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The verdant forest is located in the border area between Gray Rain Kingdom and Ciying Empire. However, due to the excessive elimination of the beast tide by the Class Holder organization, there are few magical creatures in this forest. The entire forest has become silent. Only the intermittent desolate birdsong gave this green forest a little life.

At this moment, in the Central Zone of the verdant forest, two black clothed silhouettes incompatible with the forest scene are sitting under a tall jade green tree to rest.

These two people are naturally Micahka and Anya who have been running away for a day.

“I’m so sorry, I have forgotten your food needs, this is my negligence.”

Looking at Anya ’s pale face, Micahka groaned in a distressed whisper. From the escape of Truth ’s Thinking with Anya to now, 2 people have not eaten anything, Micahka as a Wizard of Formal Level ca n’t blow for more than a month It ’s okay to drink, but Anya obviously ca n’t stand it.

After taking Micahka to grill the warm dry food specially, Anya, who was really hungry, chewed away a little bit and a half until she ate a large piece of dry food, and licked her lips with her pink tongue, Anya’s ability to let out a long relaxed breath.

But at this time, the girl also discovered that Micahka has been looking at herself since just now?

“M … Sir Micahka, don’t stare like that …”

Realizing that her food was taken in the entire scene by others, Anya instantly became shy.

“Haha, our little Anya is so cute.”

I laughed ridiculously, and at the same time scraped Anya’s small nose strangely, Micahka felt that her mood began to get better, saying that love is the best seasoning in life. At this time, Micahka realized that she was What a boring life it is, the girl in front of you is like a beam of sunlight, as long as you are accompanied by it, you can have a warm feeling lingering with you.

“Okay, Anya, let’s go on the road quickly, as long as you walk about 7 or 8 Magic Hours, you should be able to cross the green forest.”

As he said, Micahka gently supported the shy girl. The evening sun was shining through the lush leaves. In the rustle of the leaves blowing in the breeze, the handsome boy and the hair with dark hair The beautiful woman made up a wonderful picture.

But … this is just a picture scroll.

In the next second, all the silence disappeared in a cold speech, and the beautiful picture was instantly torn into pieces …

“Going on the road? Where do you want to go? I don’t see any place worth visiting, why not … just stop here”!

The cold and emotionless tone is like the cold wind at night, low and ethereal, but it can directly freeze the soul of the person. With this icy discourse that destroys the atmosphere, an extremely deterrent silhouette steps out from the woods.

Almost stiffly turned his head, Micahka and Anya were fixed in the sun that was no longer warm, no matter on the face of the girl or the heart of the teenager, the warm joy just now gradually disappeared, and the rest, only endless Sadness and despair.

In this sunny and warm afternoon, the escape of love is over, and the teenagers and girls enjoying the journey are caught by Punk in the quiet woods. In this brief moment, no matter whether it is a wonderful escape journey or not The love of root duckweed is all over.

“Sir Punk Saian, good afternoon …”.

With unstoppable bitterness, Micahka smiled bitterly and gave an extremely rigid Wizard salute to the cold-eyed Punk.

But when he raised his head slightly, he saw … but only Punk was filled with cold killing intent.

At this point, Micahka finally gave up the last unrealistic fantasy, Punk’s killing intent with no cover can almost prove everything, if there is no accident … Whether it is Anya or Micahka, it will end here today.

Without continuing to hesitate, although the infinite fear and the oppression of the soul level made Micahka’s hands tremble, he still chewed on the tip of his tongue until the severe pain finally diluted the coercion that made him unable to move even a little bit, Micahka just released the spell that was already prepared in case of 10000.

“Formal Level Enchantment Spell-Imprisonment Magic Mark”!

A large number of pink magic lines spread quickly towards Punk starting from Micahka. In all places touched by dense magic lines, whether it is small animals that are escaping quickly on the ground or leaves falling with the wind, they are confined to their own by spell. Positionally motionless, this spell, which was exploded by Micahka, is showing a powerful power that even the space is almost frozen.

However, even though the effect of spell was not exerted at all, Micahka still has no sense of security, as the horror feelings watched by Ancient Ominous Beast makes this Formal Wizard like falling in a ice hole, there is no hesitation at all, release After the spell, the teenager immediately turned around and yelled at the girl:

“Run, Anya, run in the direction of Kingdom of Ciying, don’t look back, keep running.”

Looking at Anya’s frightened face, Micahka’s hoarse voice is like the desperate call of the dying. At this moment, words full of love and decay will all gather into 2 words-run!

“Sir Micahka …”

The tears dripped down the girl ’s face, holding back the urge to go back and die with Micahka. Anya almost forced her footsteps to run quickly. The abnormally intelligent girl knew that if she did n’t run away Able to waste Micahka’s opportunity in exchange for life, now facing a Master Level powerhouse like Punk, Anya can only choose to run away.

But … does this choice really make sense?

“Micahka, Level 13 Wizard … Who gave you the courage to let you dare to release spell to a powerhouse far stronger than you? Is it your boring attachment, or that ridiculous love stemming from the desire to mate?”

Looking at this teenager who is desperately releasing magic power to support spell to block himself, Punk’s voice from start to finish is completely emotional, he is not worried about Anya’s escape, a Wizard Apprentice can’t run at full speed even at supersonic speed. , In Punk’s eyes, it’s too slow, too slow, as for the “enchantment demon pattern” that Micahka uses to delay time …

For Punk, this formal level spell is a joke. The “Master Level Conjuration Spell-anti-Magic shield” on his body completely ignored Micahka’s Formal Level spell from the very beginning. The energy lines want to bind a Master Level powerhouse is as ridiculous as bundling Dragon with silk thread.

“Damn, how can a cold-blooded monster like you understand kindness and love, like you …”

Faced with Punk’s cold, ridiculous look, Micahka snarled in despair.

However, before he finished speaking, a huge hole appeared in his chest, and his blood-filled words accompanied the blood foam in his mouth into meaningless moans.

“Master Level Conjuration Spell-Extreme Speed ​​Kinetic Energy Cone”!

Indifferently crossed Micahka’s blood-soaked corpse, Punk at a moderate pace walked into the dark forest, love could not save Micahka’s life, and it was impossible for Anya to escape from Punk’s hands. Mind the mischief and listen to what Micahka can say “ridiculous words”, but now …

“Forget it, I have a lot of things, think about it, or hurry up.”

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