The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1138: Make a siege


This is a chicken and powerful career, just like the singers of the peace era. In order to stand on the flashing stage, the singers do not know how much they paid, even to sell the soul and body to the stage, but, Looking at the changes in the years, how many people are those queens who can really be known and come out again? !!

The Summoner is a hundred times or even a thousand times more difficult than this profession!

This is a society that eats people without spitting their bones. Their talents are doomed by their natural talents. Some people are born with rare talents, but only a few teenagers appeared on the list of saints or the list of evils. Dragon horns and claws, compared to these arrogant sons, even more people, even if awakened, are only the humblest and most miserable talents. On the battlefield, the only value is to serve as cannon fodder.

Yang Shuo of the previous life, cannon fodder, he did not hesitate to rely on the Necropolis for power, and fell into darkness, but even so, in the end he died in the hands of the Iron Armored Corpse, ending this shabby life.


The truth of Yang Shuo's pursuit is only one point, that is strength.

Looking at the large worm in front of him, Yang Shuo's eyes were as cold as ice.

He stood in front of the insect tide like a towering mountain, and the insects rushed in. The gesture was like tearing Yang Shuo, bloody.

"What to do? These guys are getting more and more aggressive. Would you like me to release the sickle beetles and deter them?"

However, just when the other God-given people and the people were already in despair, the little queen stood beside Yang Shuo with a happy face, her tone was relaxed, and she was not half dreaded by the madness of the worm, but she was full of words Scorn and indifference.

Legendary Realm.

Consuming Luohai, the power of the little queen has already entered the legendary realm. At this time, she has a perfect, peaceful temperament between her hands and feet.

Not happy or sad, not proud or impatient.

If no one had revealed her identity, who could have guessed that the legendary girl-like legend in front of him turned out to be a true heresy several times more evil than the poisonous ladybug?

"No, I haven't been promoted a few times. I am taking advantage of this opportunity today to prepare a helldog for a good meal. Because of purgatory, only death and blood are the raw materials for its promotion. Moreover ... ... "

Yang Shuo paused and said slowly: "I just happen to be active, I have been for a long time, I have not enjoyed this oppression of death for a long time!"


That's right, oppression!

In Yang Shuo's bones, there has always been a crazy factor.

He enjoys killing, and he also enjoys blood. This scene now makes him feel like a dead man in the previous life, and he is a soldier in every war.


The thick **** smell penetrated into Yang Shuo's nasal cavity, his brows soothed, and his palms were pressed down firmly.

"Woohoo ..."

With a loud roar, I saw a two-headed zombie dog suddenly appearing on the battlefield. Although its skin had dried up, its body was extremely large, and its hair was hard like needles.

It is like a demon who has just awakened from hell. It has a very strong **** taste, with two heads and four eyes bursting into cold chilled eyes.

At this moment, Yang Shuo was full of spirits, and the whole cheek was covered with a sharp color!

Onlookers in the end!

The Dominator Behind!

This is his true style!

"Damn it! How come there are zombie dogs!"

"The tide of insects has just been suppressed. Is the corpse of zombies also here?"

"Fighting! I want to let all these beasts go to hell!"

Just after fighting thousands of Zerg races, human beings are already exhausted. I thought victory was just around the corner. Who can think of another zombie attack!

The god-gatherers gathered together, the horror in their scalp tingling eyes is not hidden from refracting. No matter what means they can use to reach the sky, they can exert all kinds of talents.

At this moment, their eyes were dead but their hearts were renewed, and they could no longer bear the violent killing of monsters by them, and they squeezed out the remaining energy to attack the **** dogs one after another!

"Roar ..."

However, just as everyone wanted to take a shot, another roar that shocked the world sounded from a distance.

It's not just that.

Except for the hellhound, Yang Shuo's power did not dissipate. After a while, he murmured in his mouth, and a huge formation began to pervade at his feet.

A terrifying force emerged from it.


For a while, the dragon yelled through, almost instantly, a huge figure appeared from it.

