My Life Simulator Chapter 355


Chapter 354 Come on, my son is a scientist

Lu Li is somewhat disapproving of the so-called "major breakthrough".

Even if the information transmission mechanism of T cells is shielded and the ability of T cells to call friendly forces is limited, the immune response is still very violent.

A treatment that has more side effects than treatment is undoubtedly unsuccessful.

But...all the anti-cancer treatments so far have had more severe side effects than treatment.

The commonly used radiation therapy, while the radiation kills cancer cells, kills more normal cells, and the radiation is also carcinogenic, which is almost like drinking poison to quench thirst.

Chemotherapy is even tougher! Completely kill one thousand enemies and lose three thousand.

As for the most cutting-edge CAR-T technology, the lethal effect is far greater than the therapeutic effect.

However...even if the side effects are so huge, there are still countless people who are rushing to get treatment.

The fear of being terminally ill and watching life go by day by day makes people completely indifferent to the side effects.

So, Lu Li actually underestimated his scientific research achievements.



In the ward of a private hospital, an Old Mister lies on a bed next to a doctor in a white coat.

"Dr. Henry, you are here today to tell me that there is no hope left?"

On the old face, a pair of cloudy eyes revealed a deep look. unwilling.

"No! On the contrary, sir!"

A smile appeared on Dr. Henry's face, "I bring you hope!"

"Hope ?"

Old Mister's eyes lit up, "This is the best news I've heard lately! So...what's my hope?"

" CAR-T technology!"

Dr. Henry replied: "Sir, a few days ago, a scientist from China named Lu Li improved the CAR-T technology, which can greatly reduce the factors caused by immune response. Storm. So... your hope is here!"

"Thank God!"

Old Mister reached out and crossed his chest.

"You should thank the Chinese scientist Lu Li!"

Dr. Henry thought: God did not save you, but... Lu Li's research results may save you !

"Yes! Thanks Lu Li!"

Old Mister's eyes flashed with hope.


The same scene is happening in many places all over the world.

Lu Li's improved CAR-T technology, a gene editing technology that shields the information transmission mechanism of T cells, has brought a glimmer of hope to countless people in despair.

This new technology, which is still very immature and not even successful, will not save all lives.

Only those with weak immune response or strong physical fitness who can withstand the immune response will gain vitality.

However...for people in despair, this little hope is what keeps them going.

In the next month, there will be hundreds of cancer patients all over the world who survived because of Lu Li's new technology.

All of a sudden, Lu Li and his T-cell gene editing technology have received extensive attention from the medical community and have also had a huge impact on society.

"my country's young scientist Lu Li has opened a new chapter in the fight against cancer!"

"Lu Li invented a new technology for cancer treatment. No radiotherapy, no chemotherapy, or even No surgery is required."

"Genes are the future. From Lu Li's T cell gene editing technology, talk about the impact of genetic engineering on humans."

"We are still far from conquering cancer. How far? Lu Li tells you that the day is at hand!”

In the newspapers, on TV, news reports about Lu Li appeared everywhere.

Fudan University's campus website even posted a floating good news: "Warmly congratulations to Lu Li, our student, who has achieved breakthrough research results in CAR-T technology!"

This upsurge of new anti-cancer technology has also spread to Xichuan and Yucheng.

When Xichuan TV and Yucheng TV learned that Lu Li was their own, the publicity became more lively.

"News from this station: Lu Li, a young scientist in my country, has made major scientific research achievements in CAR-T anti-cancer technology and created a new technology for the treatment of cancer."

"Lu Li" Li, from Xichuan Yucheng..."

Mother Lu, who was selling vegetables in the vegetable market, lifted the head in surprise and looked towards the TV screen hanging on the wall.

Lu Li? my son?

My son turned out to be a scientist?

Mother Lu rubbed her eyes, looked at it for a while, and found that the photo that appeared on the TV was Lu Li, her son.

Some time ago, my son sent some money to his family, saying that he was going to Fudan for graduate school.

Now...turned into a scientist?

