The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1458: Miracle City

Aya is curious about this city, because she has never seen any city as strange as order.

Whether it's people or things, everything is full of inexplicable throbbing.


Aya didn't know why she suddenly thought of such a word, but one thing that she couldn't deny was that everything here was really lingering.

It ’s completely different from the cities that I ’ve contacted in the past. Whether it ’s a clean ground or an ordinary person with a smile on his face, Aya ’s strength is at the golden peak. In addition, she is a semi-elven and she has super-perceived ability. It is absolutely certain that there is no energy fluctuation in the bodies of ordinary people walking on the road.

Ordinary people are just ants, just useless livestock.

Although these words are a bit excessive, the land where Aya lives is like this. There is no so-called human rights. Only strength is respect, and strength is the foundation that determines everything.

Like an ordinary person without power, how is it different from an ant?

In that world, ordinary people like that, living an extremely hard-working life every day, often have an unpleasant heart, and will be insulted and killed by a higher-order existence.

No one will lower their heads and look at the ants they accidentally stepped on. In that world, the lives and deaths of ordinary people did not cause much attention.

But looking at this world, those humble ordinary people are wearing such decent clothes. Not only that, each of them has an indescribable smile on his face.


Without any pressure.

They will not be humiliated and reprimanded for walking on this spacious street, and even more, Aya saw a scene that shocked her so much that a seemingly powerful man accidentally bumped into one After ordinary people, they even accompanied the other side uncomfortably.

There was also an apologetic smile on his face.

How is this going?

Aya was completely surprised to say nothing because of everything in front of her. At this time, she was completely petrified in place, and even her breathing became cramped.

Because from beginning to end, she couldn't believe everything she saw.

You have to know that the strong body's breath is more mellow than yourself. It is no exaggeration to say that if you face each other, you may not be able to persist for a few rounds, and you will be killed directly.

But why is such a powerful fighter so kind to ordinary people?

Aya's mind is not bad, but it is too different from her past experience, so at this time, she can't help but show a puzzling look.

Aya is clever, otherwise she wo n’t live to the present. She knows that no matter what she thinks, she ca n’t figure out what the nature of this world is. Therefore, the most important thing to do now is not to stand still but to walk over and ask others .

With this mood, Aya walked towards the people who were neatly dressed in neat costumes.


Before approaching, Aya saw the vigilant eyes of those people, so she stopped a few meters away and asked softly.

"You too?"

The patrolman froze and smiled. This is obviously a nonsense, and there are clear traces of half-elves on each other, which is naturally a blood line heritage.

Aya's communication skills are good. This is due to her shuttle between different planes. Without a good eloquence, she might have been killed by some indigenous people and cooked.

The outside world is dangerous. There is no peace here.

With some doubts, Aya chatted with the other party. As a newcomer, Aya naturally did not talk to the other party because of her identity, so as to explore some secret things.

In a strange environment, I didn't believe anything.

This is Aya's life.

There was a huge scar on the position of her chest, and the heart would be completely penetrated by a distance of one thumb. At that time, Aya intuitively felt the damage caused by betrayal.

This made her understand that no matter when and where, her brain must remain awake.

When Aya first arrived, she was not clear about everything here, and she was the first time she contacted the people she was working with, so she wouldn't say anything to alert the other.

If you talk too much, you will be caught as a spy, and then you will be truly worthless.

Unlike Aya's mind, those half-elven warriors seemed simpler.

A half-elf is an incomplete elven based on a fairy-tale. They are a hybrid of elves (mainstream) and other creatures (mainly humans).

Half-elves are a hybrid of humans and elves. They are slightly taller and stronger than the other elves.

The biggest difference between half-elves and other elves is that they will grow beards, which makes them easy to recognize their human origin.

Elves are very repellent to half-elves, and don't think they belong to elves at all; although human beings can better accommodate them because of their beautiful appearance, they are also very resistant to their half-elven bloodlines.

Elves are fascinated by human vitality, and humans are attracted by the elegance of the elves, so the two occasionally intermarry. For elves, such marriages are short lived because of short human life. However, they left their children, half-elves. As the crystallization of the free love between humans and elves, the semi-elves combined the fine qualities of these two races.

The life of a half-elf may not be as calm as water. From the perspective of the elves, half-elves have grown too fast, and they have already grown up before they can learn the elaborate art, culture and even grammar of the elves. Measured by the standards of the elves, although the physique of the half-elves is mature, it is still a child culturally. The half-elves who grew up in the elven society are usually incompatible with their childhood companions, and can only leave their homes and seek development in human society.

On the other hand, if grown up in human society, half-elves find themselves different from their peers, more lonely, sensitive, unambitious, and slow to develop. Some half-elves try to adapt to humans, while others accept their traits and find their identity. Most half-elves find a place in human society, and some feel like an outsider throughout their lives.

In the original world, the identity of the half-elves is a bit special. They seem to be a group of homeless children. Most of them are not treated tenderly in the forest territory or human strongholds.

However, the half-elves never gave up chasing freedom and proving their strength.

