The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 1558 The man chasing the sun (twenty-six)

Before Schiller could refute, the picture on the screen changed again. A killer rushed into the S.H.I.E.L.D. where Nick was located. The black hole of the gun pointed in the direction of Nick's shocked expression.

Schiller instantly tightened his grip on the armrests of the chair, and Strange's expression became serious.

Then the two of them turned their attention to Adam almost at the same time. Adam cleared his throat and said, Listen to my explanation. The thing is like this...

Adam began to explain to the two his theory of bug fixing from the beginning, as well as his multi-faceted process of trying to restore normalcy to the chaotic universe.

To put it simply, in order for the universe not to be destroyed by Schiller and for peace not to be destroyed by Schiller, everything must be smoothed out before Schiller returns, and the universe must be returned to the state it was in when Schiller left, ensuring that he does not go crazy.

That's why I said the cause of this incident is still you. Adam sighed and said, I just don't want you to really drive into our universe and hit something. Do you understand?

Schiller stared at him with an unkind look, and Adam was too tired to defend himself. He said, You will know when you look back. These things were not in anyone's plan at all, including me.

Adam looked at the screen again. What appeared on the screen was Gwen who was crying to Betty. After Gwen left, Betty sat in silence in front of her bed, and then she met Bruce Banner on the way back to the city. The scene where the argument occurred.

Gwen's words caused Betty to have mood swings, and Betty's attitude affected Bruce Banner, causing the dizzy Dr. Banner to fail to check the particle collider in time, and cooperated with the troublemaker King Reed, and the Annihilation Zerg appeared.

There was no skill in the development of the whole incident, it was all about emotions. The main theme was that the god of probability had a spirit in the sky, and it happened that it almost turned into a bumper car.

Can you blame me? Adam pointed at Quill and Rocket Raccoon on the screen and said, I've given them the perfect strategy, and they can do this!

The more Adam talked, the more angry he became. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Taking a step back, he thought more and more. Could he, a majestic and high-level god of the universe, be able to bear this anger?

Why can't any of these humans follow the plan?! Why is it that even though I told them what the truth is, no one is willing to cooperate with me?!

Then, Adam turned his head and stared at Schiller's side face and said: How on earth do you make them do what you want them to do voluntarily without knowing anything? How do you control them? of?

So you want to control them?! Schiller turned to look at Adam and said in shock: You actually want to control humans??? I take back what I said before, Mr. Adam, I'm afraid you misunderstood more than just me. You misunderstand all human beings.”

Adam stared at Schiller. He thought Schiller would say something to praise human wisdom. He already had examples to refute, but Schiller opened his mouth and said: You actually expect evil, chaos, and being good at killing each other. Wisdom never needs it. When it comes to serious matters, human beings, whose civilization has developed to this day entirely due to luck, will be controlled by anyone?!!

Adam's mouth opened wide, and he stammered: You...are you not a human being? Do you think you are...

It's because you think you're stronger than humans, so you try to control them, and then make so many messes. Schiller lightly shrugged and said, I've said it before, I'm just an ordinary person.

Although I have come up with many plans that have actually advanced superheroes, human civilization, and the entire universe, I am not a complete control freak as you may have misunderstood me.

Schiller shook his head and continued: In other words, a plan that does not allow any accidents to occur and has no error tolerance is not a good plan at all. The person who can formulate such a plan is not a good strategist, more like that A kind of megalomaniac who is not very clear-headed.”

Adam opened his mouth, and just as he was about to say something, Schiller tapped the armrest of the theater chair with his fingertips and said: There are many people who believe in the theory of strategy and games, that is, 'the world is a chess game.'

They think of themselves as chess players, and everyone else is just a chess piece. They think that as long as they put the right chess pieces in the right positions, they will definitely play their best role and make everything go as perfectly as they planned. .”

Schiller glanced at Adam, and Adam shut his mouth. In fact, he had always thought so before, but what was different from this kind of person was that he also had a chess book in his hand, and tried to play with these chess pieces. Read the chess records so that they know how they should move.

But this is actually an extremely wasteful and stupid approach. Schiller raised his eyes and looked at the chaotic situation on the screen and said: The key to human beings' ability to create miracles lies not in the order they have established, but in the order engraved in them. Chaos in the genes.

Or this can also be interpreted as 'possibility'. The most precious wealth that every human individual possesses is endless possibilities.

