Lu Xiuwen’s sentence “there is a problem with the DNA encoding” suddenly made everyone’s heart touch their throat.

DNA code is the base sequence that records genetic information in biological genes.

To some extent, DNA code is similar to computer code.

In the computer, all data will be recorded as a binary code with “0” and “1” as the unit.

In other words, the data in the hard disk is actually a series of “0” and “1”.

For example, the letter “A” is actually “01000001” on the hard disk.

The letter “B” is actually “01000010”.

DNA coding is more wonderful, not binary, but similar to quaternary.

It is actually not accurate to say that it is a quaternary system. The accurate statement is a four-base encoding in units of A, T, C, and G.

The genetic information of organisms is stored in chromosomes.

Chromosomes are strips of material formed by tightly coiling DNA sequences with a double helix structure.

DNA is a macromolecular polymer composed of deoxynucleotides.

The substance that records genetic information in DNA is called bases, and bases are divided into four types: adenine (A), guanine (G), thymine (T) and cytosine (C).

The four bases are arranged in different orders, and different genetic information is recorded.

Therefore, the human DNA code is a string of letters composed of the four letters of AGTC.

Normal people see the DNA code just like the computer binary code, impossible to understand.

However, one or two perversions occasionally occur.

Someone can use their fingers to tap Morse code to communicate, so it is not particularly strange to have one or two perversions that can understand the DNA code.

Lu Xiuwen is not particularly abnormal.

He just happened to remember a few DNA coding fragments of the B-type alienation gene, and then found something wrong.

He raised the DNA coding report in his hand and shouted: “There is a problem with this DNA coding data!”

“There is another problem? Professor Lu, please don’t talk to me Say, I’m really an alien!” Fang Yuan blinked, feeling that there has been enough incident today.

“No, it’s not… it’s not that your DNA code has a problem.”

Lu Xiuwen waved his hands, ran to General Luo De, handed over the DNA code report, and said : “This is a B-type DNA code fragment sent by the Academy of Military Sciences. This DNA code is different from the B-type code I saw three days ago.”

“Different?” Everyone His face was puzzled.

However, on this DNA code data, all densely packed AGTC letters are randomly arranged into letter strings.

Normal people can’t understand them at all, and it is impossible to remember these letter strings.

Lu Xiuwen emphasized: “Yes, this DNA encoding data is different from the type B alienation gene encoding I saw three days ago.”

“The situation is wrong, Immediately contact the Academy of Military Sciences to confirm the type B alienation gene samples, and I will rush back!” Admiral Luo De suddenly thought of something and immediately turned and rose into the sky, and flew in the direction of the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Military Sciences.

War God Red Dragon’s expression is a little dignified, and he glances at Fang Yuan and said, “From now on, follow me behind and don’t get out of my sight. My heart can’t stand a bigger blow. .”

“oh! You are War God.”

Fang Yuan was a bit speechless, but didn’t mean to defy him and followed him.

Actually, Fang Yuan knew what this old War God meant.

Because there is a problem with the DNA encoding of the B-type alienation gene, the comparison result is naturally inaccurate.

In other words, the twelve sets of DNA comparisons just done can prove nothing.

When things arrive at this step, they become more and more complicated.

Everyone rushed back to the Institute of Biology of the Military Academy of Sciences, found samples of type B alienation genes, tested them, and found that the samples were damaged.

Later, it was discovered that in the DNA coding database of the Institute of Biology, the B-type alienated DNA coding data was replaced with irrelevant codes.


“Wait a minute, I just wandered around Earth for an hour, why so many things happened?

“Message The amount is too large, let me stroke it, stroke it…

“Three days ago, the Military Academy of Sciences discovered the type B alienation gene.

“Then, use my The blood samples were compared, and it was found that there were B-type alienation genes in my blood samples.

“Then you all chased me all over the world.

“After I wandered around and came back, I did twelve sets of DNA comparisons, and found that B was used for comparison. Type alienation DNA encoding data has been dropped.

“Then, the B-type alienation gene sample was destroyed.

“All the data related to the B-type alienation gene was destroyed. Is this the whole thing right? “

Fang Yuan received too much information today, and it took a while to clear things up.

“Poor… almost like this. “Zhao Anya is also a little irritable.

The whole thing is as if the Academy of Military Sciences was being played over and over.

Fang Yuan paced back and forth in the Conference Hall, thinking He said: “That is to say, there is an internal ghost in the Academy of Military Sciences. He made hands and feet in my blood sample, making the headquarters suspect that I am an alien.

“Next, this inner ghost destroyed the B-type alienation gene sample and destroyed the B-type alienation DNA encoding data in the database of the Military Academy of Sciences.”

Han Youwei raised his hand, Interrupted: “I think that doing tricks in your blood samples may be to use you to attract the attention of the headquarters and create an opportunity to destroy B-type alienated gene data.”

Fang Yuan thinks seriously. , Nodded and said: “Looking at it this way, the goal of this inner ghost is indeed to destroy the data of the type B alienation gene. Then the inner ghost of the Academy of Military Sciences is probably an alien with the type B alienation gene. He wants to protect Myself.”

Because the DNA code is an irregular string of letters, no one will remember such a string under normal circumstances.

As long as the DNA encoding data is destroyed, and the B-type alienation gene sample is destroyed, it can indeed serve the purpose of hiding the B-type alienation person.

When Fang Yuan thought about it, he suddenly thought of something and knocked on the table and said: “Yes, time! The key is time!”

Most of the people present heard ” The three words “time point” immediately understood what they meant.

“Yes, there is a problem at the time point. Who submitted the report of the type B alien gene in my blood sample?” Fang Yuan asked quickly.

Admiral Luo De sent someone to investigate immediately.

Beef Meat Ball was interrogated by the Divine Sword Bureau for a whole afternoon before. When I was asked, I was confused. Now I am still a little confused: “When is the time?”

“Submit a blood sample comparison report The time point is very delicate, but it was submitted when I tested the extreme speed. At this point in time, I was in the extreme speed of Mach 30 and could not receive the communication signal. Submit the blood sample comparison report at this time, which happened to be fine. Create an hour of chaos.” Fang Yuan said his judgment.

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