The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1456: Xu Zhe's daily life

There are many benefits to bathing dragon blood, and the lower the rank, the more able to analyze the dragon blood sprayed on the body. Except for one person on the field, the other one is the legendary rank. For the development of its own potential, it can undoubtedly raise an effect.

At the call of Wei Xun, everyone stood in the direction of the dragon's blood spray. It was strange to say that when the dragon's blood was contaminated on his own body, not only did he not get wet, but it was also very strangely slow. Slow ablation.

The specific reason is because the shadow dragon was originally transformed from energy. At this time, from the illusion to the entity, strange phenomena will naturally occur.

After the fusion of dragon blood, many people became very red, just like everyone drank a bottle or two of wine, shaking, and their consciousness became stagnant.


A roar rang out in the crowd, the sound was like thunder, and the sound of the sound was almost different from ordinary people.


The man known by Fan Zhiteng as Uncle Gao has been stuck on the golden stage for a long time. Although the combat skills are already proficient, maybe because of his talents, he may not be able to be promoted in his whole life.

For this reason, although the other party has not said anything, and often even maintains an optimistic attitude, in this dangerous doomsday, who doesn't want to make their own strength go further?

And shortly after being contaminated with dragon blood, who would have thought that Uncle Gao even broke through his own boundaries by virtue of the flowing energy in it, and reached a realm he could never imagine.

Fan Zhiteng is on the side. He has witnessed the whole process. The relationship between the righteous father and the right son is naturally not jealous. If there is, it is also a congratulation from the heart.

Uncle Gao's promotion is just the beginning. Over time, the other three have also changed, and they have entered the legendary rank that everyone admires and longs for.

Legend and gold have always been a watershed. When it comes to the legendary stage, it is the real beginning for humans living in the last days.

Wei Xun was equally astonished at all this happening. He couldn't help but think of a sentence, one person got the word, the chicken and dog rose to the sky, who can think of it, because his promotion has caused this series of changes.

However, although these people can be promoted based on their lost energies, they have trained four legendary powerhouses for the order at once, and they have successfully made a breakthrough and become the first person under Chen Feng. He is still unclear Xu Hongzhuang met Death in the abyss, then broke through herself and took the lead in breaking the epic.

Wei Xun was not clear about what happened in the abyss, and naturally regarded himself as the strongest order in the order today. Moreover, he was promoted to this point from a weak age, he knew the difficulties, and how difficult it was for these people to be promoted. It is no exaggeration to say that he gave the other party a second life.

No matter how serious, reborn parents are not at all. In this last day, strength is the truth. If someone is certain, kneeling on the ground and screaming for Dad can impact the realm of legend. Most professionals will kneel on the ground without hesitation.

Living in this troubled world, everyone has understood a truth. Compared with the dignity they have, strength is really important and the only thing that matters.

When people are in the arena, there is struggle.

With the increase of order personnel, His Majesty has many henchmen. In order to obtain more supplies, even if he does not want to fight, his men will support the other party to continue.

And the legends who have been promoted to these people are completely grateful for their own right now, plus these strong players, no matter Lu Wei or Xu Hongzhuang no longer threaten themselves.

Coming today is a double-edged bird. Thinking of this, even the cold-faced Wei Xun's complexion was a little slower at this time, showing a rare tenderness.

"Come back home!"

Thinking of this, Wei Xun waved his hand, everyone had completed the task, naturally do not want to stay here for a long time, after hearing Wei Xun's order, when even shouted, set foot on the journey home.


Xu Zhe got up late as usual. He was awakened by a loud noise. A little girl jumped to his bed. It was his young girl. This clever man was completely tied to order. Together, because only order can be given to him, his lover and daughter, a stable place of life.

As the acting city owner, he is a well-deserved first person in the order. Even the dark Lu Wei and the overbearing Wei Xun, even if he is unwilling, he will obey his orders unconditionally.

Because his own appointment was issued by Chen Feng himself. In order, no one can violate Chen Feng's instructions, and no one can do it.

There is a breakfast next to the bedside table, which is obviously prepared by the lover. Xu Zhe has no dissatisfaction. Although they have experienced the despair of the end of the day, they have settled in the end and have It's a life that ordinary people yearn for.

Brain exhaustion is a long-term injury to the body. Yesterday, the population of order was counted again. Even with the help of Chen Feng, he is already a legendary strongman, but such high physical statistics still put his body in A state of weakness.

Even if there are a lot of discomforts, Xu Zhe still needs to insist. After all, this is his life and an important part of his value.

Reluctantly shook his head and turned over to get out of bed. Fortunately, there are several auxiliary professionals in his house. Whenever he consumes too much, he will replenish his energy in time. Otherwise, he will rule millions of people at once. For Xu Zhe, a night cannot be completed by itself.

This is also the terrible part of the team, and it has improved the efficiency by dozens of times, even hundreds of times.

Taking a quick bite early, Xu Zhe walked towards his office in an orderly way. In the past, it was Xu Hongzhuang ’s site, and after the other party left, it became his office.

Several veterans built the power of today's order. It can be said that the earliest people who followed Chen Feng were all talents, and they were indispensable talents.

After opening the door of the office, many people have been waiting for a long time. When the order was only a few hundred people in the past, Xu Zhe himself could be transferred. But now, the number of people in the order has exceeded 2.36 million. With such a complicated population base, naturally more talents are needed to help.

This is Xu Zhe's military team.

"So early today?" Xu Zhe was very kind to his men and waved his hand: "Just say anything."