I suddenly heard a dense roar in the air. A hill-like creature suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield. Its body was burning with a terrible fierce flame, more than four meters high, especially it The top of half of the skull was completely covered with steel, and the hand had a huge claw blade made of an alloy.


Seeing the double-headed zombies rushing to the battlefield, some of the God-given minds almost collapsed, but who knows that just a few seconds later, there was such a flood monster!

The god-giver who had just been encouraging each other to fight the zombie dog at this moment was completely frightened with cold hands and feet, making an unprecedented panic and scream, ten times more miserable than when they first encountered the Zerg siege!

Some people who have suffered minor traumas just slumped to the ground, twitched and couldn't get up anymore, some people desperately escaped. The pride of the past was directly crushed after two fierce beasts one after another. They are just some nuclear transitions, or ordinary people. How can we face this horrible existence?

For a while, the battlefield was extremely chaotic!

"Don't mess! This is my demon!"

Looking at everything in front of him, Yang Shuo also felt a headache. When he was about to mention nuclear energy, he called out an extremely powerful cry!

"Just kidding, who are you?"

"You're completely scared, aren't you? The two horrible beasts are your demon. Do you want to kill us?"

For Yang Shuo's explanation, everyone has chosen not to believe, after all, in their hearts this is simply impossible!

However, what happened next shocked and deleted everyone!

I saw two fierce beasts, six pairs of fierce and suffocating eyes, looked around angrily! The body stopped motionless on the left and right sides of Yang Shuo, like a guard, motionless!

Not only did the roaring God-givers scare the urine, but even the God-givers who wrestled with the Zerg tribe heard Yang Shuo's shouting and flickered here, all of them stared at Yang Shuo in horror, though It has been said that Yang Shuo has the extraordinary demon like the blue-eyed and white dragon, but they are obviously still ignorant. From the original performance of Yang Shuo, he can't see that he is so horrible.

Although there are a lot of summoners in the entire Dajingmen now, due to their own reasons, they can only summon some extremely weak pets such as man-eating bees, fire frogs, and sea stars.

Like some talented heavenly children, at most they only have a demon of the same rank. If they want to tame, they are just powerless.

But how should Yang Shuo explain it now! ?

In addition to the blue-eyed white dragon he had seen before, he now summoned two such terrifying creatures.

Is he the **** of the beast god?

The heart of everyone's chest was almost jumping out.

However, one thing is certain: After Xing Jun, Yang Shuo ’s name in the Dajingmen finally moved to the center of the stage at this moment, completely showing his extraordinary style to all the people present, letting all Everyone knows that Yang Shuo is not a simple character.

Many conceited godsenders have widened their eyes and took a breath. If they were surprised to see Xing Jun's venomous ladybug just now, then Yang, who can control two beasts at will, Everything Shuo showed was enough to make them confused.

But the shock was quickly replaced by excitement, and they responded very quickly. They ignored the method Yang Shuo had hidden, and they didn't care if he had more potential than Xing Jun. What they care about is if the two extremely powerful beasts in front of them are really Yang Shuo's demon, then whether they have two more super powers on their side.


Definitely won!

At this time, the battlefield had reached the stage of fever, and the three most powerful insect kings were also killed and injured. Now coupled with Yang Shuo's invincible reserve force, human victory is no longer far away.

The surviving godsenders have uttered a cheerful roar, they are no longer decadent and languish, as long as they persist in victory, they will eventually be ushered in. In this case, they swept away the haze in their hearts before, and each exerted a stronger power than before The Zerg crushed away.


There was a loud noise, and suddenly a large amount of dust spewed out from the ground. Vaguely, people saw the fierce beast summoned by Yang Shuo and took a step forward. It was shining brightly, and its shape was a dragon, but , 60% of the body is covered by metal!

Mechanical Tyrannosaurus!

High Order.

This is the evolution of Tyrannosaurus.

