Rebirth in 1998 is also a kind of life

Chapter 291 Yang Zhu's Idol

The visit in the afternoon lasted for 4 hours. After returning, Director Yan and Wan Qingyi looked silent, turned around and shrank themselves in the room, not knowing what they were thinking about;

It was rare for Yang Zhu to take a serious bath, then tidy himself up, and lay down early, preparing for the meeting tomorrow morning.


In the next 20 years, if you ask who is your business idol.

The general public will tell you a long list of names such as Bill Gates, Konosuke Matsushita, Jobs, Liu Dogdong, Ma Ali, Sun Softbank, Rebs, Sobeth, Ren Zhengfei, Musk, etc. over time;

But if you ask a business executive or a boss with certain experience, he will tell you that the above group of people are his role models, but most of them are not their business idols;

And when it comes to business idols, Jobs and Bezos may be on the list abroad, but when it comes to domestic ones, many big shots will stand up and mention a name-Yu Donglai.

Yes, Yu Donglai!

Fat Donglai's boss.

A former laid-off worker with only a junior high school diploma is unknown to ordinary people outside Yu Province, but he is an idol worshiped by countless business elites, including Yang Zhu!

Rebs is his fan and calls him the "God of Chinese Business";

In Ma Ali's mouth, his fat Donglai is "a mirror of Huaxia's business" and "an object that needs to be studied carefully for new retail";

In the hearts of the leaders and people of Yu Province, he and his fat Donglai people are the real pride in the hearts of the people of Yu Province.


How far is Yu Donglai and his fat Donglai Niu?

Let's put it this way, if you haven't been to Pangdonglai, you don't know how good a company's service can be;

If you haven’t been to Pangdonglai, you can’t imagine that a Huaxia supermarket can beat Wal-Mart alive while maintaining the industry’s profits;

If you haven’t been to Pangdonglai, you can’t imagine that when e-commerce is rampant, an offline supermarket is almost unaffected;

If you have never been to Pangdonglai, you will never imagine that even under the impact of the epidemic, an offline supermarket can still live so well;

If you don’t know about Fat Donglai, you won’t believe that people in a city would actually treat a private enterprise as their relatives, and correspondingly, this enterprise has truly treated consumers as their relatives;

If you don’t know about Fat Donglai, you will never believe that there are employees who really regard a private enterprise as their home;

If you don’t know Fat Donglai, you can’t imagine that a supermarket will have to close the door on Tuesday;

If you don't know about Fat Donglai, you can't imagine that the employees here are completely ignored, and they will be fined for answering work calls after work!

If you don't know Fat Donglai, you can't imagine that an employee of a private enterprise can live with such dignity and social status!

If you don't know Fat Donglai...


Yes, Yu Donglai and his fat Donglai are so awesome!

This supermarket was originally established in 1995 and gradually developed from the "Wangyuelou Fatty Store" jointly opened by several laid-off workers with a debt of 30 yuan. Its growth experience is legendary;

Perhaps because it still maintains the most simple Chinese values, the earliest Wangyuelou Fatty Store has put out the slogan of "exchanging genuine products for sincerity" as early as the opening of the store. In addition, Fatty Shop is also famous in Xuchang for its almost disadvantageous after-sales service;

In that era when scammers were rampant, even if a customer who left the store turned around and said that the item he bought was lost or stolen, Yu Donglai would immediately make up for it for free without saying a word... Can you believe this kind of operation? ?

It has to be said that the human heart is full of meat; the sentence "the king treats me as a gentleman of the country, and I treat the king as a gentleman of the country" is not just a story that stays in books;

Relying on Yu Donglai's "stupidity" full of reckless style, Wangyuelou Fatty Store quickly accumulated a large number of repeat customers, and the sales volume of the store also increased to a point that made colleagues jealous.

So, just when Yu Donglai and others were greatly encouraged and planned to make further progress... In March 1998, shortly after Yang Zhugang was reborn, his fat shop was burned to the ground;

Although the news said that it was because he had a bad relationship with a bully on the street that the other party burned down the canteen; but in fact, more people would rather believe that this was a malicious act from his peers.

