The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1139: Division 2

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The war has subsided.

Regarding the persuasion of the evil demons, after analyzing the pros and cons of the battlefield, the abyss refining demons almost didn't have too much hesitation, so they relied on order and temporarily loyal to the evil demons.

Compared to the demon who often fights to death, the devil's cleverness makes them understand what it means to bear weight. Abyssal refining demon is undoubtedly very resentful to the bad demon. As long as it has the opportunity, it will not hesitate to bite the bad devil's neck and regain freedom. .

This is the devil, which has always been superficial, secretly.

But this time the abacus refining abacus is undoubtedly planned, because Her Majesty Chen Feng also has Saruman. For this Lich, to control an existence at the same level as his own, or even lower in strength, was never imagined. So troublesome.

In other words, when the abyss refining magic returns to order, no matter what the inner thoughts are, waiting for it will be a permanent imprisonment!

The following things were not as troublesome as imagined. Li Shuo admitted that as long as he could relieve the city's predicament, he would be loyal to Chen Feng. This does not require a literal contract at all. Inferiors and incinerators are the best witnesses. Li Shuo If you dare to regret it openly, then it is only a dead end. There is absolutely no second way.

"It's not what's going on with Fula. Hum, no matter how they are, they can't be faster than the bad demon. The master wants to boast, and he can only boast about me!"

The city that was attacked in the eyes of the evil spirits, as far as she was concerned, there was only one point of concern, that is, the evil spirits and their own favor!


"Did you really lose yourself? Brother's hatred, after all, can't report it ?!"

Fan Zhiteng gritted his teeth, and even a trace of blood appeared on his lips. He stared at the ancient saying, his energy began to condense, and his warfare soared. Obviously, he explained his attitude with facts.

"Toasting without eating and drinking."

The old saying hummed, and when he saw his lips moved, a voice like wind and mist came out of his mouth, but he hid in the air for an instant and did not know where he was going.

Blind everyone's eyes, in fact, the ancient saying that has already stepped into the legendary realm seems to be just a simple blow. In fact, it contains an extremely violent mental attack that others may not be able to detect, but Fan Zhiteng on the side feels the same.

Fan Zhiteng only felt that there was a huge rock over his body, and even his bones were about to be crushed.


Fan Zhiteng struggled to get up from the ground, but fell to the ground instantly. His chest was completely sunken, his skin was smashed, his flesh was splashing, and several severely deformed sternum bones almost blew out of his chest.

Suffering such a severe blow and changing other people, I must have passed out long ago, and will definitely be shot to death. But Fan Zhiteng has faith in his heart but has not given up!

Suppressed by ancient sayings, Fan Zhiteng only felt that the whole body's meridians were broken, and the severe pain of heartbreaking swept the whole body, even with paralysis of the spine, no consciousness at all!

"As a professional, not only does it not help the poor people, it is so wicked. Even if I die, Fan Zhiteng will never be with you!"

"Since you don't know how to do this, let me die, of course, before that, I will send you these so-called brothers first."

The old saying goes with a smirk, and a thunder light flashes. Before that, there were endless pieces of flesh and blood on the loyal soldiers beside Fan Zhiteng. It was like a pair of arms were chopped into fine pieces of meat, and even the bones of the forest became a dreg. What is terrible is that his eyes were cut and his nose was cut off.

What a poison!

In this case, the eyes of ancient sayings have been blinded by strength, and they actually treat these disrespected people in this way. I dare not imagine, if he were to be in power, what kind of purgatory city would the surrounding area become? !!

Fan Zhiteng and ancient sayings rely on the leaders around the order. Both sides each own a city. Even if the two cities are very close to each other, the two people are completely opposite in character. One person has an old heart and can't wait to save 10,000 people by fire and water. Among them, the other person is in a dark state of mind, and strives to enjoy the blessings of the world!

Order has also recruited them, but because both were at the time of rising careers, they declined the invitation to order. At the beginning, the two were still idle, but people ’s hearts would change, and gradually deteriorated with the doomsday. The relationship between the two sides is also deadlocked because of the differences in their respective leaders.

This time, the ancient proverb stood tall and pressed Fan Zhiteng under him. Not only that, the ancient proverb broke through the door of Fan Zhiteng's city. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Fan Zhiteng is killed, he will eventually master everything here !!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

As the old saying goes, the eyelids are not lifted, and the broken steps of the lotus are coming out slowly and quickly. The shape has turned into white smoke, and the speed has reached the limit. Everywhere you go, there are a lot of wood chips and porcelain chips of different colors. , Down, just like the snow falling in the sky is spectacular!

"My patience is exhausted, let's die ..."

As the old saying goes, the body shape has already rushed to Fan Zhiteng's body, and the cold arm was unscrewed towards Fan Zhiteng's neck!

Fan Zhiteng!

This is a blocking stone in front of the ancient saying. Once he is killed, the resistance in front of him will be less than half.

As the ancient saying goes, it is not the two opposing sides at all, but the real power of transforming the dragon. In front of him, any enemy who tries to stop him from dominating the hegemony should be damned!


At the moment when the ancient saying was about to be shameful ~ ~ A petite body flashed out of it and hit the ancient saying's body heavily. Unexpectedly, if he was struck by lightning, his throat spit out blood as soon as it became sweet The whole body flew upside down and hit the wall heavily ...

"After the praying mantis caught the cicada, we caught up in time!"

The old saying thinks that there is nothing left to do, but he couldn't think of it anyway. In this case, he was hit hard.

A young girl with a cat and a cat tail appeared beside the ancient saying, but at this time, the other person's appearance did not add points, but was almost like a bloodthirsty rose, which made people feel weird and shocking.

As soon as a shot was taken, the rushing red storm swept the tide, and the ancient saying rich in combat experience was severely wounded. The strong body hit the wall severely, all cracking the wall into "Kerala". Open countless cobwebs, if it weren't for the quality of this house, I'm afraid the wall would be hit through.

True, the speed and power of the ancient saying has reached its peak ...

However, what she is facing is Fura, a war against countless strong enemies, both in strength and speed, far from being able to match the old saying.

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