Although everything in front of us is like a dream, when potion in Marx’s hand drops out, the pain of that sensation is very real.

At this juncture, Jones has finally become more dismayed and obscured by the fact that it is generally aware of what has happened to him.

“Oh, shit! Is that me? So what happened to me?”

However, just as the real Enns endured that intense pain and felt deeply unaware of the measures taken, it was clear that the “Juan”, who had taken his right to physical control, had also tasted Marx’s potion.

Now, Alexander naturally hasn’t slept long ago, and he just watches the “Enns” that Marx was wrapped up in his neck, and he doesn’t know what to do.

But obviously Marx didn’t care about him.

“You said you were Ence? All right! So,” Enns “, let me ask you — are you willing to experience how I feel about this bottle of melting potion from your head? Or would you tell me the truth?”

“…” The other side was strangled by Marx in his neck and tasted the pain on his arm that was still uneven, and some gnashing teeth, “I said,” I really am Ens Taon… what else do you want to hear? “

“Of course, I want to know!” Marx’s eyebrowing, freshlane, “for example, what’s the relationship between you and Herpo’s guy? Is he the one who asked you to find a chance to do this to me?”

However, after hearing these two questions, this faint was able to shake his head without the slightest hesitation:

“What does it matter to Herpo? Oh, I’m going to say that I have nothing to do with him, don’t you? It’s just a shame. That’s the truth! As for what I want to do with you, he has nothing to do with it. – I want to do it. What’s the problem?”


The other side just finished, and another drop of what Marx called “molten potion”, medicinal liquid, dropping out cold again, is that, in a stinky smell, the other side, even once again, wakes its arms up.

And at the same time, the real Enston floating above it felt that burning pain.

“Oh, shit!”

Because of its inability to do so at all, Ence can only curse and stare at the past at the unknown person who has wilfully occupied his body.

But now, even the “Juan”, who had been burned twice, apparently has not been able to mock him, as he did at the beginning.

Just, Marx wouldn’t be soft because of his pain.

To be honest, there have been problems three or four times over this period, and today even he’s exhausted his magic power because of overruns, and his patience has been tortured.

If this goes on, even if he retains more of his followers, he can’t cope with Herpo’s defensive calculations in the dark.

“You should understand that I need a reasonable reason – as you say – to” do what you want to do. “Do you think that would convince me?”

Look at this painful “Ence” in front of the eye, Marx seems to have some disappointment in shaking his head. Although he has not been able to exercise magic for the time being, he has not lost his original strength in any way, especially after the absence of emotions, which makes him more aware of how to do it in such circumstances.

But soon he found that even if there were enough deadly threats, the other side had some momentum of death.

“So what else do you want me to explain?” It’s a little boring to see each other, “Aren’t you telling me the truth?” Do I have to admit that I came to you with Herpo’s orders? Or, why don’t you just admit that I’m actually Herpo himself? I…

On the one hand, he said, “Look at the potion bottle in Marx’s hand, on the other hand, like a third drop of medicinal liquid slipped from that bottle to himself.”

As a result, when Marx’s hands were slight, he was trying to drop one or two more drinks of medicinal liquid to give more warning, and he immediately closed his mouth with consciousness.

He did not, however, expect that the imminent horror in the projection did not appear.

At a time when he was sceptical about that, Marx didn’t know what to think about, and suddenly he put the potion bottle in his hand on a bed closet.

“Alexander, give him a full restraint – with full strength.”


At the end of the day, Alexander now listened, and then came back to his senses. It was only after he had a little bit of a stop that had hastened up the hands of wand and actually waved.

“Petrificus Totalus!”

Look at that so-called “”, which was precisely hit by Alexander’s stigma, immediately backwards, and Marx pushed one, and left it straight back to the bed.

And when the spell is done, Alexander looks like a little relaxed, looking forward to sitting back in the chair and asking Marx carefully:

“Professor, what the hell is wrong with him?”

“I would also like to know,” Marx’s face is fresh, “in fact, I was thinking, was Herpo looking for another hand, trying to think of me with Ence. But now it seems that things are not that simple.”

At the same time as Marx said so, the real Ence did not receive the influence of the entire cap on Alexander, and he listened equally carefully at this moment to his explanation of the sudden transformation.

“On the basis of my experience, he should be truly not lying – that is, he’s probably not sure.”

“McLorne, what are you talking about? I’m here. It’s just an adventure!”

The real Ence, when he heard Marx say so, rejects a single word with silence. But Marx still doesn’t hear any other voice, let alone that he knows his anxious heart.

Of course, Marx stopped using potion interrogation, which is certainly a great good news for Ence!

After all, that kind of pain that magma really felt like, is not really a wonderful feeling.

However, at present, both Enns and Alexander, they have not actually understood Marx’s mind.

“Is that Herpo guy intentionally?”

Marx didn’t say that word, and he was just in his heart, clattering himself.

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