In the morning of the following day, the camp leader who had camp on the empty ground outside the tower came to report that Alexander, caught in unconscious, had been found in a bush near the jungle.

After Mr. Blois and Luna checked them respectively, Marx found that the two conclusions were basically very different – magic power fluctuations were significantly reduced and souls were weak.

It is thus known that Alexander and the “Ence” who broke into his body should have had a violent struggle at the spiritual level.

Although the detailed process was beyond the assumption of Marx, the “half” soul of Ence was not even known, but the result was that it was in the immediate —

Yesterday night, there was a spiritual offensive between the two sides, and finally Alexander won.

“As I said, don’t take a little look at Alexander… and give him a room to come out! And then Hermione, you pick up your hand, and I’ll get him some potion…”

That’s what Marx said, but suddenly it stopped, and then shook the head.

“Well, no, potion put it in advance.” He slipped his eyebrows, “Anyway, you sent him to bed for rest, and I suddenly thought there was something else to do — don’t worry, Alexander’s okay.”

So you look at Marx walking towards the spiral stairs, and you leave the living room on the first floor of the tower, and you go upstairs. Only people remain in their places of origin, and there are a few doubts about each other.

They don’t know what’s really important about Marx’s so-called “something to deal with”.

After a while, Mr. Blois waved, reminding him that:

“Then do as McLorne says! Send him upstairs, and we’ll talk about the rest when we get settled!”


voices fell a little bit, and the little partners promised Nodded, and then rushed into Alexander, who was still in unconscious, and went to the second floor.

Just as compared to others, Mr. Blois seems to have noticed the reason for Marx’s sudden departure.

Because Marx gave him a dark eye before he went upstairs.

“Is it a seal problem? Why… not right.”

When little partners are sending Alexander to the second floor, Marx has flew back to that room on the third floor. And when he closed the door with his hands, he was a quiet face, and now he got tight.

“Is it time to try again now?”

Marx means that nature is the thing to get the soul rune.

Somehow, the spiritual power of the Rule, which was previously suppressed by Blois’s seal, suddenly started to move. Marx is not yet clear whether this is a sign of the collapse of the seal, and he only knows that this is certainly not a good thing for him.

Soon, Marx sat down the door and put the whole spirit on the body’s rules of souls, like waves of waves.

A moment later, after a little analysis by Marx, he finally had a big guess of the reasons for this change.

“Is it impossible to have at the same time two types of spiritual rule branches?”

Because the “arrogance” rule was a branch he had already taken over, Marx noticed an anomaly that surprised him by feeling about it. It seems that the distribution of the first two souls rules also affects each other in the body, so that even “arrogance” appears to have tended to move away from his control.

And on the other hand, the spiritual rule that gathers the Blois family bloodline curse may have appeared similar mutation, but Marx is not yet familiar with it, so it’s not as detailed as that for “arrogance”.

“So down, the seal will be destroyed sooner or later.”

To be honest, as mentioned earlier, Marx is certainly not the worst hit if the power of the rules of soul erupts. And bad luck, always all around him.

It will be recalled that the story about the origins of the Blois family bloodline curse had been traced back to the ancient period, and its present life had even caused the annihilation of a desert country at that time.

The consequences would certainly be extremely terrifying if the catastrophe caused by “arrogant” rules were added.

“bang bang bang bang.”

In a sudden, the door behind Marx was knocked out.

“Mr. McLorne, it’s me.”

It was Mr. Blois’s voice that Marx just moved away a little bit, and it was hard to get on the wall by the door:

“The door is not closed.”

Just finished, the door was opened by Blois.

And when the opposing party rushed into the room, Marx slight pats on his feet, and the stretch of patience on his face has become elusive.

“Take me to the sea… as far away from the island as possible… immediately!”

The reintroduction of the seal magic is too late, and, after all, if the force is to be sealed, it will certainly need a form of support.

See Marx says it’s urgent, Blois doesn’t have time to ask more questions, pick Marx up and go to the window on the side of the room.

“No, no, don’t go from the window,” Marx’s face, and must no longer draw up some energy to remind me that “the island’s ban on aerial flights would trigger a spontaneous attack on the wizard tower.”

“… you didn’t mention it before.”

Blois, as soon as I hear it, can’t stop saying that, and then I’ll take Marx out of the door again.

It may be clear that Marx does not want others to see his own wolf, and perhaps Mr. Blois does not want to cause anxiety. After leaving the room, he hid himself and Marx immediately, and left Wizard tower in a hurry, and Enns and Alexander in the middle of the night went into the jungle on the island.

However, it is clear that his speed will be much faster than Enns – the air will not fly, at least it will be okay.

It was seen in a state of invisibility with Marx, passing through the dense woods. Not long ago, it was in a spurt of energy that came out of this island, which was not a big island, to the sea.

After the final passage of a magic barrier, Blois was reinvigorated and accelerated much more quickly. The two people crossed the sea at a high speed, and the flow of the air, even with a direct water mark, took place.


few minutes past, waiting enough from the island, Marx, and that’s pats Blois:

“Here we go! Mr. Blois, leave me here then it will be alright… if I have not returned for a long time, then come with Harry to look for me… Remember to bring Gryffindor’s sword.”

After that, Marx pushed one another, with little energy, but very much determination.

“Let’s go!”

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