The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 1137: hunter

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According to legend, a giant gate leads to life and death, and it is extremely strong. There are many symbols of death on the door. In some special denominations, Luo Shengmen is an iconic building that represents "world hell".

It is said that it is a giant gate that closes the abyss, tens of thousands of meters high and tens of thousands of meters wide, and requires billions of people to open it.

"Luo Shengmen" is far away from the abyss and the deep sea. It runs through the two gates, which is tens of thousands of meters wide, but has passed through the blood of the corpse sea, creating an impression of horror and ghosts living in people's hearts.

Because of this gate, it is the wilderness. Outside the door, countless creatures are increasingly killing each other. In the years of frequent wars, Luo Chengmen lost his cultivation and immediately fell into desolation and gloom. Many unknown dead bodies were also dragged to the tower and discarded.

According to legend, it has the power to suppress ghosts and gods.

The Luo Shengmen summoned by Yang Shuo at this moment, although far from the legend, has a width of about five meters and a height of more than thirty meters, just like a dam.


There were three huge stone gates nearby. Everyone looked at the stone gate in front of them, and they were completely crazy!

Gives a magnificent feeling.

At the same time, both the god-giver and the soldier's legs were a little numb.

Because they saw a ghost!

No no no!

It should not be said to be one, but three ghosts. These three green-faced fangs are as if sealed on the portal. The fangs grin. If you look closely, you can even see them licking their tongues and squeezing their eyes.

Rashomon has the power to suppress ghosts and gods.

At this time, the wicked ghost on these doors, the evil spirit it suppresses, is equivalent to the existence of an instrumental spirit.

"Yang Shuo, who is this guy ?!"

Xing Jun took a deep breath. A pair of pupils had already stared like a bull's eye. After waiting for this expression for a few seconds, he realized everything in front of him, not an illusion at all, but a real existence.


Is this the power that Yang Shuo is pursuing?

Xing Jun clenched his fists, and his mood today is beyond description.

Only when Yang Shuo took the shot can he truly feel the terribleness of the other side, the kind of terribleness, which could not be achieved by hard work and hard work.


If the summoner has horror and has been confessed to the sky long ago, what will leave a rumor summoning all ants.


People such as Yang Shuo are the true emperor. His appearance, from the beginning, was to break the rules and rules!

Yang Shuo raised his head, the nuclear energy on his body became more fierce, and the support he was like a judge who manipulated life and death was extremely sighing.


Triple Luo Shengmen.

It stands to reason that this is not an existence that can be summoned by the summoner of this destiny.

But don't forget, the young queen of Yang Shuo contract, but a real legendary master. Although Yang Shuo's own nuclear power is limited, because of the contract between the two, he just used part of the power belonging to the young queen.


A loud crash suddenly came from the front.

The evil spirit of the ghosts collided with Luo Shengmen, and then a harsh metal sound broke out!

The legend condensed the strength of a lifetime, shining a dazzling spark on Luo Shengmen, but within a few seconds, the first giant gate was directly blasted and disappeared in place.

Boom boom!

By this time, Yang Shuo had already bet everything. He must maintain the towering of Rashomon here. Once he cut off the nuclear power, the other two Rashomons would disappear instantly.

adhere to.

Must insist!

Luo Shengmen and the flames of the last days are like a big collision between heaven and earth. The flames and light clusters turned into hundreds of heavy waves, almost destroying everything outside the door. The soldiers and hordes of zombies who accidentally stayed outside turned into darkness Ashes, some evolutionary zombies are still burning, like fireflies flying under the night sky, exuding a disgusting barbecue taste.


The flame of the last days was extremely terrible. The second Luo Shengmen immediately became red, and the ghost on the portal even screamed in pain. Finally, after a blast, it collapsed.

But this flame is not over.

In a blink of an eye, they blasted towards the last giant door!

Hold on!

Be sure to hold on!