Seeing that all his hard work was burned, Yu Donglai did not think of evading responsibility after being greatly frustrated. Instead, he asked his employees to call customers and suppliers one by one at the first time, asking them to come and collect compensation—for Therefore, he was ready to go bankrupt, and even prepared an IOU, planning to repay the insufficient part through part-time jobs.

But at this time, a miracle happened...

After receiving calls from the employees of the Fatty Store in Wangyuelou, many consumers said: "I trust you, you don't need to refund the cash, just give me a cash coupon, and I can just make up for it when there is stock in the future", and many dealers also waved their hands. , indicating that the account can be extended, and is willing to replenish the goods urgently;

What's more, an old lady took out 1 yuan, hoping to help Fat Donglai tide over the difficulties-that was in 98, and the value and weight of this 1 yuan were far beyond the imagination of future generations.

Thus, with the support of the entire Xuchang people, Yu Donglai and his fat shop ushered in a rebirth.

Perhaps it was this incident that deeply touched Yu Donglai. From the day the new store was established, he has been telling the employees: "Treat the parents and fellow villagers in Xuchang with a grateful heart, and treat them like family members!"

Facts have proved that Yu Donglai did it.

He is the first company in China to propose and implement the "return if you are not satisfied" policy, which is 10 years earlier than the e-commerce of later generations;

He is the first person who took the initiative to implement the humanized crm system; for example, he took the initiative to help customers with quality inspection and maintenance, and took the initiative to help customers solve daily minor problems at home, etc. At this time, most domestic companies did not even know what crm Do not know at all.

He is also the first, and possibly the only boss in China who distributes 95% of the company's profits equally to all employees; according to him; It’s not mine alone”——The reason why Yang Zhu can see the scene where the employees pay by themselves during the day is that the employees regard Fat Donglai as their home, and they don’t want to see Pang Donglai’s reputation suffer any damage .

He is also the first boss who regards "love" and "happiness" as corporate culture; this kind of slogan that seems extremely fake to ordinary people actually exists in Fat Donglai—whether it is Both employees and consumers can feel it firsthand.

And Yu Donglai's various efforts have also received positive feedback from the society.

Yang Zhu remembers an interview in which a woman working in Xuchang said: "If she hadn't been reluctant to come here, she would have left for another city."

And another little girl said: "Every weekend after school, the happiest thing for her is to be able to [go home] again—to play with Fat Donglai, which she has been thinking about all day long."

A few years later, a piece of news from Xinxiang, Henan Province caught the attention of domestic business people.

At that time, due to the expiry of the rent, Fat Donglai decided to close its Xinxiang branch; when the people in Xinxiang knew about it, they all squeezed into Fat Donglai and refused to leave for a long time. Countless people begged Fat Donglai not to close the store. Thousands of people petitioned, asking the government to come forward to keep Pang Donglai, and expressed their willingness to donate money to help Pang Donglai pay part of the rent;

Under the surge of public opinion, Pang Donglai had to postpone the scheduled closing time several times. Yu Donglai was even more moved by the sincere Xinxiang people, and excitedly promised that "Pang Donglai will definitely come back!"

Facts have proved that Yu Donglai did not lie to them, and returned to Xinxiang after a few years. After many years, the people of Xinxiang have not forgotten Pang Donglai. , The word-of-mouth spread spontaneously organized by the citizens, the flow of people far exceeding the upper limit of the supermarket's reception, was so crowded on the first day of opening that Fat Donglai had to hang up the "suspended reception" sign several times.

And then, in the face of Fat Donglai who came back again, Wal-Mart unfortunately became the first batch of victims, and finally had to close the store. It is estimated that Wal-Mart in Xinxiang is the first Chinese supermarket to close due to local supermarkets. branch.

After that, Fat Donglai became famous in the first battle, attracting the attention of countless Chinese business people, and gradually more people studied it.

It's just a pity, although Fat Donglai welcomes people from all walks of life to study and investigate in the store, and does not prohibit behaviors such as taking pictures with their own cameras, but it is like the saying that has been widely circulated in the business world...

"Fat Donglai, you can't learn it"!


As a reborn person, Yang Zhu naturally knew why ordinary companies could not learn the essence of Fat Donglai.

There are three reasons:

First: The genes of an enterprise are often formed 3-6 months after its establishment. Although the outside world has always been criticized that "Fat Donglai relies too much on Donglai's management ability", the essence is because ..."Fools" like Yu Donglai are too rare these days. Everyone is smart and they are not fellow travelers. Naturally, the company cannot carry the same genes as Fat Donglai.

