The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1457: Adventure

"Men's left, women's right."

"Well, there is no need to do anything extra, just cooperate with the inspection."

A few words of guidance from the side, surprised the new half-elves who came here.

It seems that there are more than one reviewer?

But a hundred years of tempering has long taught her how to hide emotions, not to mention that it is a human territory. No matter what she wants to do, she needs to weigh her strength.

Aya nodded to her companions aside. They accidentally came to this world because of a dimensional channel. Unlike in consciousness, this world has even produced a civilization that is more advanced than their country.

There is a strange world of indigenous people, which is not good news for explorers like Aya.

Yes, Aya is an explorer. They embarked on the road of exploration for expensive remuneration. They are good at finding the gateways to other worlds. The human world is a dimension they just discovered a while ago. aisle.

Aya has a wealth of experience, and the teammates who explore together are also around the golden rank. It stands to reason that such a powerful force can be regarded as a leader in the original world.

What Aya didn't expect was that after coming to this world, her previous experience and confidence became completely blurred, because she sadly found that the indigenous strength of this world is stronger than her own. Not at all.

Aya does not like the dimension occupied by intelligent creatures, because once there is wisdom, there are passions and desires, and you have your own ideas. Compared with those pure beast and insect worlds, it is difficult to deal with intelligent creatures.

Moreover, most of the world's intelligent creatures are very exclusive. Many times, Aya escapes from the dead, and that is also based on the premise that the other party is not as good as himself.

But now it ’s different. Looking at those humans who look similar to themselves but are a little rude, Aya feels the general energy fluctuations in the other person, and the power that she is proud of, in this world, is like a person who can Like the small bug that slaps it, it may not even have an impact.

When Aya discovered all this, even when she was ready to return to the past, she found sadly that the channel connecting her own world had disappeared without a trace.

The human world is different from other worlds. Because of the special energy, the dimension channel has already deteriorated, and sometimes it is extremely stable. The dimension that came in the early days of doom has not been damaged until now, just like the worm world where the order has been sealed. Through the distance, you can still see the scenes of the sky and the sky inside, completely doomsday.

Different from the past, the Zerg world now has some qualitative changes. This is because Chen Feng went to the Zerg world in person after his promotion was successful. Until then, Chen Feng did not know that the area of ​​the Zerg world was like the human forces in the peaceful era. Each province and city has its own speaker.

And what has been fighting with Chen Feng is a huge cricket. According to Chen Feng, a tentacle is only a few hundred meters. When it is operating, it is like the world is broken. It is difficult to describe the other party in ordinary words. Terrible and shocking.

Chen Feng even gave the other party a name, and that was Tongtianyu.

Order can have today, and it is inseparable from the insect world. Of course, as a bug, naturally it will not actively help the order. Moreover, in the early days of the insect world, you want to break out of it to annex the entire order. For this reason, Chen Feng did n’t know how long he fought with the other party, so it was worthy to seal it in, which promoted the smooth development of the order, and because of the war, the worm meat and insect species obtained from it made the order ’s worm breeding industry qualitative. Promotion.

However, the worm has never forgotten to attack the human world. This is something that Chen Feng has known for a long time. It is always a hidden danger to keep the other side, but Chen Feng's current strength can not allow him to evacuate the worm world.

Unable to reach the outside, Chen Feng turned his eyes to the inside. He also thought about destroying all the insects near the human dimension with his own hands.

However, after understanding, Chen Feng found that the worm world has a vast territory, such as the existence of Tongtianyu, I do n’t know how many, and take the initiative to uproot the forces of Tongtianyu, even if it can stabilize for some time, once the news spreads There will always be new bugs occupying here.

Therefore, Chen Feng had to personally go to Worm World to make a deal with Tong Tianyu.

The content of the transaction is that Chen Feng and Tong Tianmao will not arbitrarily come to each other's world and give each other sufficient development space, and because of the terrible nature of the insect world, all the power of the insects can stand on their own. Therefore, Chen Feng had his members to go in to exercise Idea.

Every three months, a group of professionals go in to exercise. Because of Chen Feng, the human world has a living area. Once beyond this area, bugs can kill humans arbitrarily, and conversely, humans can also kill insects.

Chen Feng's original intention is to exercise his will. After all, the order has gradually stabilized in recent years. Professionals who have just been promoted have never seen the horrible battle. Therefore, they have become professionals by fighting against blood like insects. Whether it can stand alone.

Insects have a deep hatred for human beings. It was difficult to say anything because of Chen Feng before, but now it is different. Chen Feng can take the initiative to send human beings into his own world. Once a fight occurs, death and injury are inevitable.

Although the worm will not retaliate explicitly, but occasionally killing a few humans to vent their anger, this feeling also makes the worm have a sense of accomplishment that is difficult to describe.

Each of them has a misfortune, and there are reasons and reasons for cooperation. Therefore, the Zerg world has now become a place for order reserve personnel to exercise.

Of course, people who order death are alive. Over time, many people walk out of the safe zone, and after being ambushed by humans, humans gradually have a memory, and the safety rate is greatly improved compared to before.

In addition to such stable dimensional cracks, there are more unstable dimensional cracks. These cracks are inexplicably opened beside some creatures. Perhaps as soon as you step in, the dimensional cracks lose their energy support and then disappear completely.

