Blois is back, it’s a man back.

But in fact, even if he already trusted Marx, the latter said he was “gone”, he left the Sea Territory without saying anything. But as a result, he almost couldn’t leave.

At that time, on the way to Marx’s highway, he quickly felt a pound of magic power fluctuations from the position where Marx was located. And in that filthy wave, what is hidden is the power of terrifying’s soul over the rule more than the bloodline curse of Wynie.

At that moment, “arrogance” and “color desire”, the two spiritual rule branches were accompanied by tremendous forces – such a negative effect – even if Blois was afraid to be difficult to recruit.

And fortunately, it was good that he had always believed in Marx’s proposal, which had just been “escaped” early enough. That is before that power is fully expanded, it goes first to a safe area beyond its scope.

Honestly, his whole head was asleep, because the power of that evil door was so scary. But after that, he was also forbidden to give rise to fear for Marx.

Otherwise, fear alone must be that Marx has no half-help. Now, after being close to each other becomes a problem, Mr. Blois can only leave the sea, as Marx said, and go back to the island and wait for silence.

As for Marx’s accident, he had not mentioned a word about others, because he was well aware that the matter was not at all a level that ordinary wizard could resolve.

To say who else in the world can help Marx… Blois, probably only Herpo. Unfortunately, that’s probably the only one after another man in the world who can never help Marx.

“Hermione, why don’t you go to breakfast? The Blois family brought a lot of food, so don’t worry about eating enough… and I just heard that they were going to get a few fields out of here.”

At present, Hermione is standing in front of the living room window on the first floor of Wizard Tower, watching the small courtyard outside the window, located behind the tower. After hearing Rons sound, she followed shook the head.

“I don’t know what’s going on over Britain.” Herpo might have started doing it again to ordinary person, as Enns said earlier? “


Ron hearing this, not a little stop, and then there was no talk about the advent of a field.

“Not just Britain,” he thought, “he said,” Let me say, “It’s probably going to be in danger in France, or why would Marx take us away so soon? I think he might have stayed in France for a few more days, Father Mother, and they would have sent it together.”

“Well, maybe!”

Hermione nodded, not knowing what to say for a while. Or else, she doesn’t really have any ideas about today’s situation, or she won’t look out here and look out.

After all, she was smart, and that had to be in the context of what she had in mind. And today, almost everything goes beyond her knowledge and understanding.

She did not understand why Herpo was so powerful, let alone how ancient dark wizard, like Herpo, might think differently from normal people, and she didn’t even understand what else she could do besides being stubborn.

It is important to say that Hermione is in fact representing the current situation of the vast majority on the island.

Why are the so-called “elite wizard” brought by Marx from Blois Fort? Because after they have fully recognized Herpo’s power, they have lost everything in the future.

After looking at small courtyard outside the window, Hermione just remembered something, looking around and waking up with Ron.

“By the way, how’s Alexander, awake?”

After Hermione asked, Ron came back to his senses a little bit, even though he slipped his head.

“I don’t know now, but before breakfast, when I came out of his room, he was still unconscious.”

“No,” Hermione rejected this proposal after considering it, “since Marx said he’s gonna be fine, it’s supposed to be wrong… and we can’t do anything for him, and we can only sit in the room like Harry.”

“Also,” Ron has thwarted his head, and then Sighed, “I hope he can wake up early. Honestly, I still like his character. No wonder Harry’s always been nice to him.”

However, Hermione just lightened the nodded and followed the line:

“Actually, I’m more worried about Marx than Alexander, and you should see that Marx went back to the room suddenly in the morning and never came out. I don’t know. He suddenly thought of something.”

“Hopefully, it won’t be too bad!” Ron was on the shrugged channel, “We can’t afford too much change. Where else can we run if we don’t even stay on this island?”

Lately, as the voices slowed down, neither of them continued their discussions on the other. Until Ron comes back to his senses from that crap again, that’s why he looked at the Hermiones side:

“Are you really not going to eat something?”

When he sees Hermione again shook the head, he only needs helpless:

“All right! Then I’ll send Harry over for breakfast, and I’ll come down later.”

So, Ron finally turned around to the door, and he walked on the other side and couldn’t stand back. Just thinking about Hermione’s sex, he still swallowed back into his stomach a little bit.

“If Hermiones can be as big as Luna, at least not hungry because they don’t have liking.”

Here, Ron went up to the camp and got Harry a breakfast — seriously, Harry, it’s probably not much appetite, so he won’t be in Hermione’s place. If he eats it, he can still eat it.


few minutes later, Hermione, on the other side, still standing in front of the window, saw that Ron, who had brought something outside, was on the stairs so quickly.

“Shouldn’t Marx ask what’s going on?” She just shaved her head, “Forget it, or wait for him to come out.”

But Hermione didn’t expect her to wait this morning until dark.

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