Standing blankly for a while, mother Lu burst out laughing, and then began to show off: "My son! This is my son! My son is a scientist!"


"Lu Family sister-in-law, your son is actually a scientist? It's amazing!"

"Yes! Yes! Scientists! It's amazing!"

The people around were full of admiration and admiration.

Afterwards, Mother Lu's food was given away again. Father Lu invited friends and invited friends to serve wine again.

Uh...why do you say "again"?


"Little Lu, congratulations!"

Professor He put down the newspaper in his hand. The headline on the newspaper was Lu Li's photo.

“Thank you!”

Lu Li laughed and said: “CAR-T technology is still immature, and the praise from the outside world is a bit exaggerated.”

“ You don't want to undervalue oneself!"

Professor He said with a smile: "Your improved CAR-T technology is currently one of the most effective means of fighting cancer."

Having said that, Professor He glanced at Lu Li and continued: "You have achieved major scientific research results. I communicated with Dean Jiang, and we all felt that your knowledge level and scientific research ability have exceeded that of graduate students. So, you can graduate."


You can graduate early after only one year of graduate school?

“For graduate students and Academician students, there is actually no strict time requirement for study. As long as your knowledge level and scientific research ability meet the standard, you can graduate.”

Professor He laughs After explaining it, he asked Lu Li again: "After you get your master's degree, what direction do you plan to study in Academician?"

"Of course I will continue to study with you!"

Lu Li felt that the cooperation with Professor He was very pleasant, and he was too lazy to find another tutor. It would be more convenient to continue to study under Professor He.


Professor He hesitated for a while and said, "Of course I'm very happy that you continue to study with me. But... your research direction is genetics. Learning is the main thing, I'm afraid I can't give you much help in this regard."

"You can don't say this, I still have a lot to learn from you."

Lu Li has copied the knowledge of countless professors, and his accumulation of knowledge is already very rich.

For Lu Li, what he needs is not the guidance of knowledge, but the convenience of scientific research.

Therefore, Professor He, who gets along very well, is the most suitable tutor.

"Then... all right!"

Seeing that Lu Li is very willing to continue his Ph.D., Professor He has no objection, "You prepare, at the end of the term , you take the exam with the graduates of this class, and prepare a graduation thesis."


Lu Li nodded in agreement.

After leaving Professor He's office, Lu Li returned to the Riverside Garden.

Sit down in the study and turned on the computer. Lu Li was about to prepare his graduation thesis when he suddenly saw hundreds of emails appearing on his e-mail.

“Why are there so many emails?”

Lu Li hurriedly clicked on the email.

Part of these emails are exchange and discussion emails sent by scholars from various domestic research institutions and doctors from various tumor hospitals.

There are also some emails, which turned out to be cooperation invitation letters from various companies, and even invitation letters from biopharmaceutical companies.

The salary is very high, but unfortunately Lu Li is not here, and he doesn't need to hug the thigh of the "father", so he is disinclined to pay attention to.

To Lu Li's surprise, the email also contained invitations from some research institutions around the world, inviting Lu Li to come and discuss.

In these invitations, there are exchange invitations from the American Society of Oncology.

“An invitation to exchange from the American Society of Oncology?”

A smile appeared on Lu Li’s face, “Is this sent to my door to let me copy knowledge?”

In terms of cancer research, the American Society of Oncology does have a deep accumulation. These accumulations are also very valuable to Lu Li's technology to conquer cancer, and it is worth replicating.

It's just that... Lu Li has no idea of going to the United States for exchange for the time being. Let's get a master's degree first!

After replying to some of the more important emails in the mailbox, and leaving other emails alone, Lu Li closed his email.

Get up and walk out of the study, lying on the sofa, Lu Li closed his eyes and opened the virtual lab again.

The graduation season is two months away.

Lu Li is not worried about graduation exams at all. It's just that...the graduation thesis will take a lot of thought.

If you just deal with it, the graduation thesis is not difficult. However, Lu Li has been hailed as a young scientist before, and naturally he cannot fool a graduation thesis.

Let's continue our research on CAR-T technology!