Second: Fat Donglai has spent too much money and manpower in order to improve service levels and customer satisfaction, so even though Fat Donglai’s turnover and gross profit are very good, the actual net income is not high—— All major companies in later generations stand behind the father of capital, and everyone knows the urgency of capital, how can it be possible to greatly reduce their own profit expectations because of the pursuit of extreme services?However, the best thing about Pangdonglai is its service. Under such restrictions, even if major companies want to learn, they often do not have the objective conditions.

Third: and the most important point, in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees, Fat Donglai distributes up to 95% of the profits equally to the management and ordinary employees, which is a model almost "people's commune". Even ordinary small bosses are completely unacceptable.

However, a large part of the reason why Fat Donglai can really stick to customers and continuously improve service and business levels is through this reward model - working for the boss and working for your own company are two different experiences.

But having said that, there is a private enterprise that has reached [-]% to [-]% of Fat Donglai's business level... and that is Hudilao.

Although Yang Zhu didn't know whether Hu Di Lao had learned from Pang Dong Lai, in his opinion, Hu Di Lao was full of Pang Dong Lai's shadow.

There is no need to say more about the service, there is no comparison with Fat Donglai, Hudilao's service can be called the ceiling of the catering industry;

The most important employee reward model is because of Hudilao's unique "Mentor-Apprentice Model", which has successfully stimulated the enthusiasm of some employees. Although there is still a certain gap between the enthusiasm of Pangdonglai employees, compared with other companies That said, it's also very well done.


In fact, the reason why Yang Zhu spent a lot of trouble this time, even if he used the relationship above, used semi-forced means to have a high-level meeting with Fat Donglai, it was not because he simply wanted to meet his idol. It's not that he wants to buy Pang Donglai and let Yu Donglai, a great man, use it for himself, let alone take aim at Pang Donglai's increasing turnover and plan to make a deal that will make a profit without losing money.

After all, in 2000, there were many projects that could make a lot of money in a short period of time. Projects like supermarkets, which are heavy on assets and have a slow return cycle, are really not very attractive.

And he wants to have a good meeting with the great god Yu Donglai, which is actually related to another extremely important strategic layout of his. In terms of long-term value alone, the importance of in-depth cooperation with Fat Donglai is even more important than His actions in the soybean industry; for this reason, Yang Zhu even withheld billions of funds specifically for tomorrow's meeting.


the next morning.

In Fat Donglai's conference room.

"Mr. Yu, I've admired your name for a long time. It's a pleasure to meet you!" As soon as we met, Yang Zhu, who was dressed in a navy blue dark pattern suit, stretched out his hands and held the hands of the great god tightly, with an extremely sincere expression and eyes.

Director Yan and others beside him looked at Yang Zhu who was bowing slightly forward, and the surprise in their hearts was indescribable.

In their impression, Yang Zhu has always been a guy who is lazy on the surface, but arrogant in his bones; he always finds various reasons to shirk various entertainments and official meetings on weekdays, that's all, even if it is unavoidable, at most It's just superficial politeness; when will you take the initiative to reach out your hands to shake hands with others?

And the appearance of bowing slightly clearly puts himself in a lower position than the other party. Even if the other party is a few years older than him, but according to Yang Zhu's current wealth and influence, this kind of action can be regarded as nothing. There is no limit to humility!

At this time, Yu Donglai, who was still a little fat, was also taken aback by Yang Zhu's low profile; today's meeting was arranged by the city, so he naturally knew who was coming——the boss of the dignified Zhutou Trading Co., Ltd. The boss is so young, and so enthusiastic and humble, which is beyond his expectations. No wonder he has made the company flourish in just two or three years!

Feeling the slightly painful pinching strength of Yang Zhu's hands, and seeing the look on his face that looks like a fan seeing a star, the resistance before the meeting can't help but reduce by three points.

"Hahaha, Mr. Yang is so famous, it's a pleasure to meet you! Please sit down! Please sit down!" After all, Yu Donglai is a man with a rather bold personality. With a smile, he stretched out his hand cleanly, and led Yang Zhu and his party into their seats...

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