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“What’s the matter, what do you mean to stop me?”

Before the gate of Truth’s Thinking branch, Punk stared coldly at the 2 guarding monsters, and the atmosphere of being hands-on with words was vividly and thoroughly expressed by Punk.

The closer I was to Truth’s Thinking Punk along the way, the worse I felt. This hunch I finally reached the top when I reached the gate of Truth’s Thinking branch. Now the extremely bad mood Punk is a gunpowder barrel, he is going to blow up in impatient Anyone who dares to jump out to die.

Facing the killing intent of a Level 18 Master Level powerhouse, the two janitor rock monsters are almost scared. If they are not inscribed in them in the depth of one’s soul, the order forces them to carry out, These 2 guys who are bullying and afraid are sure to run 2 without saying anything about turning around-now Punk feels like a rare beast that eats people, and staying in his perception is a risk mortal danger.

But … 2 strange birds still have to follow that troublesome procedure:

“Respect … Dear Master Saian, welcome … welcome your return, you … you need to show your identity plate, and at the same time, according to the regulations, you also need to explain where you left with you to perform the task … ………… “.

After saying these words, the strange bird feels that its body made of stone is starting to be paralyzed. This is not to blame him for being too timid. The suppression at the soul level of Master Level powerhouse is enough to make any creature with insufficient levels breathless.

“This is an identity plate”!

Without the idea of ​​wasting time with these two trembling rattles, Punk threw his identity plate directly, and at the same time, his body bent down to reveal the icy eyes under the shadow of the hood:

“Master Nokan is dead, how about, do you still need to know his more specific destination?”

“No, no, Master Saian, such a major event is not something that our small characters can participate in, we do n’t want to know anything” …………

Upon hearing the low-sounding “Master Nokan is dead” words, the 2 strange birds quickly and respectfully handed back the verified identity plate. The death of Master Level powerhouse is not their kind Asked.

I didn’t even care about 2 strange birds that were paralyzed, Punk strode into Truth’s Thinking branch.

But … into the next moment of the division barrier, Punk’s face instantly became extremely cold, and his unprecedented anger even let his fist clenched the Green Staff in his hand.

In Punk’s perception, the huge Truth’s Thinking looks normal, the operation of the array is not lacking, the work and rest of Apprentice and Tutor have not changed at all, but … the most incredible thing about Punk is that Anya is gone.

“Damn, what the hell is going on, it’s just over a month, is that the guy at Kirkwellen found anything, impossible, if the Branch President of Good Alignment really moved, it was already when I came back Facing an attack “!

In the face of your important and strange eyeballs, you may lose this matter. Punk can’t accept it anyway. Under the influence of excited emotions, the magic power around Punk begins to swell up, and the dust affected by the overflow of magic power. The shadow even formed a weird sharp claw, and the newly promoted Punk could not control his emotions well, and … now Punk also has no time to mediate emotions.

Without any hesitation, when I feel Anya is gone, Punk starts to release one after another Divination spell. Rule Fragment in the strange eyeball is an opportunity for Punk to advance to Legend. It is impossible to just lose it. Allowed, in this brief moment Punk has already made up his mind. Even if the guy who is doing things is really the level 19 division director Kirkwellen, Punk will also take the risk. Anyway, now he has reached Level 18, Kirkwellen may not necessarily More difficult to deal with than Level 19 Master Level Peak Owakin.

After releasing a series of Divination spells excluding magic power consumption, Punk quickly discovered some unusual places.

Before transplanting strange eyeballs to Anya, Punk actually did a lot of methods to locate. Although these positionings are now subject to some interference and become fuzzy, Punk can still covertly find Anya ’s direction, which is undoubtedly a Good news, at least this shows that Punk’s most worrying things haven’t happened.

80% of Anya ’s disappearance has nothing to do with Kirkwellen, otherwise Punk believes that as a Level 19 Master Level powerhouse specializing in Divination spells, Kirkwellen will have no way of locating his own positioning methods.

“Fortunately, as long as you don’t confront the Old Guy, there will be a turnaround. Although accurate Divination won’t work, but … there is also a chance to get back the weird eyeball with the orientation lock.”

Although the release of the Divination spell has not been stopped, Punk is still sighed in relief. Recent events have really annoyed Punk. Since entering Truth’s Thinking, nothing has been going smoothly. So far, my spell improvement experiment is still in She was put on hold indefinitely. She didn’t do any research on the strange eyeball, but almost lost the strange eyeball. She went out to do the task and unfathomable mystery. He got a Half Legend’s horrible Black Dragon ………

“Sure enough, any Master Level Spellcaster who wants to be promoted must run for 4 resources. Anyone who runs for 4 resources must bear the risk of life and death battle. Vedrasia is really right.”

Thinking of this, Punk couldn’t help but sighed.

Like Brachel, hiding in the Wizard Tower for thousands of years and enjoying life can naturally be safe, but that way also means that there is no resource, no hope to advance to Legend, and want to advance to Legend ………… Resources need to desperately grab, opportunity Need to desperately find, there are a bunch of enemies will try their best to support your hind legs, the final success also requires a lot of luck factors … “Legend road is the road to gambling,” this sentence is definitely not just nothing serious.

Want to be safe and trouble-free and get promoted to Legend? Dream about it.

With a self-deprecating smile, Punk once again adjusted his mood and fought only. There will be more of these things in the future.

The calm heart may really have a certain bonus on the Divination spell. As Punk’s emotions return to the calm and composed state again, one of his “contact retrieval techniques” has finally obtained useful results.

Although the information obtained by the Punk minor in the Divination Destination spell is still a bit vague, this news still provides him with some clues:

“A Wizard Apprentice is often with Anya, she knows a lot of important information.”

After thinking it over and over again, Punk felt that it was better to go after some information and then pursue the killing. At least he had to figure out why Anya would suddenly choose Truth’s Thinking regardless of his orders. That’s too much trouble in the trap of a Master Level powerhouse.

Investigating the information of a small Apprentice is still very simple. Only a basic “identity detection” is used, and Punk gets most of the information of this Apprentice.

“Jasmine …… Level 3 Wizard Apprentice? This little girl seems to be Anya’s little classmate, so just go and interrogate!”

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