Xing Jun's eyes seemed to be staring out. The flame was endlessly approaching the Dajingmen. Once this Luoshengmen collapsed, Yang Shuo and himself took the lead and would be swallowed by the flame!

Xing Jun never believed in the heavens, but at this moment, he could not help closing his eyes, praying to have spirit in heaven and sheltering the gates once!

this moment……

Yang Shuo's hair stood up one by one. The whole person seemed to be struck by lightning. The skin also became transparent. If you look closely, you can even see the dense blood vessels under the skin.

He squeezed his power and completely perfused into the final portal. This is a crucial moment. Once defeated, it is not only the gate of the realm, but even himself, is dead and has no possibility of survival!

Qiao Yajing stood aside. Suddenly, she felt that the nuclear energy in her body was being taken away, and she turned her head with a rhinoceros in her heart. She could feel that her strength had slowly flowed into Luo Shengmen.


Both the little queen and Qiao Yajing have signed a contract with Yang Shuo. At this time, Yang Shuo has no way. He must accumulate less and add all the power of these two people to be able to resist this fatal blow. .


The strange ghost of Luo Shengmen changed, and its mouth suddenly became large. There seemed to be ten thousand ghosts in the body howling, and this hot flame was swallowed up by the ghost's mouth.

The flame of extinction disappeared.


Yang Shuo really blocked this devastating blow!

Xing Jun and Qiao Yajing looked at each other, condensing in addition to their strongest killing moves.

Just kidding, now is not the time for stagnation or surprise, while you are sick, killing you, this is the time when the zombie legion is weak, it is the truth to make up a shot!

"Brothers, follow me!"

As soon as Xing Jun rode a thousand horses, the right arm of the demon unfolded instantly, and the shocking wave of nuclear power was like a majestic mountain peak, wild to the extreme.

"That flame is gone!"

"It really disappeared, and most of these zombies were burned, and their combat effectiveness dropped by several percent!"

"Good opportunity ... this is simply the best opportunity to counterattack!"

At this moment, the surviving people couldn't even believe their eyes, but the hot flames really disappeared, they roared, roared, and let out their joy!

You know, the appearance of the flame of extinction has been like a mountain peak pressing on the crowd, making them breathless, and now the mountain peak has disappeared!

Although I don't know what happened, the flames never burned inside the Dajingmen, which surprised these soldiers to the extreme.

"Don't look silly, kill enemies with Lieutenant Xing Jun!"

"Yeah, good opportunity. This is a great opportunity for the sky. Take advantage of this energy, let these zombies all become real corpses!"

Because of being blocked outside Luo Shengmen, the corpse of the zombies suffered a devastating blow, and 70% of the ordinary zombies were burned to death. Even the fighting power of the evolutionary zombies dropped by about 60% or less.

good chance!

For Dajingmen, this is really a huge opportunity!

Under the leadership of Xing Jun and Qiao Yajing, under the charge of more than a dozen commanders and godsenders, the Zombie Army once again issued a roar that broke the sky!


After the release of the extinct inflammation, the nuclear-depleted ghost had a sore throat and suddenly spit a thick plasma.

Blood splattered from all over the body, flowing all over the body, looking like a **** person from afar.

The ghost's body was shaking, slightly shaking, it clenched its teeth and stood up again.

But even so, he was a little surprised in his eyes, and his offensive failed, and the thing that shocked him most was that the horror that had fought against him before was the one that blocked it all, and Yes, a few giant doors towering into the clouds!

The ghost opened his eyes and tried to find the answer, but after ten seconds passed, it still couldn't tell what the cause of his failure was!


The trickiest thing today is not that his offensive is blocked by the opponent, but that the alien species is still hidden in the corner. Since it is not the alien species that resists itself, it means that it is still in a sneak attack!

not good!

Becoming a zombie, it is reasonable to say that the ghost has lost the most basic human emotions, but from a mouse in a corner, by sacrificing the soul, he has no choice but to trust the devil to have the strength of the ghost, and he does not want to die so easily. it's here!

