“Fang Yuan’s extreme near-Earth speed is Mach 30, which is 10200 meters per second, and the first universe speed is 7900 meters per second. His speed has exceeded the first universe speed.”

“Earth The circumference is about 40,000 kilometers, and it takes about 1 hour and 7 minutes to circle Earth at a speed of Mach 30. It takes about 1 hour and 7 minutes.”

“Please don’t do anything, General Red Dragon. Fang Yuan is not a defector, definitely not a defector. .”


Three hundred kilometers west of the East China Sea.


With a buzzing sound, the vision in front of me suddenly changed and appeared in a boundless darkness.

Fang Yuan felt something was wrong and immediately understood what had happened.

This kind of tinnitus with a buzzing sound is really familiar. It is clearly the feeling of passing through the dimensional membrane.

Fang Yuan quickly slowed down to a stop, and then saw a person standing in the darkness in the sky ahead, a person who had seen him several times.

Lu Licheng, the dimensional cutter known as the Space Magician in the old Dragon Team.

“Lao Lu, why are you here?” Fang Yuan waved his hand to say hello, not knowing what happened.

“Waiting for you.” Lu Licheng stood upright. Although he is overly young, his posture is still upright.

“Wait for me? Is there anything wrong?” Fang Yuan still didn’t understand what was going on.

At this time.

War God Red Dragon passed through the dimensional membrane and appeared beside Lu Licheng, solemnly asked: “You have been missing for an hour, where did you go?”

“Do an extreme speed test. Isn’t it not called missing for more than 24 hours? I just went out and wandered around.” Fang Yuan was still interested in joking.

After making a joke, General Luo De also entered the unique space cut out by Lu Licheng, and together with Red Dragon and Lu Licheng, he stood in front of him in a fan shape.

Fang Yuan began to feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere, frowning and asked: “Did something happen?”

Admiral Luo De said: “Tested from your blood sample There is a Type B alienation gene.”

“The alienation gene…”

Fang Yuan pointed to his nose, widened his eyes and said: “I am an alien? Wait a minute, Let me stroke it. If I am an alien, why don’t I know it myself?”

“I have to ask you.” The three super powerhouses stood in front of them, feeling very oppressive.

“Wait a minute, what is the type B alienation gene?” Fang Yuan didn’t know that alienation genes were divided into two categories: A and B.

The type B alienation gene was discovered only three days ago.

Fang Yuan is a fighter, not a scientific researcher. He doesn’t pay attention to relevant research progress everyday, so he doesn’t know this.

At this time.

Han Youwei got permission to use the communication channel and said, “General Red Dragon, please don’t do it. There are many doubts.

“Fang Yuan, the Academy of Military Sciences will use you for a month DNA comparison of blood samples taken earlier revealed the type B alienation gene.

“There must be something wrong here. Do a genetic comparison again, and things will become clear. Don’t do it.”

Fang Yuan probably understands what’s going on. He thought about it and said: “Wait a minute, let me stroke it, there is an alienation gene in my blood sample. If this is the case, then I am an alienation person, but I don’t at all feel that way.”

After serious consideration, Fang Yuan said sternly: “I am not at all affected by the electromagnetic waves of the Star Beast civilization. I don’t think I am an alien. Therefore, I agree to a genetic comparison. But…

“Since the alienation gene was detected in my bottle of blood sample, there are only two possibilities, either I am an alienator, or someone has tampered with the blood sample.

“From my perspective, I don’t think I’m an alien, so someone can only manipulate blood samples.

“Can manipulate blood samples People must be in the Academy of Military Sciences. In other words, even if the gene comparison is done again, there may be problems.

“Therefore, I asked for multiple sets of independent gene comparisons, each of which should be performed independently and completed by different researchers.”

Admiral Luo De looked sideways War God glanced at it and nodded and agreed: “This request is not difficult, it can be agreed.”

Lu Licheng lifted the dimensionality cut.

The four returned to the ground.

The War Zone headquarters sent twelve teams to collect Fang Yuan’s cell samples and send them to the laboratory for genetic comparison.

Zhao Jueming of the Awakener Research Institute and Lu Xiuwen of the Institute of Biology have participated in this genetic comparison and are responsible for one of them.

Because this matter is very important, the gene comparison is very fast.

It didn’t take long for major laboratories to successively give out the results of gene comparison.

The Awakener Research Institute and the Biological Research Institute drove a truck directly, and all the genetic comparison instruments were on the truck.

Zhao Jueming and Lu Xiuwen did a genetic comparison directly on the car, and the comparison results were shown on the spot.

“There is no problem with the result of the comparison. There is no alienation gene in Fang Yuan’s gene.” Zhao Jueming took the lead in taking out the DNA comparison report, stepping up quickly, and passing it to Admiral Luo De.

War God Red Dragon, Lu Licheng, and General Luo De were all sighed in relief upon hearing this conclusion.

Although the comparison results of other groups have not yet come out, in fact, as long as there is one result, the other results will not be a problem.

Fang Yuan asked for multiple sets of DNA comparisons because he was worried that someone in the Academy of Military Sciences would tamper with the samples.

Now do twelve independent DNA comparisons directly, unless the person can change the comparison structure of the twelve groups, otherwise the person will not be stupid enough to do tricks in one of the groups.

This is the game. When twelve sets of independent DNA comparisons are proposed, it is doomed that no one will compare the results.

Then the first group comparison result comes out, which basically means that the comparison results of other groups will not cause problems.

Fang Yuan also relaxed after hearing this result, and said: “I’ll just say it. If I were an alien, how could I not know it.”

Since the comparison result proves Fang Yuan within the body does not have an alienation gene, which means that the blood sample stored in the Academy of Military Sciences has been manipulated.

Then there is a problem within the Academy of Military Sciences.

War Zone headquarters has taken action a long time ago and began to review everyone who has access to blood samples.

“Don’t you think it’s weird? What’s the use of changing my blood sample? Just take my hair for another comparison, and the truth will be revealed immediately. This is unreasonable.” Fang Yuan confirmed After I was okay, I started thinking about other things.

Admiral Luo De said solemnly: “Half an hour ago, someone sneaked into the Academy of Military Sciences. It should be a sneaker of Meteor Level.”

War God Red Dragon is ready to wait ten After the two sets of DNA comparison results come out, go to do other things.

Just then.

Lu Xiuwen took a DNA comparison report and ran over in a hurry, shouting as he ran: “No, the DNA coding is wrong! There is a problem with this DNA coding data.”

When everyone heard his shout, they turned their heads to look around, and their hearts suddenly became tense.

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