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With the heavy and eerie ringtones, the Apprentices of Truth’s Thinking branch came out of the classroom, unlike the “private teaching” that some Wizards need to spend trade points to get on, and now this group of Apprentices are learning Most of them are free “open courses”. In Truth’s Thinking, a place where violent death is possible without a hard day, most students will not miss even an open class.

Jasmine, who is Apprentice, is no exception. He walked out of the dark classroom with exhaustion and carefully hugged the heavy books in his hands. The girl who had begun to feel dizzy and blushed was pale.

Because there are too many people in class, and most of the good positions are occupied by Apprentice with backgrounds, there will always be some students who ca n’t find a seat. These people can only stand pitifully for the morning class. Jasmine is One of these Apprentice “standing class”, in order to completely listen to this lesson “Micro Element Response and Energy Tide Relationship”, the girl has been standing for one morning.

However, Jasmine did not complain much about this result. In fact, Jasmine was in a worse situation a few weeks ago. Because he did not want to be a plaything for the children of the Wizard family, Jasmine had to use his unique knowledge. My friend, Anya, as an umbrella, with the help of Anya… or with the deterrent power of Punk Saian, the Master Level powerhouse, Jasmine was able to escape the disaster, and now the undisturbed peace of mind life has already satisfied the girl.

“I have written down the elemental micro-response formula today, but the energy tide decay formula is too complicated to understand at all, but tomorrow I will start to talk about the new formula. If I continue this way …”

Thinking of this, Jasmine lowered her head a little bit lost, she did n’t have an excellent talent, and her IQ was just ordinary. Those complicated formulas would only make the girl dizzy from beginning to end. “Tutor … Jasmine actually only knows that she is one of the more than 300 Apprentices in this Wizard. From the beginning to the end, she has never seen her own Tutor.

“Ah, there is no time to complain, you must go to the” rune construction and analysis “course quickly, and you will be troubled if you are late.”

After glancing at the gray pocket watch in his arms, Jasmine quickly packed up and ran to another classroom. Those who were late would not be allowed to enter the classroom. No one would explain Jasmine if he missed a class.

But … the girl’s pace came to a halt just after taking a few steps.


The girl who just ran out of 2 steps was suddenly caught by a huge invisible energy palm. Then, before Jasmine responded, she was dragged by a big hand to a Wizard at an incredible speed.

With the jingle of steel knocking on the ground, the girl’s stationery was scattered all over the road.

“Jasmine Kis, Level 3 Wizard Apprentice, Wizard Sifender’s 600 78th Apprentice, right?”

After Jasmine turned almost shiver coldly, the uneasy girl saw a Spellcaster wearing a black robe. Crimson’s lines were dazzling like blood on the dark robe. The cold voice sounded more like biting cold wind.

There is no doubt that the person who suddenly caught Jasmine is in a very bad mood.

Seeing Jasmine look scared and stupid, Punk had to throw a “wake-up technique” directly to her. Although the anxious Punk really wanted to use the “memory reading” spell to search the soul of the girl, but in Truth’s Thinking In this place, killing is possible, but the use of Evil Alignment’s spell is not allowed, at least not in “public places”!

It may be very self-deceiving, but Punk also has to obey this rule, so he had to try to ask if he could directly ask, if the girl named Jasmine could n’t say anything … then change to an “unlisted” occasion Ask again.

Throwing awake Jasmine in a corner of no one, ignoring the girl’s pleading eyes, Punk just spit out a sentence without emotion:

“Tell me anything about Anya, all”!

Looking at the terrifying Wizard with killing intent in his eyes, Jasmine only feels like a rabbit stared at by Dragon. Through the perception of her soul, she can know that she is facing an absolute Master Level powerhouse. Fully aware of this fact, Jasmine immediately felt an extremely ominous hunch.

Of course, anyone who sees Punk’s expressions all flashing light purple cold glow at this time will have an ominous hunch.

There is no point in keeping friends and so on in mind at all. Jasmine almost cried out everything she knew. She had no time to think about why her friend Anya would bring Master Level powerhouse, but this does not prevent Jasmine from doing everything now. It may save your life-even if you put your “friends” at risk.

At this time, the other Apprentices in the corridor have escaped far away. The Tutors of Formal Level also pretended not to be closed behind the scenes. The low-level spells monitoring the Apprentice area were also blocked by Punk. The large Apprentice corridor only Jasmine and Punk are left.

However, Punk didn’t care about his influence at all. Now he was thinking about the scattered information Jasmine whispered to himself, and then began to analyze it quickly:

“Weird personality change? Is it the influence of weird eyeballs? Didn’t expect that the influence of the gadget is so powerful, this is really unexpected … there is also a Formal Level Wizard and Anya are close? Divination spell’s If the information has n’t been tampered with, Micahka seems to be really a estrus 2 disease … And yesterday, Anya went out to perform the mission? This is just a joke. The trade point I left to Anya is enough for her luxury. With several decades, she will go out to do the task. Is it impossible to find excitement? It seems that the disappearance of Anya really is just a “love elopement” instead of a “conspiracy trap”!

After repeatedly detecting Jasmine ’s signs of not lying or being controlled by Magic, Punk ’s heart was still sighed in relief. Now he has to rush to kill Owakin if he has to deal with an unfathomable mystery enemy suddenly … even Punk It’s really confusing.

“Fortunately, fortunately, it seems that Micahka of courting death should want to use Truth’s Thinking as an excuse to get out of Truth’s Thinking? Feel their general direction … Well, is it the verdant forest? Want to go across the forest to find Harpist Alliance Seeking refuge? Good idea, but it’s a pity … I came back too early “!

After the probability of the understood conspiracy is not large, Punk’s heart can’t help but let out a long relaxed breath. Until now, Anya and Micahka have only escaped for a day, which can be caught up in less than a few hours for him. The two educated little mandarin ducks never thought that the journey of “elopement” had just begun. The Advanced Tutor, which I feared, had already returned to Truth’s Thinking branch.

Looking at Punk’s mouth with a cold smile, Jasmine was faintly feeling that she seemed to have done something very bad, but she couldn’t care about anything else. The kind of terrifying aura that Punk sent out only allowed Jasmine Instinctively want to run away from the distance, the farther the better!

However, Qian Nu had no chance to say any words. Almost at the same time she lifts the head, Punk’s finger was gently placed on Jasmine’s smooth and white forehead:

“You know a lot of secrets, but my Destination spell tells me that you have not” shared “with others indiscriminately, which is undoubtedly a good thing, because you saved me a lot of effort.

With the cold words of Punk, the next second, Jasmine’s head exploded like a watermelon ………

Wiping the blood on his fingers, Punk expressionless turned and left.

As a Level 18 Spellcaster, Punk does n’t need to have any fear even in the face of Kirkwellen ’s doubts, not to mention … killing a small Apprentice by a Master Level powerhouse is an insignificant trivial matter. Someone came over to question what.

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