82 Jiangbin Road.

On the roof top.

Fang Xiaozhu put his arms around Xiong Ba, sat on the stool, and looked up to the west.

The orange cat and the gray cat squatted on the railing of the roof, their two tails slowly swaying from side to side in rhythm.

“Ha… Guo Guo won’t come back, he will lose the bet.” Fang Xiaozhu rubbed Xiong Ba Daxiong’s head with his hands.

“I lost… I lost…” The little sunflower parrot flew down to the grape trellis on the rooftop, repeating the last two words Fang Xiaozhu said.

At this moment

Suddenly there is a wave of super-high energy stellar energy fluctuations, coming from the south-east direction.

Fang Xiaozhu hurriedly jumped up, leaned on the guardrail, looked towards the horizon of the sky, wondering to himself: “Huh… why are you here?”


At the same time.

In the western suburbs military base.

Dr. Anlan, as the Dragon Team’s Spirit type explorer, is particularly sensitive to fluctuations in the energy of stars.

So, in the observation room, she also felt this violent stellar energy fluctuation.

She condensed her gaze, and immediately rushed out of the observation room, came to the window of the building towards the south-east direction, and looked in the direction of the wave of the stars.

On the sea horizon to the east, two dark energy lights appeared, sweeping at very low altitude, very fast.

The two dark energy lights seem to be chasing, one after the other, turning and flying like lightning at an ultra-low altitude, shooting towards the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

Zhao Anya also walked out quickly, seeing the two dark energy lights that were about to disappear at the end of the sea level, frowning and asking: “Is that Fang Yuan?”

“It should not be “Doctor Anlan shook his head.

In fact, she recognized one of the two dark energy lights, which was the one chasing behind.

Doctor Anlan’s eyes were fixed and he immediately used the highest authority to warn the War Zone headquarters: “The entire War Zone has entered a state of combat readiness, guard against intruders.”

Zhao Anya follows War God Red Dragon has been around for so long, and knows a lot about Dragon Team and War Zone executives.

She suddenly thought of something and asked: “Is that Yelong?”

“The one behind is Yelong.” Dr. Anlan replied.

Yelong is the sixth person in the Dragon Team. He has the highest secret level. He is the shadow of the Dragon Team and one of the strongest assassins in the world.

In the public perception, Dragon Team has five people.

But this is only the information released by the military. In fact, the real information of Dragon Team is kept secret, and Yelong is the highest secret level.

The person who took off the head of “Rahu” is Yelong.

And “Rahu” didn’t even know the existence of Yelong before his head was taken off.

Doctor Anlan thought quickly, with a faint feeling of anxiety in his heart.

Fang Yuan disappeared, and the B-type alienation gene was detected.

War God Red Dragon is out looking for Fang Yuan.

Suddenly an energy light of unknown origin appeared, Yelong attacked.

Under these superficial signs, there is a faint undercurrent surging.

With so many things together, something must have happened.

After thinking for a while, Dr. Anlan once again proposed to the War Zone headquarters to recall Red Dragon.


Zhao Anya returns to the Conference Hall again.

Han Youwei hurriedly asked: “Did something happen?”

“Something did happen. The headquarters should recall Teacher, and may have to give up looking for Fang Yuan temporarily. “

Zhao Anya looked at the time again. It has been 1 hour and 3 minutes since Fang Yuan’s disappearance.

If it is normal, missing for an hour is nothing, but missing when the B-type alienation gene is detected in the blood sample, the situation is more serious.

Time passes by.

Han Youwei was very anxious and asked: “When can I go out?”

“Now we can’t do anything when we go out. Please calm down first. If you want to help him, You have to find a way to help him.” Zhao Anya persuaded.

At 3:30 in the afternoon.

Zhao Anya suddenly received the communication and looked towards Han Youwei, and said: “There is a message from the headquarters, Fang Yuan seems to have appeared.”

“Where? Do it, let your Teacher don’t do it!” Han Youwei quickly reached out and grabbed Zhao Anya’s palm, asking urgently.

“Don’t be nervous, I’ll go to the command center to see the situation.” Zhao Anya got up and wanted to go outside.

“Wait a minute, take me over.”

Han Youwei turned his head and looked towards the special team Chief-In-Charge Chen Hong of the Divine Sword Bureau beside him, firmly saying: “You should Have my genes been tested? I should not be a prisoner. I can be monitored, but please let me go to the command center. I promise that I will not contact anyone until the headquarters allows it.”

Chen Macro did not immediately agree.

Zhao Anya think about it and help her say: “If Fang Yuan shows up, there will always be communication. I think we can take her to the command center.”

Chen Hong considers After a moment, he nodded in agreement and personally led someone to follow.


Zhao Anya and Han Youwei walked quickly into the command center of the Xijiao Military Base.

Dr. Anlan and General Luo De are here.

“How is it? Where did Fang Yuan appear?” Zhao Anya asked.

“3 minutes ago, the air force base on the west plateau found an ultra-low-altitude flying object flashed by. According to the analysis of speed and energy fluctuations, it was consistent with Fang Yuan’s data.” Admiral Luo De replied Tao.

“The plateau to the west? How could he run there?” Zhao Anya continued to ask.

“I don’t know yet. At present, he has not been located in the satellite signal, and there is no communication signal.” Admiral Luo De shook the head replied.

Zhao Anya frowned, more puzzled, looked towards Doctor Anlan on the side, and asked: “What about General Yelong?”

“Yelong has returned, ten minutes ago, Someone sneaked into the Academy of Military Sciences. Yelong attacked to chase the intruder, but he lost track after chasing into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. For the intruder of Meteor Level, things may be more serious than expected.” Dr. Anlan replied.

The matter about the Meteor Level infiltrators is considered speculation, based on Yelong’s strength.

Can escape from the pursuit of Yelong, whether it is the infiltrator of Star Beast civilization or the Earth Awakener, the number will not be too much.

“Where is Fang Yuan now? Can I still find it?” Zhao Anya asked again.

“No signal was tracked, but from the observations on the western plateau, he came towards the East China Sea. If he came straight, he should arrive in the East China Sea within seven minutes. Now It has already passed…Six minutes.” Admiral Luo De opened his sleeves and looked at his watch.

Everyone is wondering why Fang Yuan suddenly appeared on the west plateau?

Han Youwei writes numbers on in midair with his fingers, meditating something in his mouth.

Chen Hong saw her like this, if it weren’t for Dr. Anlan’s this level of investigators, he would have suspected that Han Youwei was using some means to transmit information.

“What are you doing?” Chen Hong asked aloud.

Han Youwei froze for a moment, and quickly explained: “I’m sorry, I have the habit of drawing numbers when speaking.”

After she finished speaking, she quickly looked towards Admiral Luo De And Dr. Anlan, said: “I may know why Fang Yuan appeared in that position.”

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