For the “Ence”, which forcibly broke into Alexander in the body’s opponents, he had the Slytherin Snake staff and had personally strengthened his soul by Herpo, and was absolutely absent from the usual wizard.

After all, on the basis of both, it has been equivalent to a double increase in the intensity of his spell.

然而,恩斯到底也还是那个恩斯――不论是灵魂的分割还是施咒强度的增加,都不会为他带来Magical Theory 上的进步。即使他多少也算是一个不可多得的天才young wizard 了,可他会的magic ,却也仅限于他目前所掌握的相当有限的一小部分而已。

So, outside, he may now be able to conceal the wind in a situation where Harry, Hermione and Luna are dealing at the same time, but if “in-right” he has nothing to do with Alexander, who keeps screaming at his “ear”.

Apparently, Herpo is not interested in even spiritual magic teaching him his hand!

“I said shut up!”

After having taken control of Alexander’s body “Ence” left the room, he went all the way to the first floor of Wizard Tower. Then he took advantage of the night from the tower building and slipped his foot through the tent on the outer space, and then he drilled into the jungle on the island.

And then…


Along with the spell light sound, Ence found itself moving and still standing on the ground. The spell is not very skilled. He thought it was a failure, so he tried it a few times again, but not once.

Yeah, not even half a bit of a reaction.

“Is there more anti-Disapparation spells here than in the tower? I’m already in the woods.”

He was so dark, he was heard by Alexander. And then he heard Alexander stop the sound of a moment from his mind.

“Well, are you stupid — if you can walk easily, Professor McLorne will get you out of here so easily?”

Ence, listen, I can’t stop worrying about it, but he didn’t go against it. Because, honestly, this time he has to admit, it seems to be quite reasonable for each other.

After a slight shook the head, he just ignored the words of those angry men in Alexander, stretching out the snakes in his hand and moving up to the top.

The next moment, the magic power wave that a naked eye could not see, packed part of the spiritual message and shot out at the air at a speedy pace.

Because he had previously tried to transmit information to Herpo failed, he wanted to try it again when “boarding” was here in Alexander in the body.

It’s just a shame that this island, originally placed by Rowena Ravenclaw himself, was invisible and defenceless than Mr. Blois’s precautionary approach.

This time, he failed as it should be by rights – the magic power wave was blocked immediately when it hit the island’s protection magic barrier, and could not even be leaked at one point.


After waiting around your neck, even if Herpo was not answered or was unable to send out an unknown Ence, it was only temporarily and slowed down, and steps continued to run outside the island in the jungle.

“Hey! Ence, you took over my body and tentatively didn’t mention it. Can you tell me what you’re going to do?” Alexander’s loudly said in that kind of endless Darkness, “It’s hard. Are you really going out on Herpo?”

In that connection, Ens did not answer, but was just looking at the burial.

“Ence, I can tell you! Herpo, that guy is unbelievable! Even if he promised you something, even if he really gave you strength or something, but if he thinks you’re better, then he would have killed you without the slightest hesitation!”

Ens must have heard Alexander, but he didn’t answer it.

“Ens! Say something! You took my body, and at least you should let me know what you’re finally doing. Listen! If you dare say you’re just trying to get stronger power or something, watch out for me and you!”

Alexander keeps screaming, giving Ence the feeling that a fly that can’t see can’t fly in his ears, whispering that one face becomes iron.

When he realized that if he had never answered, the other party might have been screaming, he could not live in the lowland of his heart:

“Stop asking! Even if I told you, what’s the point? – I told you, you’re the body I want! When I get back to Herpo, I’ll let him help me strangle your soul directly!”

Ens, this is a harsh word that finally shut Alexander up. He just feels like he’s in the heart, secretly thought that this time, I’m afraid, is true.

After all, the words of Ence don’t look like ordinary or threatening, and even more like the real intention to do it!

Silence, Alexander, in that Darkness:

“Ence, I thought you were so angry, but at least the bottom line is there. That is why I don’t care about what you’ve been doing in a disorderly mess all the time… but now it seems that I’ve been wrong about you.”

“Friends?” Ence heard here, and stopped consciously the step forward, the little eyebrowed, “I’ve never had a friend since I was a kid, and I don’t need a friend, which I told you earlier! – What do you mean,” Look at me wrong “? – Look! That’s what you’ve always been doing to impose on me your thoughts of will, what are you qualified to comment on me?”

Speaking of it here, coldly snorted in Enston, and then he went up again.

At the same time, Alexander, who has never been angry, was finally inspired by the words of each other.

Imagine, when a guy who has always been regarded as a good friend, suddenly denies this friendship in an extremely absolute language, even with a “one-stop will”. This reality, how bad it is!

“Well, well, I understand.” Alexander, after a while of silence, suddenly said solemnly, “It seems like I’m too stupid to even know who to be friends with.”

In the lowly voice of Alexander’s sentence, Ensmo felt cold, even with a bad feeling.

“What are you doing?”

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