“Why did you stop?”

Marx stood in front of Alexander with a moving Ence, while Nasser’s body was a shield, and questioned Alexander.

Honestly, it looks kind of weird — it’s probably the first time since ancient times to be hostage with a friend of his own, and it’s so straightforward.

But Marx felt more convinced of that, so he even provoked each other loudly.

“Why don’t you do it?” He’s close to Alexander Avenue. “You know, I’ve lost my original strength, not to use magic to fight you, even if it’s some ordinary defensive spell! All you have to do is wave that cane in your hand, and I’m sure you’ll be killed with no difficulty — so, what are you waiting for?”

Marx, at the same time, just blocked Jones in front of himself. As he said, as long as Alexander wishes, such a “human shield” cannot prevent him from releasing a powerful spell from a snake staff.

However, Marx had previously realized, after a hypothesis, that this appeared to be a blatant “Alexander”, and that it was afraid not to do so at all.


“Alexander… no, maybe I should call you Enns?”

After such a repeated stimulus by Marx, it is clear that Alexander has endured a limit, but even so, the latter is still afraid to act blindly without thinking.

Obviously, Marx’s guess is right, and now Alexander, has been controlled by half the soul of Ernesta’s evil.

Since there is another half of the soul in Ence’s body, even if the other person is crazy, he is afraid not to do it to himself.

Unless he’s really dead!

You know, he was just split up by Herpo’s partial approach to Horcrux, and he didn’t even really make half the other soul Horcrux. In such a situation, if he did do something to “another person”, waiting for him would only be perish together.

“McLorne,” at this moment, see Alexander staring closely at Marx, the outrageous lane, “what if you find out? – I can’t do it to him, but can you do it to me? No, you won’t even do it!”

Marx knows that “he” in the opposite party means that he’s taken as a shield. And he must also admit that, as the other party has said, he is unable to harm anyone in Ens and Alexander.

So this time Marx didn’t speak.

And he suddenly stopped talking, and the “Alexander” opposite was somewhat, and it became even more excited.

“McLorne! I must admit that even if you no longer have the power to ever have that terrifying power, I am afraid to look at you in half a bit. So Herpo had given me another assignment, but I don’t think most of it’s possible for me to do it. So I just want you to let me go… well, of course, now I can’t stop you if I’m going.”

In that connection, neither did Marx wait until Marx answered anything, and then cautiously went back to the door.

Harry et al., look at silhouette back from Alexander, and it seems that sometime there’s no idea how good it should be, and it’s a conscious turn around.

“Marx?” Harry couldn’t stop screaming.

But Marx first shook the head, and then he went back to the “Alexander” near the door and said:

“Let you go, but what did you just say Herpo gave you the task? Tell me what he wants you to do.”

The sound has not fallen, and hands have been taken to the door and the other side’s feet have been slight stopped, even though the door has been closed.

“He wants me to steal a rock box from you.”

Just after he said, he pulled the door and flew out of the room.

“Marx, are you going to chase?” Hermione delayed asking.

Otherwise, after hearing the last left behind of the other party, Marx had become obsessed. In the case of Hermiones, he did not answer immediately, but only slightly after a moment.

“Don’t worry, he’s not leaving this island – don’t look at Alexander.”

Let us move some time back to the moment Luna stretched his fingers to the wall.

Seriously, at that moment, Alexander didn’t even think he’d be taken over the body by a famous force.

When Luna’s fingers were drawn from the air and eventually fell on his own side, he was shocked.

It is only a pity that he was unable to react at all, and he was blind to nothing at once. Only when he concentrates his attention can he conceal “listen” to a number of voices that seem to flow from a remote place – as if Marx was talking.

“What’s going on? What happened?”

Since only that voice is available, he can only concentrate on his spirit as much as possible and listen carefully. Until he was forced to take his body’s “Ence” out of his room, he understood basically what kind of state he might be in.

“Is that Ens?”

Though there are still a lot of places that have not yet been identified, as soon as it is possible to break into his body, the most opponents are Jones, he immediately stops living in this infinite dark “yelling”:

“Ens! Get out of here! You robbed my body, didn’t you want to give me an explanation…”

Alexander does not know if he can hear each other, but he does not seem to have any other way to communicate with each other. So he can only scream as hard as possible here and try to convey his thoughts to that Ence who is controlling his body from Wizard Tower.

However, he clearly did not know that “Ence”, although there was no response to her, was capable of being clearly communicated to Jones, either “voice” or “ideology”.

At the same time as fast running, Ence only felt that the voice of Alexander in his head was constantly running back, and it was troubling to argue.

Finally, in Alexander’s perseverance in “shouting”, Ens was very angry in the heart:

“Shut up!”

Silhouette of Ence, the one in Darkness where Alexander was located, exploded instantly, scaring the latter.

“Hey! So you can hear –” Alexander is not surprised.

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