Last time, by modifying the genes of T cells, Lu Li reduced the intensity of the immune response and reduced the chance of the human immune system going crazy.

This genetic modification is very safe. Because after T cells complete the task of killing the enemy, they will rapidly self-destruct and will not exist for a long time.

Now, what Lu Li wants to modify is another type of immune cell, dendritic cells.

Dendritic cells are the intelligence officers in the immune system. They quickly transmit the information that the human body is attacked by viruses to the immune system, triggering a violent immune response in the human body.

Under normal circumstances, dendritic cells, the intelligence agent, are extremely beneficial to the human body. They are the key to the human body's defense against virus invasion.

However...In CAR-T technology, in order to prevent the immune system from going crazy, weakening or even shielding the intelligence ability of dendritic cells is more valuable for treatment.

However, dendritic cells exist for a long time and do not self-destruct. Once the intelligence ability of dendritic cells is modified, the immunity of the human body will be reduced.

This made Lu Li a little confused.

Once the genes of dendritic cells are modified and their intelligence capabilities are weakened, it may be possible to reduce the chance of the immune system going crazy and allow T cells to successfully kill cancer cells.

However...if the cancer stabilizes and won't get worse, but the patient died because of a cold, how can this make sense?

Experiment first!

Human experiments that cannot be done in reality can be done at will in the virtual laboratory without taking any risks at all, which is very convenient.

Next, Lu Li began to genetically edit dendritic cells.

The same is used to cut the protein, cut the DNA chain of dendritic cells, and shield the "intelligence ability" of dendritic cells!

Experimenting is trial and error!

The advantages of virtual labs are obvious.

There is no consumption at all, no need to burn money at all, no matter how expensive the experiment is, it can be done openly.

One day, two days, one week, two weeks.

After numerous experiments, Lu Li finally identified the "gene segments" of dendritic cells that represent intelligence capabilities.

Once the target is found, it is easy to operate.

Transcriptase-labeled gene fragments, together with splicing proteins, were injected into dendritic cells, and a dendritic cell with shielded intelligence ability was successfully prepared.

And then...Lu Li began experimenting with humans.

Injecting this dendritic cell, which shields the intelligence ability, into the experimental body, Lu Li began to observe the reaction of the experimental body.

And response.

After inspection, Lu Li found that the dendritic cells injected into the experimental human body did not divide or proliferate, and they were "quiet handsome man".

A dendritic cell without intelligence has no effect on the human body at all.

Is it necessary to modify all the dendritic cells in the human body?

There are 60 trillion cells in the human body, even if there are not many dendritic cells, it is calculated in billions. This workload... wait until the patient hangs up, and the dendritic cell modification task has not been completed.

This road is completely impossible!

Lu Li's long sighed is really not that easy to handle.

No! I was thinking wrong!

Don't want to answer the phone, why would you want to toss and close down China Unicom? Can't you just turn it off?

So, Lu Li set his sights on another type of immune cell.

B cells!

If T cells are frontline troops, B cells are logistics and command.

Since the intelligence ability of dendritic cells cannot be shielded, the B cells should be shut down so that they cannot receive the "phone" of dendritic cells.

B cells, the logistics and command center, cannot receive information from dendritic cells, so naturally they will not produce an immune response, and will not release immune factors, which will greatly reduce the body's immune system to go crazy.

More importantly, B cells, like T cells, will self-destruct after the battle, leaving only a very small amount, which is stored in the lymph nodes, and most of the B cells will not be in the human body. long-term existence.

So...modifying B cells is the right direction.

Thinking of this, Lu Li immediately began to act.

It took another month for Lu Li to pinpoint the gene segments that B cells receive messages from.

This is where the hardest part of genetic modification comes in. Humans still know very little about genes. Three billion base pairs, it takes a long time to interpret all of them.

After finding out the gene segment of B cells receiving messages, Lu Li modified the genes of B cells with splicing proteins, blocking the ability to receive messages.

Finally, a genetically modified B cell has been prepared!

(end of this chapter)

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