Dimensional travel is a skill that can only be mastered by the gods. When Aya comes here, naturally there is no hope at all, and he has become a part of this world.

Aya was taken to the interrogation office as an accidental half-elf. Aya had communicated with her men long before, so she was not embarrassed. After a few questions, she was given a choice. One was Stay here, the second is to give some food and water, and leave here as soon as possible.

In Aya's mind, these indigenous people did not embarrass themselves.

Many people are caught by intelligent creatures, and they are naturally afraid of death. After being caught in their own world, it means that there is no freedom and personality.

It is no exaggeration to say that the other party really has any weird habits. The first person to be humiliated is their unseen slaves.

Those indigenous people I saw in the past can't wait to be handcuffed and fettered, but what's going on with these indigenous people? How to give yourself the right to choose.

Stay or leave?

Of course I left!

Only a fool would choose to stay as a slave, but curiosity drove her, even Aya didn't know how to stay somehow.

Why didn't she know?

Because the people here are kind to themselves or live in the wild for a short time, and find it full of crises everywhere? Aya has stopped searching, she just warned her men to keep calm no matter what happened, after all, they were just outsiders.

She couldn't twist her thighs. She still understood this.

After coming here, Aya ’s evaluation of the city in her heart rose to another level, and she began to think that the indigenous people were embarrassing her. Disease enters the city.

prevent disease.

This is normal. Aya has traveled north and south over the years, and has seen many terrible cases of deaths in the entire city due to illness.

"This is your weapon?"

When it was difficult to go through the process, a staff member picked up a dagger.

It was an enchanted dagger, and it was Aya's most valuable weapon and wealth. It took her a lot of work to get this weapon.

Seeing the staff holding the dagger in his hands, Aya frowned instantly. He had seen too many insatiable guys who, relying on their power and power, liked to exploit them, those who were in trouble.

Aya sighed in her heart, she was ready to confiscate the weapon, but when she was low-willed, the dagger was miraculously handed to her.

"We have weapons for you, but before you enter, you better understand the laws of this world. Once offended, you will face legal sanctions. Well, congratulations, you are officially joining the order and becoming a member here."

"By the way, the half-elves union is on the left-hand side of the south. If you want to find a job, you can go there and ask first."

Aya's face finally showed an irresistible surprise, because it was difficult for her to believe that the other party returned her weapon in this way.

Not only that, what does the other party mean finally?

Half-elf union?

When she first arrived, Aya didn't know what a union was, but she heard the words of the half-elves clearly. Is there a companion here?

What about their lives?

Freedom has become a slave?

With this puzzlement, Aya gathered her courage, walked towards the order and walked past.

"The walls here are so high!"

"Yeah, and what are those things on the wall? Like a monster's mouth, I can even feel the terrible killing gas from inside."

"Really, it seems that there is really some strange energy spreading. I don't even dare to stare too much. It is terrible."

Unlike the companion's puppet, Aya's gaze was always placed on the huge portal. As the door opened, these half-elves from different dimensions really stepped onto the land of order.

There is an indescribable rule here.

The neat big trees were planted on both sides of the road in an unusually beautiful way. Those trees did not know what variety, the shortest one was more than 20 meters. Due to the energy of the last days, some strange changes occurred in the plants.

The ground was very clean, not even a piece of excrement.

You know, Aya has been to many cities and places, and even set foot in a city called Wangdu for missions, but what? The spacious Wangdu is also muddy, not only that, there are mounts and human excrements everywhere.

The whole king smelled, and it wasn't much cleaner than a large toilet. Like a human being, if he didn't last long, he would be fainted.

But what is going on here?

There is no excrement at all. At this moment Aya and her companions understood how happy it is to be clean!

In addition to the road, Aya was stunned by the surrounding houses. Boxy brick houses stood side by side, almost all the same size. In addition, Aya did not even have a wooden house. see.

Aya lives in a relatively backward world, where people ~ ~ are still using wood to build their houses. On some disaster-prone lands, a terrible storm may take countless lives. .

But what about the house here?

Aya carefully put her hand on the stone house, which was a little bit cold, but unusually strong, just like touching a big blue stone, so people felt a sense of security.

Although she didn't really live in, Aya knew one thing, that was, the house's defense was very good, like the gale that feared before met the other side, and there was absolutely no possibility of blowing it down.

While Aya was strolling around, several half-elves in uniforms suddenly appeared.

There are really half-elves here.

It turns out that this is not a joke. There is even a companion in this city?

Seeing the expression on the other person's face, Aya was a bit silly for a while, because she really saw that those people's faces were not numb and silent, but a sincere joy.

This is like Aya proves one thing, that is, the opponent is not a slave here, but a real soldier, they have the right to use their legs to go on their own path.

"How is this going?"

"Look at the clothes of those people, which are actually the same as those of the indigenous people. Those people will not lie to us. Our compatriots really have jobs in this land."

To her companions, Aya was equally astonished, because she had so much information today that it was hard to digest for a while.

However, there are certain things that must be addressed proactively.

Taking a deep breath, Aya stepped forward and slowly walked towards those half-elves. She had a lot of words and wanted to talk to the other party.

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