Herpo did something to Ens, which is clearly not doubtful at this time. But if Herpo really wanted to get rid of Marx with the hands of Ence, would he be so easily discovered and held by Marx?

Although Marx was difficult to judge the real intentions of that guy with Herpo’s despicable trick, he obviously preferred not to continue to force this “Ence“ to say the so-called “truth” in that way.

Because, actually, Draco Malfoy, who thought about it, would understand that it was not necessarily for him to be the one who had changed the sexuality and had a bad heart.

“Alexander, you go to the lobby and see what’s going on! Then come back and tell me.”

“Well, well, Professor.”

After the rigid “good friend” of moved towards the bed, Alexander stood up and came out with some of the driving fears.

When Hermione’s three of them complete the entire picture, the outside days have been bright.

On that day, the sun continued to rise as usual from the east, and the warmth of the sun dispersed the cold that remained last night. Hermione finally put down the tools in his hand at a time when the early bird chirp chirp twitter twitter struggled.

After all, this pattern is far less than that of the large magic shield they have ever done, and as long as it is carefully measured, precision is undoubtedly a matter of expectation.

It is for that reason that the follow-up adjustment seems surprising, that the usual breakfast time has not come, and that there are many people in Blois who have suddenly seen a glimmer of glory over the lobby.

Yes, that was the rays of light that erupted when the prototype succeeded in functioning. And just after rays of light went away, a giant blue light mission flowing in the centre of the map, which was higher than the human being, immediately appeared in the eyes of those present.

That’s a half-transparent freshblue globe, and if you look at it carefully, you can even see a plant green and a tall tower.

Hermione and Luna were all there, just the jungle that Rowena had lived in.

“I’ll get Marx over here…”

When Hermione looked at the chart that had already started, he wanted to run to the medical room opposite Marx, but soon he was stopped by Mr. Blois.

“Let me go! Anyway, I’m going to see if the evacuation is ready or not.”

And not long ago, Blois has helped us bring the impermissible Ens in the first place, and behind him it is Marx and Alexander who are far from looking at this rune map.

“Well, it looks good, hard for you guys!” Marx walked up and checked the whole diagram that was running out of light again, “but it took a lot of time to make it up, and we had to speed it up! It’s not too late, Mr. Blois. You go.”

It’s not over yet, Marx, when he finds out that Mr. Blois has gone out after he put Eun-Ping on the couch.

“All right,” Marx followed shrugged, “so Hermione, you don’t have Pack yet? Let’s go clean it up. We’ll be there any minute.”

But soon, Ginny will be able to see the next one.

“No, Hermione, Luna, everything I’ve got for you, so you don’t have to go to the room anymore! Delphini… your room doesn’t seem to have anything? I doubt it’s the wrong room!”

“I should be right, because I did not leave anything over there.”

Delphini replied so, and then went to Marx without trace when Hermione ran to check private item with Luna.

“Father,” she said, “Do you still decide to stay?”

When Marx heard it, he shaked her head, and then showed her a slight smile.

“Unfortunately, last night’s attempt failed. – Of course, your words might be more pleasant.”

“To be happy!” Delphini hearing this, Horny Micronodded Road, “I don’t want you to stay here at such a great risk – although if you don’t mind, I won’t object.”

That’s exactly what she said, suddenly moved towards it, and it was lying on the couch, and a little eyebrowed:

“Just… does he want to take him to the island?”

“I know what you’re thinking,” Marx, calm down, “and, in fact, something happened in the night before, and Herpo was almost certain about his hands and feet. But, you know, I can’t give him up because of this.”

So here, Marx’s a little bit stopped, and then it’s plain:

“Wisdom tells me that I’d better not take him over, but if I did, I’m not me – ‘Marx McLorne’ won’t give up his friends’ – let alone, he’s still my student.”

Although Marx’s thinking has lost a sense of sensitivity because of the “side effect” of the seal. But as long as it is borne in mind what kind of person it is, even if it is only rational, the principle can be maintained to a certain extent without change.

“Of course, before the past, Mr. Blois will have to be asked to add a few magic to him. Even if it’s likely to be discovered, at least I don’t want to just go through it, it’s clear to Herpo!”

Without the ability to use spell, it does bring many inconvenience to Marx, and even a lot of risks to it. However, what should be done or must be done?

Shortly, wizard who had been installed in Blois Fort, led by old steward, had quickly and in sequence stepped into that transferred light ball in the form, continuing to the island of Rowena.

And Wynie’s father, and Marx, please, put an encampment on Enns — in this process, Enns himself has been flowing up on his body, looking at Mr. Marx and Mr. Blois putting himself into the light ball of that freshblue before Mr. Blois himself brought him together.

As little partners have also failed to enter one place until, finally, Marx came to the empty ground before that wizard tower with her, at the discretion of Delphini.

The next moment, the chart in the Blois lobby is like what kind of signal is received, which constitutes an entire array of magic language cards, even if it burns at the same time.

In just a moment, the pattern was completely closed, the globe shrinked, and all the cards became ashes.

Only the magic power fluctuations mentioned earlier by Marx, although already disrupted by a series of magic power turbines at the last moment, still take some time to recover completely.

The risk of this withdrawal is more than one in Ens.

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