And if someone defines them as a chess piece with a single function, and they must stay somewhere to do something regardless of whether the position they are placed in allows them to grow, this can create miracles. Sex has been completely erased.

A good strategist should be more like a gardener. They are only responsible for planting seeds and cultivating seedlings, and retaining as many possibilities as possible for them to sprout different branches, so that when they grow into towering trees, there will be more branches. Many branches can produce surprising and miraculous fruits.”

“The most important right for intelligent life to be guaranteed is the right to unlimited development and free choice. If you want to defend this right for them, you must stand among the vast majority of ordinary people, rather than thinking that you are above the masses. With your wisdom, you can manipulate everything and control all living beings.

Then why did you... Strange's eyes fell on Schiller's notebook.

If I am the kind of control freak you think I am, who must keep everything under control, why should I waste my time drinking tea with you here? Schiller rolled his eyes and said, I don't believe it. If you drive this universe and hit the barrier of the big world, will the gods of the universe come out to negotiate terms with me and get your hand back?

Adam and Whirlpool shivered at the same time, and their eyes fell on Strange's hand. Just as Adam was about to open his mouth to say something, Strange stared at him with murderous eyes and said: Shut up, this is a matter between the two of us.

I know what you are thinking. Schiller lowered his eyes and looked at Strange and said: You think I am a control freak, so you think that I have made one plan after another to push everyone forward, even at the expense of myself. In order to satisfy my desire for control that cannot tolerate any flaws.”

But that's not the case. I just hope to provide all intelligent life in this universe with more possibilities that are completely different from the fixed world line, rather than necessarily requiring someone to become a certain way according to my ideas, or a certain person. Things went perfectly according to my plan.”

And what I do is not to show favor like a god, but to defend the rights that all intelligent life deserves.

Schiller looked into Strange's eyes and said, Don't tell me you haven't discovered that the possibilities for life in most big worlds in the universe other than ours are extremely limited.

Don't tell me you don't see that the tragedies that happen repeatedly in different universes are not just coincidences.

Strange raised his eyes and looked into Schiller's eyes. He fell silent because he knew that what Schiller said was true. In the endless multiverse, most people in most universes are here. Following almost the same path forward is actually completely contrary to probability and the innate conditions of intelligent creatures.

Intelligent life develops on an individual basis and cannot fully understand each other. Because of this, a thought in one second may cause their life trajectories to be completely opposite.

So, how could it be such a coincidence that in the endless universe, everyone has the same idea and walks on the same path?

Schiller turned his head back, and the dim light projected by the screen flowed between his brows and eyes, making his eyes look full of gentle philosophy.

Striving for the right to unlimited development possibilities is the responsibility of every intelligent individual, because it is also closely related to ourselves. Defending the ethnic group from being manipulated is also fighting for freedom for ourselves.

And I make plans to push everyone, just because I know more information, so I should be in front of other people who lack information and lead them forward.

Until they themselves realize that they should fight for the right to unlimited development for themselves instead of being at the mercy of fate, it is the same for every universe, every civilization in the universe, and every individual in the civilization.

“My ultimate goal is not to make this universe or all other universes listen to me and be controlled by me, but on the contrary, I want to make them realize that each of them is the master of their own development, and they should try their best to strive for it. This right, instead of deciding that the development direction that has been repeated thousands of times is the best choice.

Adam felt the cold sweat flowing down his neck and down his spine. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, as if he had already seen the scene of universes that were completely locked in the development direction of the world line and began to strive for infinite development possibilities.

Iron Man is no longer Iron Man, Spider-Man is no longer Spider-Man, superheroes no longer rely on fists to save New York, the three major empires cooperate sincerely, and Asgard escapes its destined fate of destruction...

At that time, where should they go, the gods who maintain the stability of the universe and the smooth development of the world line?

In a trance, Adam saw a bright light lighting up in the ocean composed of endless cosmic bubbles, like a lighthouse in the storm, or like the sun rising deep among the stars.

This is so ridiculous, Adam thought, how chaotic the universe would be if everyone didn't play a given role and didn't develop according to the world line? Is this really what they want?

Then Adam desperately discovered that Strange, who was sitting next to Schiller, slowly lit up with an extremely dangerous light in his eyes, like greed and ambition.

It’s more like the most romantic and magnificent answer that human beings can think of when, after countless cold nights of studying hard, you see a red sun rising outside the narrow apartment window and think about what your efforts are for. ——Follow the ancestors who chased the sun until the infinite possibilities of liberating every class, every race, and every individual are reached.

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