The staff on the side cleared their throats and seemed to be accustomed to it. Except for work, Xu Zhe was privately called a tyrant, and during normal life, the other party's kindness and footsteps affected the hearts of many people. world.

"Master, the logistical preparations for the newly established order have been completed, and the recruitment of reserve soldiers is also smooth. In winter, in addition to the special forces of the professional, the military size of ordinary soldiers can already reach 30,000."

"With this team, we can extend a few hundred kilometers further!"

"It's only a few hundred kilometers." The man full of scales chimed in, "The world has now completely changed, and I think ordinary people should stay in order and develop their internal affairs. For example, to carry out a strategy outside, we still need our profession. Only then. "

Over time, irreconcilable conflicts have occurred between professionals and ordinary people. This is a trend that everyone, even Chen Feng, cannot stop.

Ordinary people envy professionals, but on the one hand, they are jealous, but what about professionals? Because it has become a superhuman existence at the end of peace, over time, it is inevitable that some changes will occur in the conscious world.

Those professionals began to gradually despise ordinary people. Although there are orderly laws, those professionals dare not take any drastic actions, because once they do, they will ruin their future.

But in any country, they will not be convicted and punished because of discrimination in the hearts of some people.

Over time, the contradiction between professionals and ordinary people became more and more fierce. In order to balance each other's power, Chen Feng gave suggestions to promote equivalent professionals and ordinary people, which greatly helped the superiors' rule.

Full of scales is a professional who belongs to the dark. Although nominally Xu Zhe's men, everyone knows that the other party is from the Wei Xun camp.

Only a strong person like Wei Xun who is not afraid of the sky and the ground will have such a tempered follower.

This may be the personality charm of Wilson.

Xu Zhe smiled at each other's battle and turned on the report on the table. "It is true. If you want to fight against monsters, neither the population expansion nor the army building can stop. However, ordinary people are best accompanied by professionals. Expedition together to minimize the danger. "

Ordinary people want to show their value. The world is changing with each passing day. Ordinary people are also afraid that they do not have powerful abilities, and they are directly abandoned and reduced to ants-like porters.

Because of this, ordinary people will participate in the battle so urgently. Only by occupying more land for order and conquering more survivors can we get the respect of those abominable professionals in this environment!

Of course, in the face of this terrible world, it is impossible to rely on human tactics alone. Therefore, the ordinary generals under his command have already formulated a weapon plan.

That is to restart the engineering factory in the peace era.

Refining weapons for more soldiers, only if they have terrible hot weapons on their hands, can they have a strong voice in the dangerous environment of the end.

Otherwise, look at those savage professionals, those guys will always be high-toed, like how powerful they are, hum, a group of muscular, simple-headed guys.

Some human leaders firmly believe that they are the pure blood of human beings. Compared with those professionals who have gradually lost their power and even committed countless crimes, the danger of ordinary people in this end world is undoubtedly equal to zero.

"I propose to increase the construction of the arsenal, not only the magic weapon artillery, but the remaining guns and high-explosive grenades need to be built early. Only in this way can we better exercise the soldiers' combat capabilities.


When the professional generals saw that the other party was still obsessed, he couldn't help but hum.

Although Xu Zhe is a professional, he is now standing on a balance to watch the problem. After thinking for a few seconds, his head is moving quickly.

"Very good, just do it," Xu Zhe closed the report and looked at the human general. "Do you have anything else to say?"

If it ’s just reporting on logistics, the other party wo n’t come to his office so early. For his lazy but absolutely talented man, Xu Zhe knows the other person well.

"Yes, sir." The human general was called Wang Jie, and the other side thought for a few seconds: "A group of outsiders came to order. I heard that you are going to hold a grand magic martial arts show?"

Xu Zhe nodded: "I can already be sure that the other party is not a spy, but a helper in a sense. The other party did not say anything. Obviously, he didn't want to let me know too much, but those people are not a monolith. Some people couldn't resist the temptation to tell the condition of the land, and the ruler there was called the Grand Commander. "

"In recent times, their forces have encountered some danger, so they have to ask for help outside. Do you remember what the adults said? Keeping more people is our task. I need those people to lead us to each other's stronghold. , And then slowly erode each other ~ ~ to make all residents a member of the order. "

"Before that, we need to cheer for our strength and let those guests who come from far away know what real power is!"

"Yes!" Wang Jie on the side got the order. At this time, it was difficult to say anything, just to answer it.

"By the way, this is an important event for ordinary people to promote a strong order. On that day, there will be hundreds of magic artillery cannons launched at the same time. The target is the distant mountain peak. I will bless that mountain peak under the baptism of the cannonball. In the event of a horror, the outsiders must be frightened and the local residents feel a sense of security. The performance of the magic martial arts cannon was registered to watch, and the number was fixed at 2,000! "


Hearing Xu Zhe's order, the professional general and Wang Jie did not dare to neglect, and responded in a hurry, and began to be busy.


When Meng Xianglei carried a cooing chicken through the square, he found that the field was full of people. Even if the weather today is not good and there are still strong winds around, it will not affect everyone's mentality to live together.

She followed the curiously, and saw the propaganda shouting loudly in the crowd. "The acting city owner decided to hold a magic martial arts show three days later. The number is set at 2,000. First come first served. I want to get in touch Order is strong, you can sign up here. "

Meng Xianglei didn't know what it meant to do so, but seeing the excitement and cheers of the people around her, her curiosity was also driven, and she could not help but step forward to register.

On the side, seeing Du Haitao with a smile on everyone's face, his face was weird, and his brows instantly condensed into a ripple. In his camp, he hadn't seen anyone laugh like this for a long time.

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