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No money! This is a major event, because no money is equal to no resources, and no resources … This is an impossible thing that any Spellcaster accepts, and of course, Punk is no exception.

In Truth’s Thinking, this problem will be more prominent, because Truth’s Thinking’s resource prices are too expensive, and it is so expensive that it meets the requirements of Truth’s Thinking to earn trade point impossible.

Of course, it is precisely because in a month that Truth’s Thinking resources are pitted, Punk knows why Brachel opened the black market to “communicate the enemy” so he has no fear, because Punk can guarantee that the entire Truth’s Thinking branch includes Master The seven Master Level powerhouses including Kirkwellen have none of them clean. Everyone wants to check if they have the same black background.

If they don’t have some insignificant income ……… From the perspective of the research expenses of several Masters who haven’t left home for so many years, they can easily live in Magic Tower.

For now, let’s not say that the wealth of other powerhouses relying on certain means is enough for their expenses. At least Punk knows that simply relying on the income of these bottles of potion sold by themselves is far from their own expenses.

Originally, Punk ’s need to earn trade points was not too urgent. He originally wanted to find ways to earn trade points after studying improved spells. After all, his spell research is at a critical moment. Anya ’s thing Has just stabilized

But ……… the so-called unpredictable situation! This plan had to be advanced.

The reason is very simple, just about 5 months after Punk entered Truth’s Thinking, and the time just entered the beginning of the hot and sunny season, Punk’s economy collapsed abruptly!

Facts have proved that the economy is still a matter of control in your own hands. Trade with others, especially underground trade, this thing is really unreliable. They are like the stock market on Earth. The collapse is completely negotiable.

Now take a closer look. The black market trade between Punk and Brachel is not strong enough. When all the process looks prosperous, without any warning, the whole black market trade suddenly collapses.

A month ago, the number of potion transactions on Brachel’s side began to decline dramatically. At least half a month, orders from Zhentarim finally ended completely.

Although Brachel explained that he would soon find a new buyer, Punk didn’t believe any of the fat old man’s gossip.

It was this guy who solemnly vowed that the black market collapsed without warning, Punk’s funding chain was immediately disconnected, and his research had to be completely interrupted.

Now, Punk only wants to earn enough trade points as fast as possible, because he very much wants to open a “commercial road” by himself, completely abandoning Brachel’s black hearted middlemen.

However, the question is coming, he does not even have the capital to start a business!

Since joining Truth’s Thinking, Punk’s trade point income has been obtained through Brachel’s black market to sell potion to red robe and some Wandering Wizard. Apart from this Punk’s trade point is only the few that were initially sold. Funds from magic equipment.

The most troublesome thing is, because Punk has made several copies of “Wind Bell Potion” recently, and also bought a lot of Evil Worm, his only trade point is also clean, and Punk can be said to be a real body at this time. No penny, the remaining trade point in the card does not even reach ten digits.

At Truth’s Thinking, there is no trade point! There is no doubt about this.

But after carefully considering the way to obtain a trade point, Punk’s brows could not help but wrinkle tighter:

“It is completely unrealistic to conduct material transactions with Truth’s Thinking. Adding freight costs to the cost, the price of all potion’s raw materials will soon catch up with the price of finished potion. This path is completely untenable.

The sale of knowledge is very popular, but … before upgrading to Legend, Netheril’s Knowledge must not let others discover that selling knowledge in exchange for trade points is also impossible. “

“So, is there only one path left for” organizing tasks “?”

Punk twitched the stone tabletop gently with his hands.

As a Master Level powerhouse, the tasks he must do are also at the Master Level level. In Punk’s acceptable range of tasks, only this level of tasks is rewarding enough. As an Advanced Tutor, all the spoils of war he obtained in the task are even You can belong to yourself, and the number of trade points is enough to support his high cost research for the next 100 years.

But … Master Level’s mission risk is not low.

In this kind of mission, hostile Legend organizations or other Master Level powerhouses are often involved. The area where the mission is located is not even in Faerun Plane at all. Various unknown and known dangers are self-evident.

“It’s a headache. Isn’t it so hard to grow a field? If you are short of money, you will go out to work and say where the good Wizard life is.”

After carefully considering the possible risks and benefits, Punk combined with the current economic situation not far from bankruptcy, Punk could only helplessly decide to try to perform the task.

After taking a sip of fruit tea and thinking about the battle that came over the large and small all the way, Punk couldn’t help but laugh at himself:

“Think carefully. It seems that you are used to being smashed and snatched all the way. Sure enough, looting is the best way for Wizard to develop. Farming and so on is a good idea!”

Since there was already a decision, there was no need to hesitate. After putting down the empty cup, Punk sorted out the hood and stood up.

The dark robe inlaid with red energy lines looks a little out of place in the 7-color laboratory.

“How do you say something? Legend’s roads are always covered with mountains of corpses and seas of blood and Sharp Edge thorns. This sentence is really reasonable. It seems that even with Netheril’s inheritance, the necessary adventures are inevitable.” .

While talking to himself, Punk carefully installed each and everyone’s emergency potion into the ring, and then checked the original copy of the 3-Heitzita Magic Box.

“Legendary Equipment shielding Divination spell-Magic Box of Heitzita! Speaking of which is also the top configuration of the robbery route. Now it seems that the life of farming is really not suitable for me!”

Punk sighed secretly as he watched the magic box flash over the mysterious mystery.

He has decided to take over a Master Level task to earn a trade point, generally speaking, this task will last for about a year or two, before leaving Anya enough trade points before, and finally send her a “Suggestion” Spell “stops this little girl’s adventures.

It is not a problem that the research on improving spell is temporarily interrupted. The speaking of which still has no worries when going out.

“Since the farming is not good, then I will simply stop planting. Some of the people in the world are good people who farm. Let me see if I can use a more direct method to gain gains!”

Take the emerald green staff and walk out the gate of Magic Tower. In the shadow of the hood, the cold light of Punk’s eyes flashed away!

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