The blood of the half-elves loves wandering, so most half-elves do not stay in one place for long. Half-elves are born adventurers of nature. They are firm friends and excellent allies of many people. Most half-elves possess human curiosity, creativity, and ambition. They also have a keen sense of elves and love nature and art.

They have the elegance of elves, but not the pride of elves; they have the vitality of humans, but not the brutality of humans. In addition, half-elves value freedom and creativity like elves, and do not particularly like to be leaders or followers. Half-elves do not have their own homes, but humans and elves welcome them.

Half-elves can become excellent devout priests, and powerful field-control mages. As the descendants of humans and elves, the semi-elves inherited and merged the characteristics of the two, and were able to cooperate well with their counterparts in battle to achieve a great battle situation.

Aya's mind is not bad. She just guards against unfamiliar surroundings, and those guards are even more so. They have come to this land early, and even the construction of some places cannot be separated from them.

The guards are very happy about the new ethnic members joining, so under the subtle inquiries of Aya, I could not help revealing some things that are not secrets.

Under the careless disclosure of his tribe, Aya's knowledge of this land has risen to a new level, and it turns out to be a multi-element city-state.

Not only half-elves, but in the inner city, there are also Naga, Goblin, and Ogre. These infamous characters in the original capital are here. It is difficult to have ordinary people through their own efforts. Matching results.

A goblin named Casi, with his own efforts, became one of the few master craftsmen because of his outstanding construction performance and even received the reward of the legendary leader. He was promoted from the bronze rank in one fell swoop. At the peak of gold, just one step away can impact the legend.

What is this concept?

Isn't that just flying directly on the branch to become a phoenix?

This lets Aya know the idea of ​​the city-state, and as long as he is really willing to pay, the city-state will give corresponding compensation.

Moreover, unlike the verbal promises of the previous forces, these promises were really implemented in the hearts of these foreigners.

It was also at this moment that Aya finally knew why ordinary people would have smiles on their faces, because this city-state is basically a city of freedom.

Everyone can find the value of their existence here.

No wonder those goblins have devoted themselves to the construction, they already have this talent in this area, but in a dangerous environment, they have to devote themselves to evil and become bored by other creatures. Only here is different. They find the true meaning of life, Moreover, it really allowed them to come back and have their current status.

"Can I do that too?"

Aya has the ability to know people, and she can naturally see that her people have not deceived herself, so what does this mean? It means that the other party didn't lie, which means that if they work hard, they can also have corresponding rights in this land, instead of the original world, because they are semi-elves, they will not get any promotion at all.

"There are events on the night square, you can go and see. It's getting late, we're going to patrol."

The guards did not spend too much time with Aya. They were part of the order, so after a few words of shame, they went to inspect other places.

Aya nodded. Although she knew she would not deceive herself, she still wanted to see it for herself.

Night falls.

When Aya and his team asked a few people and came to the square, the place was already crowded. This is definitely not an exaggeration. It was the first time Aya saw so many people, not for war, and gathered in the same place. .

She roughly estimated that the number of people who came to watch the show was likely to exceed 10,000.

What kind of concept is this? The number of people in a war may be only a few thousand, or even fewer. Here, tens of thousands of people have gathered here. Are these people not afraid to shove and cause unnecessary battles, which will trigger a war? ?

Aya comes from a backward country. The people living in that land seem to be full of pressure. At any time, it will cause unprecedented **** troubles due to some small frictions.

When the last rays of sunset were covered by the night, there were only a few burning torches in the square, and the entire stage was dark, and no one saw him coming up to the bonfire.

Aya is a little confused, and she still doesn't know what exactly to perform here.

And just when she was hesitant, the stage suddenly lighted up, some electrical professionals injected light into the curtain, and then some brisk and pleasant melodies slowly resounded above the square.

The performance on the stage is similar to a stage play. The script changes according to peaceful and modern stories. Survivors are not unfamiliar with it, but one thing to know is that the world has already changed. There are no screens and movies. People once thought that I may never see the screen again in my life.

And everything that appeared in front of me ~ ~ made many people's tears shed, how many people are missing the past life? Although it is only a small screen, many people ca n’t help but sigh about the impact. This may be a small starting point. Human beings, the smartest race in the world, will one day eventually find the lost ones. glory.

Unlike the complex psychology of humans, Aya is completely immersed in the performance, and she can't help thinking of the races living here.

Some of them have hopes and dreams, and some helplessness forced to live in this city of hope. In this magnificent city, these owners have nowhere. They help each other and tell their ideas to each other. From the bitterness of leaving the country to the confused, and then from the confused to the perk, slowly found the way forward.


When the performance was overwhelming, a short character passed into Aya's ears, and she heard those words from the performer's mouth.

She said that this is the home of everyone.

What does this sentence mean? This is not the home of humans alone, but the home of the half-elves, naga, goblins, and even the gnome.

There is no prejudice here.

Once verified, the residents who come to live here have only one identity, which is part of the order. They build the place through their own hands. On the contrary, the ruler headed by Chen Feng will give the most intimate protection.

Aya has something inexpressible in her heart. She is no longer lost as before, the performance still surrounds him, and she feels filled with a spirit.

She is convinced that she will have everything here.

And only by working hard, this time will not be too long.

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