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“Afraid? Of course I’m afraid. That’s the famous Legend Archmage. Are you afraid? Who is not afraid?”.

In the face of Punk’s sarcasm, Brachel did not continue to play haha ​​and fool around. On the contrary, this fat old man actually began to panting with rage loudly “struggling according to reason”, it was completely a look of blowing his beard and staring “I counsel me to be reasonable” .

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, your business is over.”

Although in Punk’s opinion this fat old man is a bit timid, but considering the attention of Legendary Powerhouse … Even Punk has to admit that it is the most sensible to close the tail and avoid being watched by Legendary Powerhouse in time. It was a Legend big shot, not a Master Level little ant can provoke.

But understanding does not mean that Punk will really put Brachel in the position of a “bad luck’s pitiful person”. In fact, Punk doesn’t want to care about this familiar old man at all!

Not to mention that Punk is unreasonable. After all, Brachel can no longer be a collaborator of interest and may cause trouble, not to mention that the interrupted research of Punk unfathomable mystery is in a bad mood, so he does n’t want to be reasonable at all.

Punk, who didn’t want to be reasonable at all, ignored the fat old man who was still looking at him, and then each minding their own business handed the identity card to Golem and opened the projection panel in the mission hall.

The branch task panel of Truth’s Thinking is directly connected to the headquarters, so the Master Level tasks that Punk can see are more tasks directly from the headquarters.

After seeing densely packed tasks on the task panel, Punk had to sigh-it is a Legend organization that is quite famous throughout the Faerun Plane. Truth’s Thinking’s number of tasks may be comparable to the most active Wizard Union Too.

Even after Punk eliminated some areas that were too far away and had to bear the cost of long-distance transmission, the remaining tasks were still very many.

However, choosing a task is a delicate job, and it ca n’t be done carelessly, especially in tasks that are too well-paid and too low-paying, because they are far away from them, because no matter how you think about the tasks that are well-paid and unreasonably well-paid, Very problematic, as for the low remuneration … I am afraid that the trade point obtained by running a mission may not even get the transfer fee back and forth!

There are still some tasks that sound suitable, and they must be carefully considered and considered. For example, the task of “the secret revenge of the magic run” that is hung high on the top with golden fonts must not be touched, not just because of the magic Fu Hui is an evil Wizard Organization that is very powerful and must be reported. It is also because the word “dark” means that even if something goes wrong, it is difficult to get reinforcements from Truth’s Thinking.

Another example is the task of “staying in the Golden Leaf Forest Plane for 100 years”. The two Legend big shots in Truth ’s Thinking have been disputed for the “Gold Leaf Forest Plane” 2 times and 3 times. “It’s silly, I ran to Jin Yelin Plane and got involved in the Legend big shot dispute. I’m afraid I don’t know how to die!

In fact, in addition to these obviously malicious pitman tasks, Punk is most worried about Truth’s Thinking task review mechanism.

The mission of this organization is to allow “outsiders” to make announcements. However, its auditing strength is as “rigorous (like a sieve)” as its management mechanism. It is said that there are traps infiltrated by hostile forces in the tasks issued by Truth’s Thinking headquarters. The identity of the publisher to determine the reliability of mission intelligence.

The cost of transmission travel is too high, especially the long-distance transmission that needs to bypass several spatially unstable areas is more expensive, and the transmission risk of frequent accidents has to be paid by all. search for.

After searching in this way, the number of tasks will decrease as soon as you look for it. When the division range is reduced to “Near Gray Rain Kingdom”, only one task remains on the task panel!

I saw impressively written on the task panel:

Mission Name: Dragon Slayer!

Task level: Master Level

Task Principal: Gioni Zodas

Mission Objective: Kill the youth Black Dragon (Master Level) Owakin Acidmaw!

Target strength: Level 17 Master Level magical creature (no occupation)

Task description: The evil Dragon Owakin Acidmaw leads a group of cruel swamp Dragonborn to capture the territory of Maple Leaf Kingdom, the Guardian Master-level powerhouse of Maple Leaf Kingdom-Gioni Zodas In order to defend justice and the glory of the kingdom, pour all their assets to justice Truth’s Thinking Ask for help!

Note: Zodas Family can promise that all spoils of war Zodas Family and Maple Leaf Empire earned from fighting will not be taken!

“Dragon Dragon? Although the young dragon is indeed almost the strength of the Master Level ………… and this Zodas Family ………… spoils of war cents?”

Looking at the task description on the task panel, Punk couldn’t help but think deeply.

Since the client has the nobility of his own family, then the chance that he will release the trap task is very small. After all, the revenge of the Legend organization is definitely not a small Class Holder family can withstand.

And the goal of the mission is relatively reliable. If you just slaughter an ordinary young dragon, it is not too dangerous.

A Level 17 young dragon, considering Dragon as a Legend race possesses all kinds of talents, this guy named Owakin Acidmaw is probably not easy to deal with, but it is not a Class Holder, just a pure magical creature. This should make It is not so difficult to deal with. Young Adult Dragon without arcane magic ability and powerful Battle Skill is also skin is rough, flesh is thick some, Dragon Breath strong some that’s all …………

apart from this and this reward …

Punk narrowed his eyes towards towards “Zodas Family and Maple Leaf Empire won’t get a penny!” This attractive clause!

As everyone knows, Dragon is a powerful creature that likes to collect wealth. This hobby of collecting wealth has even reached an “instinctive” level, a young dragon, or a young dragon that has occupied a large territory of a country. As much as you can imagine.

Even if the dragon has the wealth, it is a huge wealth as a dragon itself. Whether it is dragon scales dragon’s blood dragon meat, dragon head dragon eyes dragon soul and even dragon offal are rare and precious Master Level materials.

If you want to describe it, Dragon is simply an extra large vault!

No need to question, if you really kill a dragon, then count as the trade point provided by Truth’s Thinking remuneration-Punk The next 500 years of research will not worry about resource issues!

“Wealth and resources, plus no need to bear the cost of expensive remote transmission, although the corresponding risk is a little bit, but …”

Punk read through the mission description again, and the blue magic power in his eyes began to rotate slowly:

“There is nothing but benefits and no risks. Legend’s road requires too many resources, even if there are risks, it can only meet the difficulties”!

Thinking about it this way, Punk decided that his next target for robbery was this Black Dragon.

But just when Punk was about to ask for the task, Brachel, who was still standing next to him, suddenly interrupted Punk’s actions by saying:

“That … Buddy Saian, it looks like you have chosen a good task, right, but don’t worry about the task first, I have a very good cooperative project to talk about, what do you think?”


Hahaha, the adventure begins, although it is a dragon slaughter, but the author promises absolutely no routines ~ absolutely absolutely unique, absolutely definitely a dragon slaughter adventure you have never seen!

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