"Mother Tangling!"

In this case, the ghost thought of his allies first. However, since the beginning of the siege, it has not seen the Holy Mother of Dongling. At this time, the Dajingmen and his zombie army are fighting fiercely. When it was in full swing, she still did not show up.

"This female watch!"

The ghost clenched his teeth and couldn't see where it was. He was overcast by the Holy Mother of Dongling.

Evil forces have no friendship at all. For the existence of this list of hundred evils, the benefits are greater than everything. It can be said that the ghost has never believed in the Holy Mother of Dongling from the beginning. For a long time, Luo Hai, Wei Zhong, and Xing Jun have been standing together. In the past, the ghosts were somewhat frightened.

But since it learned that Wei Zhong and Luo Hai had both died in battle, its restless heart became restless again.

Rather than be moved by the Holy Mother of Dongling, it is full of hostility towards Dajingmen from the beginning!


The ghost didn't expect it. In its view, the Great Realm Gate without two ensigns was already as blank as a paper, and it could be easily defeated. From the battle to the present, whether it is a different species or the Rashomon that appeared in vain, all this Everything is beyond its imagination.

Despair is breeding!

Run away!

At this time, the ghost seemed to be bound by the invisible shackles and struggled hard, but it could not stop the fear from exaggerating. When the fear completely eroded its soul, its body seemed to be melted. Corpse.

Just when the ghost had decided to escape.

The surrounding atmosphere was shaking more and more fiercely. Its body was slightly sloshing, and the sound of bone squeezing kept exploding. When the momentum rose to the highest level, a gleam of cold light flickered, carrying a terrorist force to pierce the ghost. .


Under this attack, the ghost can't do any defense at all,

A red line appeared on the chest, and hot blood spewed out, like a beautiful blood column.

The ghost's pupils were tightened, and there was an inconceivable panic in the depths of his eyes. His palms were draped over his chest, and his body had no resistance at all.

The ghost's eyes are also red. I don't know if it is because of fear or desire for life. Under the shock of the alien, he yelled and ran towards the boulder beside him, because his feet were too hard, he He even rushed over to the stone forest and hit the stone wall directly.

The legendary powerhouse's neurological response saved it at this time, everything around it slowed down, it only felt that every step required the use of huge power, even with its current physical fitness, it felt strenuous, and the action The body seemed to be torn apart.

The ghost was breathing hard, and the breath gradually stabilized. Just now, he admitted that he was too nervous, so the abrupt scene appeared, but now, after it has stabilized, ~ ~ it receded to the side, Strive to resolve the crisis at hand.

He didn't even think about contending with another species to die, but fled first, and with his current physical strength, there was no room for resistance at all.

But the alien heart is defeating the ghost, at this moment, it is like a sharp ghost, I do not know when it came behind the ghost, half a bow at the waist, ran two steps and jumped out two meters to land, the speed is quick and sharp, tight Followed behind the ghost. According to this situation, it can be analyzed that at this moment, his speed and power are bursting out with the most powerful potential!

At this time, in front of the aliens, the ghost was like a funeral dog, letting the aliens play with it.

Xenogeneous tired.

The fact in front of him caught the ghost, and he desperately fled away, but everything in front of him had numb his brain ...

Just listening to "Guz", its eye sockets shot a lot of blood flowers, and half of its head was destroyed, exposing scarlet granulation.

The alien tail pierced the eyes of the ghost.


The ghost didn't stop, and still went madly forward. The huge body shook fiercely like a small boat fluttering in the wind and rain, shaking its head and swinging its tail, his voice widened to the extreme hissing roar venting pain.


A strange ripple of energy bloomed out, and the alien screamed in the sky. In its mouth, a thunderous light appeared, almost piercing the ghost's body almost instantly!


Lei Guangdong pierced the head of the ghost ...


everything is over.

The ghost who dedicated his soul to the devil, just like that, died humblely here, ruining all his cruel and sinful life ...

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