“Marx, it feels strange — I’ve never met such a strange soul. He’s like… like,” Half less? ”

“Half less?”

In hearing Luna, Marx can also feel somewhat different – he still believes in Luna’s sensitivity, but who knows Luna says that the soul of Enns in the body is not just one, but half less.

Obviously, this is definitely inconsistent with the state of affairs that Ens had shown before.

“All right, I know, Luna, thank you for your help!” Marx said that, on the side, he thought about it.

But in fact, the answer is much more pure than he imagined.

“Marx, over there! There’s another Ence out of the wall!”

Cold, Luna turned around, stretched his fingers and shouted at the wall on the side. And then, Marx saw Luna’s fingers suddenly pointed to something that some naked eye could not see in the air that quickly strapped a arch and eventually fell on Alexander.


At that moment, Alexander’s eyes stagnated, as if they were frozen. The next minute, he was able to see his hand out, and the marx was just handed over to Hermiones Snake.

“It doesn’t even play its real power in your hands, and ‘I’ve never been before’ – but now, I’m sure I’m the best person in the world to own it, wizard! ‘

When “Alexander” said that, while there was no change in his voice, his tongue was clearly more powerful than ever before.

“Luna, Hermione, get away from him now!”

Just as Marx opened the reminder, Harry, who had been at the door from the very beginning, as Marx had told me, also reacted very quickly to bend down and jumped over the ground.


In a moment of silence, Alexander’s hand was suddenly on the back of the snake staff, and a large flame, even if Harry had to stop swimming and hide.

In fact, Harrys’ purpose has actually been achieved, because Luna and Hermione, who were or would have become Alexander targets, have taken this opportunity to retreat.


Hermione shouted at Luna, on the other side, and Luna picked up nodded for her, and then even the two had stretched out the wand at the same time.

The next second, the two scarlet spells came from their tip and moved towards Alexander’s location.

It is worth mentioning that Alexander is still able to deal with it calmly. See only one of his brakes in Luna and Hermiones, Disarming Charm, a rather timely step backwards.

Then, with the “stabbing” sound, two long arcs of light collided.

Hermione and Luna met, and consciously tried to withdraw the wand interruption at the same time. Because they all went to Charms, the answer to the spell would lead to the confusion of magic between the two sides and could not easily be separated.

And if both sides use the same core, then even more sticky is likely to occur and eventually trigger Priori Incantatum.

But Marx suddenly came to their hands before they hit Harry:

“Plus one more – the middle!”

Harry’s voice has fallen, almost on condition that Marx’s orders were followed in retrospective terms, and the sweeping out of the wand was one of his most excellent disarming Charm shots, precisely hit Hermione’s scarlet ray center, linked to Luna, without wasting half a little time.

And at the same time, the three spells were brought together, and in the direction of Harry’s spell, the past was tilted towards Alexander on the other side.

It should be complicated, but in fact it’s just a few seconds. When Alexander also plays a snake staff and is forced to resist the spell, the situation of four of them in this room becomes a situation in which Harry and others work together with him.

It must be said that Slytherins’s Silver Snake, whose added spell formidable power, has been impressive. Marx estimates that even Elder Wand, who was killed in the first three Hallows, is probably not too far away.

Of course, in the end, it’s just a little powerful spelling tool that’s all. If you put it in the past, Marx wouldn’t even care too much.

Unlike Ollivander, who has kept “wand choosing wizard” in his mouth, Marx has always held the opposite view.

However, compared to Harry’s wand, that snake cane in Alexander’s hand could be too strong.

Soon, I saw him fighting alone, Harry, and the three of them still didn’t fall. Not only did he have a tendency to force those three paths, Disarming Charm, to return.

Harry, while conscious of the fact that only the amount of the spell cannot be traced to each other, decided to continue to curse wand on the one hand and to move forward with pressure on the other.

Gryffindor’s sword was uprooted by another hand, and as he moved forward, he struck out the glorious light.


Marx suddenly slipped his eyebrows, because he thought of a problem – Harry had a sword close to Nostronghold one cannot overcome, but that must not go down on Alexander’s brains.

So, Harry, even if he gets closer to each other, he can only put the sword on the neck of the other. If that “Alexander” had agreed that his idea would not be threatened, Harry seemed to have had nothing to do with him.

And indeed, the reality has evolved.

Lately, Harry finally walked to Alexander with a stalemate spell, and even stretched his sword to each other, but the latter remained inactive.

But then, Alexander was again energetic and reopened the four magic lasagna points. To that end, it was difficult to approach Harry, who had been able to retreat only a few further steps.

It is also at this point that Marx, who stood by and watched the Bureau of War, had resisted Jones lying on the bed and walked straight to those four spells.


the face of Marx, which was forcibly inserted, Harry et al., three small partners were busy picking up the spell. And more surprisingly, Alexander on the other side almost canceled his spell at the same time!

“Is that so?”

Marx, who saw the scene, was not staring at that nonsense of “Alexander”, which was dark in his heart.

Looks like he finally noticed something from each other’s performance.

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