fight back!

But Odin, who successfully jumped to the opposite face, frowned. Just when the Asgardian battle was just right, Odin's thunderous call resounded in the ears of every Asgardian: Everyone! Stop, prepare to retreat!

Odin's power established over the years made these militant lunatics obey his orders almost instinctively, everyone teleported back to the ship, and the Rainbow Bridge was fully activated.

Just the second after the Asgard fleet retreated, the dimension where the brood was located was completely torn apart.

On the main ship of Asgard, the voice of supreme intelligence came from the communicator: There is a special individual among the annihilating Zerg. I call it the 'Dimension Devourer'.

Its appearance is an extremely huge worm with a big mouth full of fangs. It can eat dimensions and swallow them into its stomach. This is how the more than twenty dimensions under the Kree Empire were destroyed. .”

Their nests have the ability to teleport? Odin asked with narrowed eyes.

The Dimension Devourer can swallow any Zerg into its belly and bring them to a safe location. The voice of supreme wisdom sounded in the command rooms of all civilizations at the same time: Anything included in the space dimension, yes None of it worked.

Odin didn't look annoyed, he just raised his head slightly and said, The Rainbow Bridge needs to be recharged, and it will take at least seven hours before the next start, but these bugs don't know this.

Since they have stolen the Kree Empire's combat report, they will understand how powerful the Rainbow Bridge is. Before I show up next time, they will all be wary and will never dare to attack unscrupulously.

Doric nodded, expressing his agreement with Odin's statement, and at the same time he said: The next step will be the most difficult, but it will also be the most likely to affect the stalemate time of the subsequent battle. Whoever can’t stand it will withdraw.”

The good news is that we withstood the first wave of the most violent attack. Mystique said: The bad news is that the battlefield for annihilating the Zerg may not only be in the material universe, they also have gods.

But at this time, Charles behind Mystique showed a mysterious smile, and said, Their gods had better show up quickly, or they will miss a big show if they are late.

During several rounds of battles on the frontal battlefield, the instigator Annihilation was not idle. As written in the strategy Adam left to Quill, the goals of Annihilation and Greed were the Star Devourer and the planet devourer behind the envoy. By.

They know very well how powerful the five gods are, and they also know that Galactus is the most suitable parasite for the brood superbrain, so the Greedy One is leading the seekers to search for the envoys of Galactus throughout the universe.

Soon, the seeker sent back news that he didn't find the star devourer, but directly found the planet devourer himself.

The Annihilator and the Greedy were overjoyed, but when they arrived at the location of Galactus, they plunged into a battlefield of gods that they couldn't grasp at all—a trinity god was chasing and killing a high-level god incarnation .

In human terms, the Goddess of Radiance, the Iron Demon God, and the Light God King are teaming up to beat Adam, while the surrounding dimension demon gods, such as Mephisto, Dormammu, and Galactus are all trying to persuade them to fight.

If it is Adam of the Life Tribunal, of course he is not afraid of the gods in the single universe. The problem is that Adam in the single universe is just an incarnation and does not have the full power of the Life Tribunal.

This universe was thrown out of the big world again. Parents don't love their mothers or parents. Adam can't find the main body or strength.

Of course, Adam was not completely helpless. Although he was not very strong, he was still the immediate boss of the five gods, so he immediately persuaded the only available Galactus to fight.

The reason why it was persuasion rather than fighting back was because Schiller would most likely cause trouble for any of the three people in front of him if he fought.

But as we all know, Galactus does not work at any time, and it is hard to tell whether the dimensional demon god who is watching is here to persuade or wait for food. Adam was chased round and round in the universe by three hooligans like this.

In the end, Adam, who was beaten bruised and swollen, couldn't take it anymore.

Looking back on my own hard journey, the starting point is to protect the universe from being destroyed, but no one understands him. He obviously has the perfect strategy in his hand, but there is no link that can match him. He obviously tried his best to repair all the programs. In the end the code went from a piece of shit to a cesspit.

The hardest-working god in the universe is now being chased up and down, which fully demonstrates the truth that the harder you work, the more unfortunate you are. Adam really collapsed.

Tired, destroy it, this is the true portrayal of Adam's current state of mind.

So, with this mentality, he came to the barren land at the end of time, appeared in front of Strange and Schiller, looked into Schiller's eyes and said.

Hello, Schiller, are you interested in being my Pope?

Man of the Day

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