More than half of the body is mechanized. This is a dark evolution of the tyrannosaurus. Only when it is seriously injured or is about to die, and when there are a lot of minerals around it, the tyrannosaurus will swallow the metal to complete it. This transformation.

Promote a mechanical tyrannosaurus. The IQ of this creature is greatly reduced. The only significance of existence is combat and victory. Because the mechanical tyrannosaurus's attack power is enough to match a missile head. If it is attacked, low-level creatures will be a little Traces were eliminated without leaving.

Its nirvana is the enhanced "Triple Claw of Strength", and the missile transformed from the launch of energy from the hatch of the chest, "Ultimate Destruction Cannon!"

"Om ..."

Everyone covered their ears

A rush of momentum rushed towards the face, making those who have just cheered and jumped to the ground with a soft leg and fell to the ground

Everyone felt a panic and trembling from the soul, just like falling into a cold tan. Not only was his body stiff, but even his legs began to shake, and he could not say any words.

The atmosphere at the scene was terribly depressed. Even if they knew that the creature in front of them was a helper, they still felt an indescribable great fear.

The reason why mechanical tyrannosaurs are terrible stems from their talents. As everyone knows, the dragon family is one of the most powerful creatures. Born with the skill of dragon power, it can emit amazing power when facing weak creatures.

not to mention……

Its body has been completely mechanized. In this case, Long Wei matched that unspeakable cold metal feeling, and even made people feel that they couldn't look directly at each other.

The mechanical tyrannosaurus is covered with orange and yellow, shining with strange and strange light. The smelted metal shell gives a very stubborn but extremely thick feeling. It seems that it is difficult to destroy its body in any way, and behind it is a The irregular wings are very organized and full of destruction.

Compared with this huge mechanical tyrannosaurus, even the poisonous ladybug that is overdrawn is as fragile as a baby. As the mechanical tyrannosaurus moved forward, its body appeared in the world for a moment. His face was as pale as white paper, and his mood immediately fell to the abyss of the sky.

"His ..."

The appearance of the mechanical tyrannosaurus, even though there was a irresistible fear in the hearts of everyone present, but for the surrounding bugs, it inspired their fierceness!

Countless screams of roar, constantly shouting from the mouth of the Zerg army, mixed with the roar caused by the swarms of insects, forming a tremendous sense of oppression in the heart, as if a ten meters high tsunami came to the face Human beings, such tiny creatures, can only watch the tsunami with the power of landslides and devour itself completely!

That feeling is enough to scare everyone's fragile mental capacity!

Without the control of the insect king, these bugs have long gone out of control. Perhaps, no wisdom is also an advantage. For them, they have no mercy, and no ... fear!

The swarm charged.

In front of the insect tide, from time to time, you can see one or two figures of this destiny!


In the hysterical roar of mechanical violence, an orange lightning came to the side of a poisonous fleas, quickly attacking the opponent's body with a thunderbolt!

Metal arm!

This fate is low-level. Although the intelligence of the flaming fleas is not as high-end as the poisonous ladybug, it still has some judgment.

It has a hot poison on it, it is very hot, wherever it goes, it can be said that no grass grows. This is the best protective cover on it ~ ~ No creature dares to attack itself, because they dare not Touch yourself, because even if you hurt the poisonous fleas, the enemy's body will be eroded by the hot inflammation and become a piece of carrion.

But there is one thing that the poisonous fleas are wrong, that is ... the arm used by the mechanical tyrannosaurus to attack is not a flesh body, but an alloy steel arm!

Just listening to "Guz", its head shot a lot of blood flowers, and the white brain was dug out by the metal arm!


Inflammatory fleas, such a high-level war bug in the swarm have not even made a gesture of attack, it is so easy to tear their heads!

This scene is simply unthinkable.

And on the side, Yang Shuo's mouth also grinned a radian. In the next second, he said with some voice: "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus, use your power to destroy these enemies in front of me, one, Don't let it go ... "

ps: For the coherence of the plot, Liang Xin has no chapters. (To be continued.)

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