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The mission hall is still coexisting with the deserted and lively as usual, and the crowded and empty shortcuts are distinct.

Taking the huge crystal lamp decorated in the center of the mission hall as the dividing line, it is bright and bright. The brightly lit side has been bustling. Many Apprentices wearing gray robe look at many Apprentice Level tasks in front of the huge task panel. Apprentice images are also occasionally seen. Adventurer also called Apprentice to form a team to complete the task together.

“Hey, the pattern tree squad is about to be dispatched again. This time the task is to collect Apprentice Level. The safety is guaranteed. There is a lack of a Wizard that is good at healing spells. The allocation method is interviewed.”

“The elegant robe squad, only receive the Novice Level Wizard with at least 2 Novice Level spells. The mission is to clear the pheromones caterpillars in the eastern sealeaf forest and leave the day after tomorrow!”

“Hemostatic ointment, Mercedes-Benz potion, one trade point for one bargain …”

In addition to the hustle and bustle of Apprentice discussing tasks, there are also many gray robe Apprentice who are teaming up or promoting Alchemy drugs. Therefore, the Apprentice area of ​​this task hall looks like a noisy food market.

But compared to the hustle and bustle of the Apprentice area, the situation in the Tutor area is quiet and the needle is down. Most Formal Level Wizards who come here to take the task wear low-key plain robe and use magic power to raise their feet to avoid making noise. Everyone’s actions are light-handed, and most of the conversations between Wizard and Wizard also use Magic to convey information.

It seems to be specially taking care of this atmosphere that all Formal Level Wizards are more welcome. The color of the entire Tutor task area is gray, and the light blue crystal crystal light can only illuminate a small part of the area, and the shadows of many corners and corners There was only a little blue fire candle swaying slowly.

But today, the cool colors of the entire Tutor mission area are disrupted.

I saw that in the middle of the hall, a fat old man wearing a big red robe that was out of tune with the environment was carefree to say hello to the Wizard of every soul around him, and saw some little Wizards who had just advanced to the Formal Level. Will laugh out of control.

Because of the existence of this fat old man, the style of the entire Wizard mission area has become strange.

But the strange thing is that in the face of this kind of harmless to humans and animals, a kind old man who breaks the atmosphere, other Wizards can only smile embarrassingly and respectfully say hello, and then, those Wizards in the mission hall that were originally going to enter Will bypass or turn away.

If you look closely, the only one who doesn’t feel embarrassed in the entire mission area is this fat old man himself.

There is no need to guess at all, anyone knows that this old man wearing a big red dress from head to toe is the famous and wonderful flower in the entire Gray Rain Kingdom Truth’s Thinking branch-Brachel Master.

Today, this guy somehow came to the mission lobby early, and stayed here for a long time, only looking at the task but not choosing the task, as if he was specifically waiting for something.

However, no matter what he is waiting for, a Master Level powerhouse can play a role in clearing itself. At least during Brachel ’s time in the mission hall, many Wizards who originally planned to come to the mission hall chose to “Come again”, no People are willing to go to a suspected mental illness Master Level powerhouse.

In this way, a day passed unconsciously …

It wasn’t until night that the branch of Truth’s Thinking came again that Brachel, who was already absent-minded, suddenly laughed heartily and walked towards the hall entrance:

“Aiya Aiya, Buddy Saian, what a coincidence, how did you open the mission hall, I tell you, the sea monster mural in the legend hall will become a beautiful beauty one day in the hot and sunny season and walk down, you too Did you see it? “

——–Dividing line——

You don’t need to see the silhouette at all, only to hear that “Aiya Aiya, Buddy Saian, what a coincidence.” Punk knew who was talking.

Sure enough, I just walked into the lobby and had n’t waited for Punk to hand the Wizard ’s own status token to the reception. This familiar old pit goods “rolled out” like a ball. There was still talk nonsense in her mouth. “Ghost talk.”

Although there is a saying “stretch out your hand and don’t make people smile”, Punk is in a very bad mood now, so he is not at all a bratty old man.

“Don’t mess with it, Old Guy, don’t you explain it now? Or is your so-called” big plan “originally only half a year lifespan?”

Punk’s question to straight to the point ruthless was very awkward. Brachel, who was completely unprepared, could only stop awkwardly halfway, he scratched his head a little bit embarrassed, and then said with a bitter smile:

“Ai, I can’t help it. You need to know that a qualified businessman needs more than a good mind, he also needs …”

“No no no, my respected Mr Brachel Nokan, as far as I know. A businessman needs only 2 words most-success, the excuse that this thing has never been owned by the loser.”

Punk’s sarcasm sounds cold and emotionless, and Brachel, who is speechless, can only follow Punk with a tangled face and walk into the mission hall:

“Er … well, what you said makes sense, but some things are really not solvable by a businessman or an Advanced Tutor, believe me, even if it is for you.”

Talking about the force majeure in “business”, Brachel opened the conversation box all at once, and he didn’t care whether Punk was doing it or not, just minding their own business:

“You are a researching Alchemy Master. When you sit in the Magic Tower, there are fools who send you to the door to be slaughtered, but you do n’t know how ridiculous that group of red robes are. Can you think about it? Collectively attacking the Gray Rain Kingdom Class Holder Parliament, just because it is not good to see Wizard Union presiding over the overall situation!

My goodness, Legend big shot “Luminous Burner” Ankazan Fireshield of Wizard Union is doing research on Hengdi Hill, and the group of red robe dare to destroy the 2 cities where Wizard Union is stationed, and now I heard that they are Legend Archmage All were alarmed. Who else dared to continue trading with the red robe in the recent Gray Rain Kingdom? In order to avoid the wind, I cut the line on the red robe. “

“Oh, is it!”

Listening to Brachel’s voice and grief, he said a lot, Punk didn’t have any extra reaction, he just continued to read the task information seriously, and then seemed to absently return to Brachel.

“Okay, I know you have to ask why the contact person on the red robe broke the black market and it was useless. I will just say that the red robe used the copy I bought last time from you when he attacked the Wizard Union. Heart “potion, the power of this thing seems to be a little too big, and the surrounding rivers in all three cities have been destroyed. I am really afraid that Legend can come to the door …”

“Isn’t it just to be afraid in conclusion, how can there be so many excuses”!

Without waiting for Brachel to finish, the impatient Punk named Brachel’s argumentative essence!

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